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Reviews Challenge
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TOPIC: Reviews Challenge
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 15

Just hilarious. Your characterizations are spot on. You have an uncanny knack with one liners -- in fact, I'd say you're probably one of the better comedic writers I've read. My personal favorite for this most recent chapter: "Well, it's a funny story, actually. You see, there was this tortoise and this hare, and my eldest brother told me that he would bet his summer palace that the tortoise could outrace the hare. So, naturally I took the bet; who had ever heard of a tortoise outrunning a hare? But it turns out that the hare was quite fond of naps and the tortoise was exceptionally motivated..." Brilliant.
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“It is impolite to stare, miko,” he said, his smile gone, bringing Kagome back down to earth.

Oh, hello earth, how are you? She addressed the planet in a daze. Just got back from whatever parallel universe I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'d fallen into, did you know Sesshoumaru smiles there? Weird.

~Of Gods and Demons
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 3
Wow, I was nominated?! Thank you so much!!! This really surprised me and it means so much to me. I can't wait to see who wins.

Thanks again!
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 216
Thkx for the Noms ^_^

here's mine:

From Challenges and Oneshots:

Tiana+Love (Chapter 6) - Tue 21 Apr 2009

Where have you been? has to be the best one shot I have ever read. There are no words to describe the perfection of it. Just wow! *sweats* I want you to know I'm really trying to leave a good review but words have escaped me after reading this. How about this. On a 1-10 scale, one being the lowest and ten being the highest, I would rate it 1.9 x 10^(100). Thats 19 with 99 zeros!! It was fabulous and I will definately be looking out for more of your work. ~Tiana sends <3~

From Memoirs of a Blue Eyed Geisha:

Evenstar (Chapter 1) - Fri 08 May 2009
Wow R0o great story. I've gotta say you put aces into places for the fic. I can see Kikyo as the who she represents, the geisha who lives the privellaged life yet longs for more. Poor Sessh. His soulmate is so close yet so far. I think that maybe the Shikon purified the demon babies. How sad. Awwww that is so sweet the reunited after death. Nice work on the story. I really liked how it was really long. I love a good long love story oneshot. Love the ending. I guess if it was meant to be and didn't happen in life it will happen in death. Good job R0o, watch out for the weird flamers XD *Huggles*

InuYoukaiLiz (Chapter 1) - Fri 08 May 2009

Words can't express the beauty of this literally brought tears to my eyes (in a good way don't worry lol) I'm almost jealous you have such a way with words....I've been out of school for a while now that I've forgotten everything I learned in English class xDD (and my old 8th grade teacher even recommended me for an advanced English class before my mom said no to the high school I was supposed to go to and sent me to a private school out of my state) Anyway, I find it touching that even though Kagome wasn't Sesshomaru's "mate" or the Lady of the West that they still loved each other even after all that they've been through. It was sad to read Kagome couldn't bear his children but they still lived their lives to the fullest and died happy. Everything had a happy end for them. This is a wonderful story great job rOo. I hope to read more of your stories in the future. Keep up the good work!

From What She wants, She gets:

hikari hime (Chapter 2) - Sun 21 Sep 2008
Lol!!!! I love those crackfics of yours... But I nearly had an heart attack when I read it... So, I just have to swear... I didn't read this before writing my response to the watermelon challenge this morning... You'll understand when I'll put my own one shot online at the end of the day (after my beta have a look at it)... well, they are both very different, but I swear on my honour I didn't steal your idea... -sigh- Anyway, I hope you'll believe my innocent puppy eyes and pouty lips... -beams sheepishly- Dewa mata

From Do you know how to Dance?:

Kanela (Chapter 7) - Sun 24 Aug 2008
I just so frigging love your story. It has a veeeery nice plot for what I've read so far, and Oh.My.God. your lemons are so...steamy, they leave me "whoa". And oh kami, when I pictured Sesshoumaru dancing my eyes watered...and I soo like your Shippou. What I like the most is that you made Kagome pure but not innocent, and I love you for that. It's a bit tiring to always find a naive Kagome, really. I'm expecting a new chapter soon, if you please. Can't wait to read how will our dear Kagome react to Sesshoumaru's memories and well...what will happen when the 'mated' identities are revealed to the rest. =D No puedo esperar!

