Julie wrote:
I would like to see someone finish 1) what Texanlady started. Pick up where she left off. 2) Take The Breeder concept and make it there own. I love this story, it saddens me that she will not be able to finish her story's. I miss her very much. I am not a writer so therefore I need closure (I would like).
This cannot be done on Dokuga. Period.
Regardless of whether or not she has passed, we cannot allow anyone to just waltz in and finish someone's story without permission from either the original author or someone entitled to act for them. And, given the problems with authenticating whether or not someone was entitled to act for the original author, I'd say chances are between slim and none.
I, like any devoted fan of certain authors, have stories in the fandom that will never be finished (Laying Amongst Dokatsu, anyone?)... and it drives me nuts... but unless or until those authors return (WHERE IS MY NAT???), I'll have to be satisfied with what I've got.
