Okay so this challange will pit participents against each other (in a friendly way) and end up with one grand winner who will win . . . a banner or somethign of that nature!
The basic idea is that once 16 people agree to enter this challange I will using a hat write their names down and randomly pair each user up with another and they will both be given the same word, phrase, or concept and both will make a fic following that idea and once both parties finish they will be posted and the people after reading both fics will vote for the one they enjoyed most by a method that until I have a better idea will be by sending a Private Message to me (any other idea's I am completely open to). Once all the results are in for everyone I will then once more do the hat method to set up more rounds and so on so forth until a ultimate winner is named.
The Rules/Notes
The entries must be new and specifically for this challenge
Entries can be beta read but if you scroll down the rule reguarding posting at the same time I suggest skipping that if your beta takes a long time
Because I want the rounds to go smoothly and at a good pace you will have about 4 weeks to write the one-shot. Should you be doing a active chapter story(s) I'll make and exception because writing does take time, more so if you ahve other thigns to write/do.
Once you enter I expect you to go through with it.
Only one shots because it is harder to judge chapter stories if only the first chapter is out.
One shot's must be at minimum 1,500 words
Because I am a 16 year old minor nothing over the M rating
You can't post your fic until the person you are paired with completes and is ready to post theirs, to ensure this keep in contact with your friendly rival
When the posting happens you must put the link in this thread, the rating of the one shot, and who you are facing off with
There will be a general participation banner once I or another makes it
No matter what have fun with this, this tournament isn't meant to be overly competative just some silly fun for us dokugian's to have
All entries
must be sess/kag naturally
When I get the appropriate amount of people I will message everyone with their partner and word/phrase/idea and I expect a reply back just to make sure everyone understands what they recieve (not that I doubt anyone will). As a side note I'll do my best to make a poster for each round jsut for funsies
Also in a short Authors Note you need to mention this is for a challange who you are paired up with and a link to here
You can vote for yourself but like all votes only one vote per user
There will be a 3 week voting period for you to get everyoen to read you and your opponments one-shots and vote ^^
Enough rules and such, as a last note though I won't be participating because I feel it would not be fair since I am the one doing all of this. Also I really want this to be absolutely as fun as possible so if you have any suggestions to make this even more fun than I hope it is let me know! ^^