Drianax (Chapter 10) - Tue 05 May 2009
Good chapter! I want another one, like NOW!! Whoa -- guess I better halt the caffeine intake. I thoroughly enjoyed the quick transitions and snippits of life amongst the characters as they all react to the events of the past few nights. It's interesting that the grandfather seems to think that Kags and Kikyo must learn to work together -- right now, I don't see how that will be possible; you seem to have painted yourself into a slight corner with regard to how both siblings react to one another, and how they seek to sabotage each other. I'd like to see more into the conflict between the two sisters, though -- not the simple "she ruined the prom, she slapped me" type of superficial sisterly bs that happens. It would be interesting if it could befurther juxtaposed against the relationship between Sess and Inuyasha. I know you did this in earlier chapters, but now that they are all mated to the wrong/right people; the discussion could get more in depth (especially with the other miko's trying to come after Kagome). Anyway, sorry for the long review -- it's a great story, really that I wish would be updated quicker. Speaking of which, when will "A Woman's Wrath" be updated?

From A Woman's Wrath:

Teensie-sama (Chapter 2) - Thu 18 Dec 2008

You're story is like a train wreck to me rOo

It beckons me to read even though I know better of it

Now I sit here in a depressed state of mind, crying out for Kagome's heart

The pain she feels and that short little bit of how he gathered her in his arms saying that she's 'ours' OMGsh my heart bled because the pain is too real for me. Betrayed yet not allowed to be let go, cruel and unusual.

It's hard enough that her heart loves him so much that she would never let him go but the fact that the council had forever bond her to him like that is heart-wrenching. Tears fallen and I can't stay away. You write beautifully and it breaks my heart over and over reading it. Even if she does find someone new to love her and take care of her, she will never heal. Even if she does forgive him one day she will never forget what had happen. Her heart is forever scarred. There will never be happiness between them. When one loves that deeply, the heart will never heal from such an ordeal. It's beautifully written but it's so horrible in such a painful way. Thank you for writing though you're a magnificent author.

black moon inu (Chapter 2) - Wed 17 Dec 2008
Hey girl, have I mentioned lately what a geinous you are? If I've been remiss on this please for give me. I adore what your doing in this fic I absalutly love it. The characters are perfect and your right that whole love hate line is really thin to begin with when you add being hurt to the mix your asking for an explosive. I hope too read more soon. For ideas you could have Kagome and Naraku kiss in front of him accedently -wink wink- and if you could some how have them two then end up with a little kid -not thier's ovessly- and have it look like a family I bet that would hurt him bad. OH and sorry about the spelling. On a side note I do hope that in the end of this fic that they get back together though he would have to do alot of begging. Have fun. Hold tight and don't forget that we're here for you. hugs and puppies

Tuanh (Chapter 1) - Tue 16 Dec 2008

I already reviewed on, but you can never have too many reviews, right?

Let me just reiterate how moving this story is. Your words are very passionate, and I can almost feel the pain that Kagome goes through. It saddens me a lot, but your power is so great that I must continue to read. I don't mind if Sesshoumaru and Kagome don't get together in the end. At this point in time, all I want is for him to suffer.

Usually I see Sesshoumaru as an impeccable character. No faults at all. But you were able to keep him in character with this one. And that makes it worth reading (among many other things).

I really want Kagura to suffer. A great deal. Please don't be one of those cliche's where all is forgiven in the end. Thanks~

from A Woman!:

Kagome357 (Chapter 4) - Sun 31 Aug 2008
You have an awesome imagination. Your picture was vivid and as bright as the color that you used. With that being said, you asked for honesty and I'll do that for you. Minus a few grammar errors "baring" instead of "bearing," I thought you did pretty good. I'm not anal about such things, though. I'll power through a great story and this has that potential. The only real issues I had with the story is one, the paragraphs made the read difficult and hard to follow along on a computer screen, and I've never been comfortable with rape and the rape scenes were very drawn out and painful to read. Some rapes can be written effectively with just a few words with the emotions of the victim shining through and you felt for them and felt vested in their well being but you did a rape overkill. When I got to the end and then realized you were starting another, I cringed and a few lines into it, I just kept scrolling. It was kinda creepy. I'm glad you put up the warnings because some wouldn't bother. Other than that, your imagination is so boss...



yeah thats all of them ^_^
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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I claims Naraku`s pelt :3 KUKUKU!!
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Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 42
Alright, well all us writers out there really enjoy getting reviews for our readers. Though they are not necessary they encourage us to keep going and let us know you're enjoy the fruits of our labor!

I know some people forget to review and that's no big, but it's still a nice jesture. The reviews I know we writers enjoy the most are the nice, in depth, constructive types. Our you could just go on about how uber the fiction is in great detail, we luv those too

Either way, we thought we should give some kind of appreciation to our faithful reviewers to let you know you are indeed noticed and very much appreciated!

