There is a funny thread going called
Things Sesshoumaru Would Never Say. It has some absolutely funny situations in it.
Here is the challenge:
~Make Sesshoumaru say what he normally never would. Pick one of the posts from that thread and put our favorite puppy in a position that he has to do and say exactly what's written. You can work it by yourself or collaborate with the person that originally posted the saying.
~This challenge can be drawn or written.
~Let's make this a one-shot. No word limit, whatever it takes to make him say it.
~Either way give props to the person that originally posted on that thread.
~Let's not limit the ratings, just give proper warnings.
~Drop a line here if you take me up on this challenge.
~~Have fun!

You can't help but make this silly.~~
Here's a banner for your piece. Thanks to The Lovely Miko and R0o!