I had this plunnie for a long time, and decided to finally roll with it.

As I would have probably abandoned the fic, I decided to make it a challenge for willing souls instead.
The concept:
Kagome is an Akuma (demon from hell). She made a deal with the Lord of Hell (also conviniently called Devil or Satan) for freedom to move in both realms (Earth and Hell) as she pleases. In return, she will give him 99 of the most powerful souls (male!) of Earth (regardless of species). (By sex of course, I'll leave to you as to how-by-sex she does that)
Now, the crystalized remains of her 98th wictim in her hands, she can taste freedom within her grasp. One soul to go...
Her power is equal to the most powerful of Daiyoukai. You have freedom of choice of what it may be. And she has the specific power of a succubus too (pheromones, saliva-aphrodisiac, essence-stronger aphrodisiac than aforementioned, delicacy, capable of keeping a male hard, irresistable allure, beauty....etc).... Oh, and she needs sex, often
- You can choose to follow what I wrote (up) closely, vaguely, or not at all. (As long as she is a
succubus!! I'm okay) The plot may go whichever way you want it.
You can also ask me to give some guidelines if you want.
- The fic will obviously be MA, as a succubus survives on frequent sex.
- There sould be
at least 2000 words per chapter. Upper limit non existent.
- Make it
at least 10+ chapters. (Upper limit, again, non existent)
- The titles of the chapters will be:
-Collision Course
-More than. . .
-I Want
(The titles could be used as guidelines/prompts if you wish)
When you reach the 10th chapter, write here (or PM me if you wish) and I'll write the next 10
If there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask and I'll try to clear everything up.
So, If you're willing, give it a shot

and have fun