This is a challenge. Writers can nominate their favorite reviews here. At the end of the month they will be judged by a few different people together and the best reviewer will recieve a Banner made by D.S. Anno and I. (we might makes a nominations banner as well )

Writers please show appreciation for your reviewers by nominating them as the Master Reviewer (please only nominate signed reviews left while the person is logged in so that we can PM them). Last day for nominations is April 30th

Thank you! D.S. Anno and MontiK
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Last Edit: 2009/03/26 06:51 By MontiK.

^~~~~ Teensie made me a pretty Banner!!!! :D

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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 31
Aww, this is so sweet! I have a few actually....let me just go back and look for Do I need to post who they are and the review they left? Or just their Pen name?
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 42
Their review and their pen name pls ^.^ sorry I didn't elaborate on that earlier.
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^~~~~ Teensie made me a pretty Banner!!!! :D

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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 42
okay I wanted to nom some of my reviewers that left me some sweet reviews. I love all of mine, these are just some guys that really stood out.

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 5) - Tue 30 Dec 2008 Forsaken Tenshi

This has been one of the best fics I've read. It's short and sweet and kind of sad. I love the idea of how Kagome would sacrifice her own body to be able to live longer. It's also kind of sad how Sess is such a blockhead, he could have met her just one last time. Also, I wonder what Sess's reaction will be when he finds out about Kagome. Keep up the good work and hurry w/ the next chappie


Smittee (Chapter 6) - Mon 16 Mar 2009 UnderPants Gnomes

Monti, you make me feel like I'm reading an old cartoon, like Tom and Jerry. I love the mood this sets! XD The different traps, and Kagome's involvement. Now they are going to Disney World. *laughs* Good job, mon amie.
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^~~~~ Teensie made me a pretty Banner!!!! :D

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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
Crimson Rose:
Woo Hoo! The story continues, DUN DUN DUN! LC is right this is your story and don't let people discourage you from countinuing the story how YOU want it. Your the author not somone else, k hun? Keep the stories coming, I'm counting on you. ^_^

black moon inu:
You said a chapter for every review right? So if I reviewed 5 times would we get 5 chapters? I have to say that so far I'm really injoying this story. Kagome's part is very well explained and I have yet to get confused. I can't wait to see how our demon lord reacts when he hears her sing. I could almost imagine someone saying it sounds like wind in the air and the water in the streams. lol well I can't wait and hope you post more really soon. hugs and puppies
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the moon heals and saves
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
I have received many reviews that made me laugh, but THIS one, from a woman I rarely envision violence from, has me laughing even today...

This is a review of a REQUESTED one shot I wrote because of a remark I made in a forum post about Sess working as a gigolo...

It Takes Two to Tango

Priestess Sianna

*wraps fingers around author's neck* HOW COULD YOU?!!!! As for the first part of the chapter, eeeeeeEEEEEEEWWWWWW!!!! As for the end, I couldn't help but to laugh! OMG That was so funny. And yet oh, so wrong at the same time. Very well written too. Great job... danrn you!

Thank-you for your kind review Priestess!
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Beat Cop
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: -666
Reviews are such a precious thing to writers. They can give you enthusiasm for the art or rob you of it. I'm picking this review as one of my favorites. There are more and I will look through them for others that have touched me as deeply. But for now, there is this one from Poison Ivy

I'm so excited for this update! I think what you've done with this story is really incredible. There isn't another story like this out there; it is a wholly unique piece in the SessKag community. I wish I had your kind of creativity to create a plot like this. You've got a great mix of action and introspection, perfectly balanced, and you pick your adjectives with style: rather than an entire sentence of text to convey the setting or a character's mood, one or two well-chosen words suffice. It keeps the story moving without losing any of the impact. "Sharp and jagged, the harsh outline of the isle cut against the faded blue with its twin mountains piercing the heavens high above, bleeding a festering storm from the putrid wound." Fantastic line!

Thank you all who review what I write and especially so to Poison Ivy for the extra love that makes me proud of what I've accomplished.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 31
Awww... I see Monti liked that review. *huggles Monti*

Smittee had hard time choosing favorite from Dokuga. I think I'll nominate more than 2, because of it. So, here are my choices:

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 1) - Mon 23 Feb 2009 "She should have left him there"

That really made my night...LOL! You have no idea how long I've waited for someone to do that to Jaken... I can also picture Sesshou in his dog form looking green around the gills... Thanks for a good chuckle...

