Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 11
Why hello! I know I've been MIA recently, so in an effort to reintegrate myself (and actually post something), I decided to pose a unique sort of challenge.
I've recently realized that I am, unfortunately, in a rather nasty rut. My muse wants me to write, but the ideas are slow in coming, and I have to say that I'm getting quite frustrated, because wanting to write and not being able to is one of the things that makes me irritable beyond all understanding.
That, my dear Dokugans, is where you all come in.
I'm not sure how, uhm, appropriate it is to post a thread asking for prompts that'll challenge me instead of posting one that issues a challenge to you (and I will, of course, take this down or move it if the Mods say so) but I figure this is the best way to work me past my writer's block and practice writing at the same time.
So, here's the challenge: You all give me a prompt, and I'll do my best to fill it. It can be about (almost) anything you'd like, but I'd love it if you'd keep it MA-rated ('cause I'm a perv and sort of proud of it). I'll give out Karma for prompting me, and double Karma for prompting something kinky.
Considering that I'm essentially asking you all to tell me what you actually want to read, I'll be accepting PMs for those of you who don't want to post publicly, and I won't use your name if you don't want me to.
That said, here are the rules:
1. No time limit - I'll keep this challenge open probably forever
2. Prompts can be word prompts, picture prompts, or overall theme prompts (please link to pictures that are particularly risque). I'll do my best to fill every prompt
3. If you want to set limits on words or how long it takes for me to fill your prompt, please say so, but keep in mind that I'm in college so time limits are sort of iffy.
I have five things that you MAY NOT ask for:
1. I WILL NOT WRITE INCEST (psuedo-incest, such as step-siblings or step-parent/step-child is fine)
2. I WILL NOT WRITE RELIGIOUSLY THEMED STORIES (offending people isn't the goal, here)
3. I WILL NOT WRITE FECES PLAY (watersports is a yes, but scat is a resounding NO)
4. I WILL NOT WRITE PEDOPHILIA (age-play is fine, but outright child molestation is a NO the size of Europe)
5. I WILL NOT WRITE NECROPHILIA (if you'd like murderous-fantasy, since Sesshomaru is a violent, bloodthirsty creature, message me and we can talk about it)
Other than those things, you can pretty much ask for anything, and if I don't think I can do it, I'll be sure to tell you.
Like I said, if you don't want to post your prompt publicly, feel free to send me a Private Message - I won't reveal your name, and I won't tease you about what you prompted (which, of course, applies to everyone who prompts, not just the people who prompt privately). I'm a fairly open-minded person, so if you've something you'd like to ask for (and you're old enough to ask for it), please feel free. Seriously, I won't make fun, and if I make you feel bad, tell me and I'll sincerely apologize so fast it'll make your head spin.
To keep track, I'll update this when I get a new prompt, saying who asked (unless you PM'ed) and what was asked for. When I complete a prompt, I'll post it here as a link, with a word count, and maybe something about how I wrote it, or what I thought about while writing, if you all would like that.
Thanks in advance, guys, and if you have questions, let me know!
EDIT: Just for clarification, anything to do with BDSM will be considered kinky, as well as threesomes, age difference fics (such as student/teacher), power imbalanced pairings (such as boss/employee), and fetish fics (such as daddy!kink or hand!kink or oral-fixation!kink or whatever else you can think of).
(in order of request):
~ Exhibitionism: requested by BelovedStranger
~ Sesshomaru as a Sex Toy: requested by Chickpea
~ Kinbaku: requested by Rin-Rin
~ Sesshomaru in Leather Picture Prompt: requested by Kneazles
~ Kagome's Naughty Mokomoko: requested by mango
~ Reincarnation Songfic: requested by cmsully
~ Love Me Harder Songfic: requested by Didie
~ Role Reversal - "The Princess Kaguya": requested by Kat
~ Whispers in the Dark Songfic: requested by Knight of Disorder
~ Dominant Kagome: requested by supermangageek23 [Karma Owed: 1]
~ I Get Off Songfic: requested by Kitana Tsukino-hime [Karma Owed: 2]
~ Burlesque: requested by Silence-Midnight [Karma Owed: 2]
~ M/F/M Threesome Songfic, Roar: Rated MA, and finished at 6,670 words - much longer than I anticipated, but I loved writing it! Thanks for the prompt, Kat!
