Well, I just finished watching Jane Eyre. The one with the oh-so-hawt Toby Stephens.
This should be awesome. I've got 3 versions floating around in my head and I might end up writing all of them at some point...
Sesshomaru as Jane and Kagome as Rochester.
Summary: Higurashi Kagome is the Chief Financial Officer of her brother-in-law Inuyasha's company KenKon, Inc., a multi-billion dollar company. She also has a terrible secret. When her father unexpectedly dies, he leaves Kagome a present: an 8-year-old half-sister Rin. She hires Inuryoga Sesshomaru, a disgraced but innocent teacher to tutor Rin. But when Kagome's secret becomes public knowledge, will Sesshomaru forgive her or leave her?
Kagome as a combination of Jane and Rochester and Sesshomaru as Rochester.
Summary: A young noblewoman runs from her abusive husband and finds anonymous work as a tutor for the ward of the Lord of the Western Lands. The Lord is taken with the new tutor, but when it is revealed who she is, can the Lord just give her back or will he fight for the right to have her?
Kagome and Sesshomaru as Jane and Rochester respectively.
Summary: Kagome is an 18-year-old woman whose uncle has thrown her out of the house. Sesshomaru is in need of a tutor for his ward. As their relationship gradually changes from employer/employee to friendship, a terrible secret tears them apart. Can two lost souls find their way back to the other? A retelling of Charlotte Bronte's
Jane Eyre.
I've got scenes in all the stories written and the one that I'm really interested in is the first one with Kagome in Rochester's role. No, her husband isn't mad (and it would spoil the surprise of who her husband is!), but he is a b@$t@rd.
I'm also 9 chapters from the end of a Pride and Prejudice challenge that I started many many many many many moon ago: the word file dates from 2007 and it was a challenge at A Single Spark.

I've just gotten around to working on it again. It actually was posted up on FF.net, but I took it down since I wanted to rework it a little.
Summary: When Higurashi Kagome and her two sisters find that a young, rich and very successful bachelor named Miroku has moved into town, they are intrigued by him. However, a night at a festival finds Kagome’s heritage being slandered by Sesshomaru- a friend of Miroku’s- who views her as very much below his own stature, and she vows never to speak with him again, which he is fine with. However, fate intervenes and throws them together often and Sesshomaru finds himself fascinated with Kagome and her fiery spirit. Will Sesshomaru learn to change the mores he was brought up believing, or will his fascination with Kagome end in heartache?
I'm not interested in replacing names, but actually re-writing the story itself with the themes and motivations the original author wrote about. In my P&P, there is no "disgusted proposal" scene between Darcy and Elizabeth; Miroku, in the role of Bingley, really enjoys groping Sango's backside and Naraku takes center stage as a villan in the style of Mr Wickham.