LC Rose (Chapter 1) - Tue 17 Feb 2009 "She should have left him there"
Yes, Smittee. What in the hell just happened?! LOL! That was an excellent perverted youkai fish story. Sesshoumaru always makes the best entrances...

Zyren (Chapter 1) - Mon 27 Oct 2008 "Brigadoon Returns"
the very fact that i love anything having to do with any sort of Scottish or Irish lore will have me waiting to see what you do next an djust how you incorporate the InuYasha gang.....that and the fact that you used the word "shan't" in your 'summary', that just sealed the deal. cant wait for the next chapter!

black moon inu (Chapter 3) - Wed 25 Feb 2009 "Haunting Nights"
Smittee I have only a few things that I can say. One, I wish you could just sit in front of your computer all day and write. Also Have I mentoned how much I love this story, if I was remiss then I apalogize. I flows perfectly and its so clear whats happening at that moment. OH ode to the Smittee. Post more soon please. hugs and puppies


(Chapter 1) - Wed 18 Feb 2009 "Haunting Night"
I know I'm talking to you in chat right now but still thought I'd review too. I love this story. Sesshoumaru seems so smexy. -grumbles at sesshoumaru that she is currently sitting on- Why can't you be that way with me. -sighs- He won't answer. Well I can't wait to find out how he got out. Not to mention how he's going to find her again not that she's out of his reach mentaly and for the moment physicly. POST SOOON OR I WIILLL BUG YOU ABOUT IT. hugs and puppies bmi

Ayako Rin (Chapter 1) - Tue 17 Mar 2009 "Clovers"

Crivens! That was the best story ever!! Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! (I know Crivens isn't an Irish word but I couldn't help but be reminded of the wee free men xD)
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I claimed Shippo\'s transforming powers in the claim game.
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 26
Possessed wrote:
I have received many reviews that made me laugh, but THIS one, from a woman I rarely envision violence from, has me laughing even today...

This is a review of a REQUESTED one shot I wrote because of a remark I made in a forum post about Sess working as a gigolo...

It Takes Two to Tango

Priestess Sianna

*wraps fingers around author's neck* HOW COULD YOU?!!!! As for the first part of the chapter, eeeeeeEEEEEEEWWWWWW!!!! As for the end, I couldn't help but to laugh! OMG That was so funny. And yet oh, so wrong at the same time. Very well written too. Great job... danrn you!

Thank-you for your kind review Priestess!

I'd almost forgotten about that! That was a great story! Horribly, HORRIBLY wrong, but great in it's on way. I never realized that review amused you so.

Anyway, I think this is a fantastic idea. I'll have to check through my reviews to see which ones I want to post.
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Last Edit: 2009/03/26 17:12 By Lady Sianna.

Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 0
I hope there is not a limit

wel first possessed, this is one of my favorites:

OMG!!! I have no idea where to begin reviewing the last four chapters! I am on the edge of my seat, chewing my fingernails!

I want them to say something, but then again, I don't! I am afraid it will change things too much... ARG!

(You really do a great job transferring the uncertainty and frustration of the characters over to the reader!)

The whole silence at breakfast (and whenever she walks in) thing is genius. There is nothing more uncomfortable than being sure everyone in the room knows something you don't know and that they ARE all talking about YOU!

Your phrasing and imagery are to die for! Bed head and drooling... (Nice visual) "“Hn.” Was all he could say, lucky for him that him being speechless and him being normal sounded exactly the same." (TOO HILARIOUS!) "He can be a little overbearing at times..." (LMAO... Understatement) Thinking better underwater... (Really liked this one too, it is just like her to have a quirk like this!)

I really liked the idea of him actually feeling a little panicky because she is outside his door!!!

I love this story, and I have to say, I think this is one of your best...

ok and teensie!

I envision her and him together in this blurry field of bubbles and magic. Like in 'Sailor Moon' when Serena is day dreaming and things are so surreal but beautiful. I envision them standing together like that as they share their love together and finally are happy. Living THEIR happily ever after, only becoming a 'legend' to most, making people question if it ever really happened...

Luna Tenshi!

Oh I enjoyed this story soooooo much. It's great. I love it that they each have either own way of always ending up back together. I'm suppose to be helping my husband update his website and he's wondering why I'm crying. I'm blaming it on PMS so he'll leave me alone . But this story just touched me so. I wonder what it must have been like for the first Kagome when she started planning this, or maybe it was the 5th or 10th before she started realizing it was a vicious cycle. I'm also curious as to what the Sesshoumarus that got their wish and had Kagome never go back, what they went thru and how they came about deciding to change it back. Anyway enough of my rambling but I mainly just wanted to say WELL DONE.


