Z and Smo's Randomness Challenge~! 13 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 14
Z and Smo's Randomness Challenge~!
We (Smo and myself) have decided there just isn't enough spontaneity here! Therefore, we have decided to propose a challenge!
Here are the basics!
This challenge will be updated weekly and monthly. Each month we will have a different theme. Each week we will give you a prompt related to the theme. (For example: Theme: Frosting; Week 1 Prompt: Buttercream.) Every month we will also have a bonus prompt which may or may not be related to the theme.
This challenge will accept any rating. However, you must post the rating with your link when you post your response to the challenge here. As fun as corrupting YIMs may be, we are not promoting such activities.
You may write chapter stories or one shot collections for this - NO DRABBLES. (Sorry all you drabble writers, out there.)
Each chapter/one shot must be at least 2000 words. (Not 2000k, Smo. )
All entries must be new but they can be a part of an ongoing collection.
All entries must be Sess/Kag, of course, but they do not have to be romantically involved.
You may use the theme/prompt in any way you like. However, there must be a clear correlation between the theme/prompt and your story.
There will be banners and tokens for this challenge. Each week you can earn a token by completing the challenge within the week. At the end of the month, anyone who participated in the challenge for that theme can get the banner. Banners will be customized for the writers who participate. Your name will be on the banner, as well as how many prompts for that month you were able to complete in the time given(1 week for each prompt)! This way, everyone will know who did what and all that. Plus it is fun!
Bonus Rounds are optional. They may have multiple prompts. You must use all the prompts to get the banner/token. For these you get 2 weeks to write and post. A separate banner/token will be given for these.
Please let us know you are planning to participate by posting a response here.
The ones running this challenge are Zandrellia and Smortz. We will rotate the themes monthly. Occasionally, we may post for the other if there are technical difficulties in our posting the prompt.
Other Details:
Prompts are going to be severely random. There is no overall theme for the challenge. That is the challenge. Please do not ask us what the prompts will be.
The theme for the next month will be posted in advance so you can have some clue as to what your prompts may be.
A list of themes/prompts will be kept here with due dates for your convenience.
Themes/Prompts may be given as posts to the thread before they are added to this post. Please keep an eye out!
We know that this is a challenge forum, so we really want to challenge writers to push themselves. This is a fun way to exercise your creativity, and I hope a lot of people will participate!
Re:Z and Smo's Randomness Challenge~! 13 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 13
>:3 You got everything set, Z! Can't wait to see your month! >:3
Do I get a bonus point if I do hit 2000K words? >.> If that is even possible. Worst typo ever...
So the Bonus Round Prompts(Due on October 8th) are related to the video (link with Z's response).
The Prompts are
Amenity and Autumn!
There is one thing I want to add!
Banners will be customized for the writers who participate. Your name will be on the banner, as well as how many prompts for that month you were able to complete in the time given(1 week for each prompt)! This way, everyone will know who did what and all that. Plus it is fun!
We know that this is a challenge forum, so we really want to challenge writers to push themselves. This is a fun way to exercise your creativity, and I hope a lot of people will participate!
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Re:Z and Smo's Randomness Challenge~! 13 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 13
Yay! Do it......
I had a question for this challenge that I wanted to answer. Each theme is for the month. This month is Dreams Come True themed. The weekly prompts will either be a chapter or oneshot from the participating writers.
For example, you could put all weekly prompts into one oneshot at the end of the month, but you will only get one star on the banner for that week and prompt since you did not complete the other prompts by the due dates given. Plus, you will only get the token for that one week because the prompt was late. (The first prompt is due October 8th.)
Once again, they need to be at least 2k and submitted by the due date to receive credit.
I hope this helps.
Last Edit: 2011/10/01 14:18 By Smortz.
Reason: Info Added
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The Prompt for this week will be Snow Dance. You could write 'dancing snow' or 'snow dancing' or 'snowing while dancing with' but those need to be in there in some sort of form and paired together!
Tokens will be sent out after the chapter is published WITH a link in the forum, reached 2K words, and has made it to the deadline. (Sorry about the short one.)
Banners will be sent out at the end of the month.
So, one more time!
Theme: Dreams Come True
Prompt: Snow Dance
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Re:Z and Smo's Randomness Challenge~! 13 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 13
:O Okay, I am hoping more people will catch onto this challenge. >_> LOL...
Next Prompt: Love, Love, Love!
(Must be used like this.... without the exclamation point... although it does add favor. )
Also, please try to incorporate the song into the prompt. The theme, emotions, interactions from the songs/videos are fun and useful, but not necessarily turning the prompt into a songfic.
Due Date: 10/16
Video Link: For some reason, when I tried to link this, it was not allowing this link to go. I will investigate this... but here is the actually video. I hope this is not against the rules. The video is clean. It is about love after all!
Re:Z and Smo's Randomness Challenge~! 13 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 13
Well, November is here, and with it I am hoping that more participants join.
It is my month to start the theme.
There will be a total of six prompts for November.
The same basic rules apply. Each entry must have 2k words. The rating must be posted with each entry.
Aright! Let's start this off!
November's Theme: Frostings
Prompt: Lemon Frosting
Due Date: November 7, 2011
Home Run
Due: 11/15/11
For those who do not watch sports. A home run is part of baseball. A home run is a hit that enables the batter to run around all four bases, usually by hitting the ball out of the playing area.
A home run can also be an innuendo referring to MA content.
Last Edit: 2011/11/01 16:18 By Smortz.
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