Dokuga Reviewers Guild Halloween Scavenger Hunt
1.The hunt will consist of six rounds, each round has 13 prompts you need to find in a single one-shot or first chapter of a story.
2.The order of the prompts do not matter and there maybe more than one correct answer. That is perfectly fine.
3.Each set has two hints. First one of the prompts listed is part of the title rather than hidden within the story. Second, you may ask for a one word hint. Your choices are genre, status or universe.
4.The prompts are written exactly as they are in the story. In other words, blaming will be found as blaming. Not blame or blamed. However capitalization is not exact.
5.Once you have found a story with all 13 prompts in chapter one, send Ikaru or myself a message containing the url and the set number you were given. Remember to add which hint you want for you next set when you turn in a complete one.
6.Once your submission is approved, we will send you the next set of prompts. Which means, the quicker you find the story and send us a message, the quicker you can pass each round.
7.Do not post on any forum or send others the answer to any of the rounds. This is meant to be fun and it is not if you have to cheat. Any posting of answers for any of the sets will result in an automatic disqualification.
All ages are welcome to join so we will only be using T and under stories in the search. Since we are DRG we will be adding a list of all the correct answer stories, that show up during this hunt, afterward and hope you take the time to read them. As we are a guild here on Dokuga, all of the stories can be found on site.
The hunt will continue until we have three placers; first, second and third. There will be banners made for all three places, a participation banner for anyone who attempts the hunt and tidbits for each round that's passed. Only the placers will be personalized. There will be a main thread on the DRG site where we will keep track of everyone's progress which you can find
On behalf of the DRG, we welcome you to the first ever scavenger hunt and wish you good luck and a good time

If you would like to participate, please reply here or send either of us a message and don't forget to add your hint request. The hunt starts now...
On a side note, added this under ff challenges since the players will be searching in fan fiction. If a mod wants it in a different spot, simply move it down