WoW! I am very impressed and glad that I read your story! This is so different than some of the others where Sessy chooses Kagome. Usually Inuyashia has a very bad disposition within the group, everyone hates him. I love your Yashia! I love the bond of your characters! I barley noticed any grammar or spelling mistakes the story line is very good, that is probably why I didn't notice so much I was to into the story. Not only the story line kept me from noticing to much, but your characters, they were getting better with each chapter, well they were coming alive more real. Keep being detailed with emotions and events, double check spelling and grammar and you can only get better, I know you will. I hope you update soon. Write on! Much Love InuAngel

Hiakri hime!!

Yay!! Another good chapter! Your writing has improved a lot, and whether ou have a beta or not, the mistakes have disapeared (most of them ^_^). I like your writing, the characterisation and the plot is interresting. Keep on the good job!! Dewa mata


LMAO!! OH gods that was funny! Thank the Kami my name has never been included in something like that. I don't think I fall into the fangirl catagory. :Evil Muse Skippy snorts in disgust: Oh yeah?! What about those nude and half nude pics of a certain Demon Lo0rd you have hidden on your computer?" :LadySafire quickly gagging and tying up Evil Muse Skippy: Shhhh!! Everyone thinks I am a nice middle aged woman! And you have a big mouth!" I said it was a lovely and funny story! Wonderful work! Now I'm off to dispose of a pest. :LadySafire calls out: "Oh Miss Kagura, I have a present for you!!!!


*Puts hand on Nobody's forehead*

Nopes, seems the same as yesterday. Still insane..And thank God for that! *wink* ;-P

I feel right at home. *bow* haha~

Very funny story, gimme more!

>=3 lawl~


and of course LC!

God the angst and questions are killing me, Nobody!! But you know it's a death I love to suffer over and over again. Beautiful writing. I love how you have it set up.

there are so many people i missed!
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 7
As much as I would love to list all my wonderful two word reviews consisting of 'update now' from unforuntley I am left with this dokuga review from someone who actaully understands where I am coming from with a story I really enjoy working on.

Crystilwyn (Chapter 1) - Thu 26 Mar 2009
This story so far has so much to offer. First there's already developed charcters, setting, and plot. This story already shows openly how there can be more than one side of a person that we are already introduced to. In other fanfictions Kagome is usually a character who is very honest, kind, cheerful, happy-go-lucky, etc. type of person, however, in this fanfiction, Kagome is put under duress that would for any human, change their character or show a different side to their persona. Kagome's parents comparing and treating her as if she were the replacement of her older sister Kikyo, make Kagome feel as if she was only her sister's replacement while she longs to be recognized for her own abilities as an individual. Unlike Kikyo, Kagome is not the child her parents always wished she would be, and this drives Kagome into a spiral of lies and deceit in order to please her parents. Tomika keeps the original character of Kagome's kind, cheerful, and determined personality while at the same time recreating Kagome in a way that give a new flavor and a new drive to read fanfictions. The only thing I had qulams about for the story were the staff that she had stolen with a snake head. A snake symbolizes lies and deceit but also cunning, wisdom, and good fortune, perhaps, in future chapters the entirety of the symbolism of the snake staff will be explained. Secondly this story is not like Tomika's other stories, this one happens to be on a completely different level than the other stories she had written, for this one is magnetic enough that were it published you could never be able to put the book down.
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 11
Oh, I just love her reviews! She is always readin' and reviewin', day and night!

Here's mine:

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 9) - Mon 30 Mar 2009
It's really sad that all this pain was caused by Sess jumping to conclusions. I mean, the guy shouldn't have doubted Kagome's loyalties to him since it was very obvious that she loved him to death. I wonder if Kagome can stand living back in the castle w/ the one who caused her to leave in the first place. And I wonder if Kagome believes she should leave again since I don't think it's fair to Bankotsu if she still has feelings for Sess. It might be better for her own emotional health to just leave and try to live on her own. I really hope Sess will at least apologize to her. And I wonder if Inuyasha will give Sess a piece of his mind since he was the cause of her suffering. Keep up the good work and update soon cuz this is getting very very good.