Last Edit: 2015/02/11 22:42 By Aubrey Simone.
\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss
~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 76
I have one question, since you've brought up specific things you won't write. I love threesomes, but specifically M/F/M (though I loved your piece "The Cure"). Is there a specific male character you would prefer not to include?
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 11
Shisui Uchiha wrote:
I have one question, since you've brought up specific things you won't write. I love threesomes, but specifically M/F/M (though I loved your piece "The Cure"). Is there a specific male character you would prefer not to include?
Ah, I'm glad you asked; that's something I hadn't thought about. I'll admit that I never actually watched the whole Inuyasha series, so all of the male characters except for Naraku, Miroku, Shippo, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are unknowns to me, but I can probably write anyone (I'm not adverse to doing research) so long as you'll allow for a little OOC-ness. I do ask that you specify if you want the two males to interact or not, but a M/F/M pairing is fine! Thanks for asking (and thanks for the compliment - I had a lot of fun writing "The Cure", so it's nice to know that it was well-reccieved)!
\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss
~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 52
I'll take your challenge.....lol!!
Please do song fic.(one shot) using the song "Roar" by Katy Perry.
Please be full of smutty goodness.
Please do include M/M/F (I so love your threesome stories)
I would love to see a little M/M action *wink wink*
Please use Sesshomaru, Kagome, and any other male of your choosing, but Inuyasha has to be the bad guy, (only cause I like the fics where Sess take Kags from him he he he)
I think thats it. No real limit on word count but it would be nice if it was more than say 2000 words? but I'll leave that up to your ingenious self.
Good luck and cant wait to see what you come up with.
Last Edit: 2014/04/08 22:19 By Cressent Moon.
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 11
Kat wrote:
I'll take your challenge.....lol!!
Please do song fic.(one shot) using the song "Roar" by Katy Perry.
Please be full of smutty goodness.
Please do include M/M/F (I so love your threesome stories)
I would love to see a little M/M action *wink wink*
Please use Sesshomaru, Kagome, and any other male of your choosing, but Inuyasha has to be the bad guy, (only cause I like the fics where Sess take Kags from him he he he)
I think thats it. No real limit on word count but it would be nice if it was more than say 2000 words? but I'll leave that up to your ingenious self.
Good luck and cant wait to see what you come up with.
Oh, this one will be fun...Thanks for the prompt! Karma for you!
Last Edit: 2014/04/08 22:29 By Aubrey Simone.
\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss
~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 60
Oh, I'd love to help you with some MA prompts :3
How about Sesshomaru and Kagome being slightly exhibitionists? No, I don't mean let them actually get CAUGHT, but place them in a setting where the odds of getting caught are high
1) At a concert. The crowd is screaming and people are moving their bodies to the beat, so why not have Sesshomaru *ahem* thrust home inside Kagome on a balcony over looking the stage and lower level of the club. This way, only their clothes and the huge crowd around them is what hides their sexual activities.
2) This can be anywhere where two way mirrors could be used (at police stations, night clubs, etc) While are people are on the side of the glass that shows nothing but a mirror back at them, you can have Sesshy and Kags get it on while they can see the other people through the two way mirror.
3) On a balcony at their house/apartment that over looks the street.
I hope any of these ideas will spark your interest/muse in some way :3
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 1
Aw man! The first thought that came to mind was Sess being morphed into a toilet. The person who placed the curse on him gives him to Kagome as a test subject for a new upcoming model. The amount of kinkiness would be epic and it wouldn't necessarily 'have' to have scat play.
BUT in case that still won't do how about the mighty demon gets turned into a toy instead.
It could be any toy of your choice for him being a overly sexual prick used to always being in command. Kagome could be a curious virgin who struggles how to figure out how to properly use him and he can't change back into human "temporarily" until she reaches her first ever climax. Then after some more torturing sequences of foreplay you can turn him back human "permanently" after making him learn some sort of lesson, coming to terms with some feelings or aspect of his life or whatever, or he could learn nothing at all. Or even remain a toy for the rest of his days.