-Bitter Nostalgia

Thanks White Rose ~ you're the bomb!
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Last Edit: 2009/04/09 09:55 By DestinysTears.
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 33
Here are mine. These are for The Miko and the Taiyoukai:

Indigo_miko (Chapter 33) - Thu 29 Jan 2009
Love this story and can't get enough of it. I read everything posted here in one go, took me a couple hours. It just tickles me that Kagome has gotten uber powerful and runs around smiting lesser demons and clay pots. I was a little sad about Inuyasha but he had it comming. So glad I looked on your profile and checked out the other places you post. There's more story!! *skips about happily and goes off to read it*

Infinite Silence (Chapter 46) - Sat 07 Feb 2009
Who said it was to long? I'll bite their kneecaps off!! @____@ lol sorry i'm short it's about all i can do! ^_____^ I love your story and I can't wait to see what happens next.

I hope that you get better soon! Because if you stay sick i'll cry cause then i'll never know what happens!


mia (Chapter 46) - Sun 29 Mar 2009
dear sesshylove219 your story is coming along very nicely i have read it a few times and it is one of my favorites my other favorite is a book called shadow spinner any ways do not worry about how long your story is or how many words it is i am writing a story that last time i looked at it was close to 3000 words anyways how long or short the story is does not matter it's the meaning the story has follow your instinct and this story will be great.
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Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 52
A nomination from one of my more recent oneshots -

DestinysTears(Chapter 1) - Sat 07 Mar 2009

"Carrot demon..." "Forgiven." LOL Your stories are like... like hentai happy pills. Walter, you're tooo awesome.
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Angelic Memories
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 27
Wow I remember when this was planned in the chat... so I'm definitely going to take part...

For Numbing the Pain

NightQueen (Chapter 2) - Sat 28 Mar 2009
Wow! This is such a fabulous story! I love they way you've written two of my favorite characters. Kagome is strong, grounded and blossoming as a woman. Sesshomaru is possessive and so very male in all the best possible ways. I love that he and his beast have chosen Kagome and that poor dog boy doesn't stand a chance! OMG the love scenes from the very first one teaching her pleasure to the mating absolutely hot and gorgeous!! I've loved every moment of these first two chapters. I can't wait to read your final installment!

MidnightStar (Chapter 2) - Sat 28 Mar 2009
Well let me just say that I spent the better part of 4 hours reading this fic.....and it is totally awesome. Way to go....I wouldn't worry about not getting a lot of reviews.....I've only had two for mine.....I haven't updated in forever....too busy with kids and work. Hopefully I'll have a new chapter up soon.

Anyway......this is wonderfully written, and intrically's one of the best that I've read recently....keep up the wonderful writing and I'm looking forward to the final chapter:)

For Safety in Deadly Arms

Elenna (Chapter 1) - Wed 25 Feb 2009
Wow! So I'm the first to review this. Other than a few grammer errors that I spotted along the way, I found that I really enjoyed this piece. Escpecially how you kept both Sesshomaru and Kagome in charatcer. I'm very curious to see if you'll go beyond just this one-shot. I think it has a lot of potential to go for some more chapters (but not too many). Maybe you should think about going along the lines of contious one-shots like LC Rose's "collared" story. Anyway, it's a great one-shot and I think you may want to check back through it for some grammer errors...but overall, I think you did a fantastic job!
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 20
I nominate the most awesomest reviewer everrr lol

For The Knight

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 17) - Sat 28 Mar 2009

*I* think this story is progressing beautifully, with the expected, but exciting, twists and turns. I look forward to finding out when Kagome realizes what Naraku has done... I noticed that there was no contemplation on her part about the poison she was forced to swallow. The end of this chapter is almost like a cliff-hanger, in that it leaves a lot of things open... like: what will Naraku do to "hone" his "weapon?" Will Sesshoumaru just sit there, patiently waiting for Naraku to make his move? I think Sesshoumaru's refusal to attempt to retrieve Kagome, as well as his denial of any feelings toward her, was totally in keeping with his basic nature - one of the better Sesshoumaru portrayals I've seen lately! I'm still very disappointed that this very involved and unique tale has garnered so few reviews... then again, I guess some people don't recognize a good story when they see one! Kudos to you for continuing to write and post it here anyway!!! ~~Wiccan~~

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 12) - Fri 20 Feb 2009

Personally, I think it's a shame that there aren't reviews on this story on this site. It's an intriguing story, an interesting premise, and I, for one, can't wait to see where you're taking it. Yes, there are some minor grammatical or spelling glitches. These, however, pale in comparison to what I feel is the uniqueness of the story itself. There have been stories done about lost memories, there have been stories where Kagome is turned demon, but I don't believe I've read one where the two were combined (and I read a LOT of Sess/Kag stories!). Nor do I believe that anyone has had Shippo as a part of it either. *I* think that the story is eminently readable and I am glad to see that you will be continuing despite the DISMAL lack of feedback here. Yeah, I know I'm not the best at remembering to review, but still... for ME to be the first to review a story that already has 12 chapters is bordering on ludicrous. Keep your chin up... at least you are getting reviews on - and you know that at least ONE person here is following this engaging tale. Thank you for the time and effort you are taking to write and post this story - I appreciate it! ~~Wiccan~~
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Last Edit: 2009/03/31 23:45 By sora.

*piku piku*- the sound of blinking
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 33
I just have to say that I have been following this thread and that it is really great. Not only is my attention being drawn to what other readers think are great stories, which I will check out, but I am reminded of what an honor it is to get reviews. I think everyone on this site that has posted will agree with me that there is nothing like seeing a review for a story you have written. Even if the review is not completely positive, or even remotely so, you still feel anticipation when you see that the number of reviews that are associated with something you have written has risen. You still feel honored that even if that person did not like it, or found errors in spelling and grammar, or found holes in the plot. You still feel honored that the person that left you a review actually read what you posted. We all know that each thing you write is like a child. You care for it. You are proud of it. Even if it is not doing exactly what you want it still love it. Some of us have a real hard time with technical problems such as spelling and grammar. Some of us might have troubles keeping characters in character. Some of us might have troubles with our muses from time to time. We might never be able to share what we truly saw when we imagined the story in our mind's eye. We feel honor that whatever the feeling of the review was, they actually felt enough to take time and leave a review.

So thank you, all reviewers out there. The writers you graced with a review are proud to post what you thought on here. Not only do these small tributes draw attention to the stories you thought enough of to review, but they also draw attention to you as a member of Dokuga. I know that for myself, I will look at each reviewer that is mentioned in this thread, and will read their stories, if they have them, and try to honor them with a review so that hopefully they can feel some of the excitement and anticipation that we all feel when we see the numbers go up.

Thank you.
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Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 5
I've received a lot of wonderful reviews, both here and elsewhere (and I thank each and every one of you 'cheerleaders' leik woah!!), but this is probably the one that's seriously touched me the most, which was left for my very first full-length Sess/Kag piece, Four Seasons.

hasu86 (Chapter 4) - Mon 22 Sep 2008
Wow. You've managed to leave me quite speechless which is a feat in itself. An absolutely heart wrenching, deep, emotional, beautiful, and hopeful piece. I loved every second of it and you completely and utterly captured me, plucked at my heartstrings, made me cry (which is ridiculously hard to do!) and made me smile. I guess it's because I can really relate to a lot of the things in this story of yours...a brilliantly executed piece of writing and your characterizations, the way you utilized the seasons were excellent. Thank you for sharing. Goodness, you've inspired me to write now! =)

Inspired her to write again?! Wow, now that's flattering!!
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 54
From The Void

Ikaru (Chapter 6) - Fri 09 Jan 2009
oh please, please please!!! tell me miroku isn't going to die!!*sniffle* i must say you are a queen of cliffhangers, nuthin wrong with that, takes real talent to end it just right...and u did, i got no clue what's going to happen next and it makes me want to read it all the more:), great job Hair-chan!!!

From on Strike

Teensie-sama (Chapter 1) - Fri 06 Feb 2009

cat form?

That's beasiality isn't it?


Very cute. And I do have to admit, I"m quite the lemon write of S/K but I don't think i've made him go 'demon speed' but I always make sure that he's well equipped. Now I know she's NOT complaining about that! And I don't always make her vulnerable although I've made her kidnapped by Naraku Bfor. and only once did I make it that Inu left her for Kinky-hoe. Yeah..I think that's all of my confessions.

From They are Pack

Lizzie (Chapter 7) - Mon 26 May 2008
Just read I am Alpha! and finished this one...I hope the next chapter is up soon, so then the sequel to the sequel can be started!!!! AH, you've turned me into a wreck!! I love these stories, and I hope you continue them. Too often I've read great stories that are left hanging (mine included). Can't wait to read some other of your stories, and get the next chapter out and soon! I'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms...

From Painter in the Woods

Rowdys Girl (Chapter 1) - Fri 16 May 2008
Well, if making me cry like a love-sick fool is any measure of the quality of your tale and your writing, then you've struck gold. Very well writen, excellently conceived. Good job all round. Now I have to go wipe my eyes again.

Well think that's enough of my reviews.
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I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 26
Here are some of the reviewers that have made me smile. some of them because they have loyally stayed with me story after story and chapter after chapter, and some just because their comments brought a twinkle to my eye.

BeautifulMorningSun Wed 24 Dec 2008
I Think It Was the Plotline That Drew Me In. Something About the Fact That She Was a Slave, and Then He Was the Mean Lord, and Somehow They Are Supposed to Be Together Is What Got Me. I Remember Thinking In My Head; 'How Is THAT Going to Happen?' and I Needed to Know, So I Read the Story. It Was Just An Interesting Idea. If You Think of Ideas That Are Interesting and Not Overused Then People Will Be Excited to Read Them. (And Chapter Stories Are Always the Favorite To.) Thank You So Much For the Amazing Story! Beautiful Morning Sun

In my author's notes I had asked what drew people to this particular story, (The Preferential Slave) and she gave the insight I was asking for. Not only that but she stuck it out with me to the end.

ladybattousai - Sun 17 Aug 2008
I read your first chapter. It was pretty good. I like how clean and neat your storytelling is. I think though it could benefit from a little more description. Explore all of the senses a bit more. Sounds, smells, textures, tastes. It helps a lot to immerse the reader.

This comment means a lot to me for many reasons. Ladybattousai has openly admitted (at least to me) that she dosen't read fanfiction very much and although she did not finish the story she did give it a try. Not only that, but she gave a bit of constructive critique that has shaped the way I write today.

MikoPup - Sun 08 Feb 2009

I said it once, and I'll say it again: THIS WAS AWESOME!! I'm still not over my amazement that you fit such a fulfilling story in just four chapters! lol

I hope you decide to write more stories like this--you've got a real talent for it--specially lemons! xD

This comment was left on my story Detrimental Desires. It wasn't that the comment itself was so outstanding. It was the fact that MikoPup(Sahoila) left reviews on multiple sites for the same chapter! I cannot tell you how flattered I was about that!

sugar0o - Sat 17 Jan 2009

OMe`fingGOD!!! i LOVE THIS!! i cant honestly tell you how much i love this fic, i love the logical turn of events, really Inuyasha is such a jerk being mad because Kagome in the seemingly years he's waited and said nothing, has found someone else, albeit a bit unconventionally, still she's not looking to the hanyou for anything any more and its horrible that he even has the right to question her about anything. How many nights has he gone off with the dead miko? And kagome said anything! just because he assumes something doenst mean jack squat! dear god you've got me all hopped up! i s0o0o0 want more of this and how!

I could rant on and on, but i really hope Kags grows a back bone and tells the dog boy off. i love this i love it i love it! update so0n or i'll pounce you r0oishly~!

- r0ozilla

What can I say about r0o? I love her! She has been with me since my very first story, and has left many encouraging, and sometimes humurous reviews!

Last but certainly not least, the irreplacable...

WiccanMethuselah - Thu 26 Feb 2009

Silly girl! I see nothing about this chapter to hate on. Yes, it's a 'filler,' but those are necessary to set up for the action yet to come. Every story has them, they are necessary to the plot development... just cuz there isn't a ton of Sess/Kag interaction, or loads of other excitement, doesn't mean it's not a good chapter, 'k? My ugly beta-eye caught a couple of spots where punctuation was a problem, but that is about all I saw that one might quibble with. Necessary explanations, setting up for future action, advancing the story along... all in all, good stuff!! SMILE, okay? ~~Wiccan~~

Wiccan dosen't leave comments very often, and I think that's part of what makes her reviews so very precious. It was encouraging, insightful, and brought a smile to my face.

I could add many more, but I don't want to take up too much space!
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Last Edit: 2009/03/31 09:42 By Lady Sianna.

Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 42

Yay Banner!! TY to Jupe for letting us use her awesome art!

Obviously I'll edit it to have the winners name. And we'll work up a nominee banner too ^.^
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^~~~~ Teensie made me a pretty Banner!!!! :D

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Re:Reviews Challenge 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 4
Reviews are definitely one of the many things that keep me writing, so I think I'm going to show some love for one from 'Two Colour Palette' which made me smile all day after reading it, especially since it was so eloquent and nice! ^^ So, here we go:

swasdiva (Chapter 1) - Tue 03 Feb 2009

I utterly adore this story. I've seen fics written entirely in present tense, but rarely, if ever, has that device been used for a multi-chapter story. I really like your decision to use it; it lends a sense of anticipation, a sharp awareness of living in the moment. And your moments pass like poetry. Your language paints its own pictures, with a gauzy, atmospheric romanticism that stays with me a long while after I've finished reading. I like your angle of having Kagome get to know Sesshoumaru without knowing who he is. I wonder if that will open the door to his association with her in the past, or if his secrets will come back to bite him in the ass. Gah! I can't wait to read more! Great stuff!
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