I guess theme is inanimate objects and I don't want to be too restricting. This could be a one shot, -series, or chapter story if you like.
Hope this helps!
If I think of more I shall retur
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 11
BelovedStranger wrote:
Oh, I'd love to help you with some MA prompts :3
How about Sesshomaru and Kagome being slightly exhibitionists? No, I don't mean let them actually get CAUGHT, but place them in a setting where the odds of getting caught are high
1) At a concert. The crowd is screaming and people are moving their bodies to the beat, so why not have Sesshomaru *ahem* thrust home inside Kagome on a balcony over looking the stage and lower level of the club. This way, only their clothes and the huge crowd around them is what hides their sexual activities.
2) This can be anywhere where two way mirrors could be used (at police stations, night clubs, etc) While are people are on the side of the glass that shows nothing but a mirror back at them, you can have Sesshy and Kags get it on while they can see the other people through the two way mirror.
3) On a balcony at their house/apartment that over looks the street.
I hope any of these ideas will spark your interest/muse in some way :3
Ha! I've got just the thing! Karma for you, and thanks for the prompt!
Chickpea wrote:
Aw man! The first thought that came to mind was Sess being morphed into a toilet. The person who placed the curse on him gives him to Kagome as a test subject for a new upcoming model. The amount of kinkiness would be epic and it wouldn't necessarily 'have' to have scat play.
BUT in case that still won't do how about the mighty demon gets turned into a toy instead.
It could be any toy of your choice for him being a overly sexual prick used to always being in command. Kagome could be a curious virgin who struggles how to figure out how to properly use him and he can't change back into human "temporarily" until she reaches her first ever climax. Then after some more torturing sequences of foreplay you can turn him back human "permanently" after making him learn some sort of lesson, coming to terms with some feelings or aspect of his life or whatever, or he could learn nothing at all. Or even remain a toy for the rest of his days.
I guess theme is inanimate objects and I don't want to be too restricting. This could be a one shot, -series, or chapter story if you like.
Hope this helps!
If I think of more I shall retur
Oh my goodness, that sounds like fun. The toilet idea would probably turn out too much like crack!fic if I tried it, but I can definitely do the toy idea. Thanks, and Karma for you!
\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss
~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 60
Happy to hear I have inspired you! Woohoo! I beg you to personally give me the link when you write it so I can read it  I will make it worth your wild by leaving a review afterwards. *tempts the precious author* lol
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 17
Hmm... how about kinbaku? Perhaps using kinbaku as a metaphor for how tied Sesshomaru is to his quest for power and how tied Kagome is to searching for the jewel or something along those lines. Something kind of deep and emotional, maybe a bit philosophical because why not. I think lemons that have a bit more meaning to them than 'teh smutz' are awesome. 3000 or up word count.
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 16
It's more of a picture prompt
Meeting Again and Waiting For You by Amadeus
Because Sesshomaru in leather is sexy
Last Edit: 2014/04/17 15:07 By Kneazles.
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 11
Sorry guys, I've been busy these past couple weeks with tests and my cousin got married this weekend so I haven't had as much time as I'd like to write. However, I do have most of the ideas sketched out in my head, so I should have at least the first two requests finished this week.
Also, Beloved, I'll be posting the finished projects in a list on the main post, as well as posting a new reply to the topic when I finish, so as long as you all are subscribed to the thread, you should know when a new oneshot has been posted.
Rin-Rin, thanks for the prompt! I'll give you one Karma for posting and another for the kinkiness of your request, and I'll do my best to write it as quick as I can!
Kneazles, thanks for the prompt (I love that picture, too!)! You'll also get one Karma for posting, and here's hoping you'll like what I can whip up!
Again, sorry for the wait - I promise I'm working on everything, it's just taking a while, especially since the semester is winding down (which is awesome, 'cause I'm definitely ready for a break!).
If anyone else would like to request a oneshot, please don't be shy! I promise I won't bite (well, not unless you ask me to )!
Last Edit: 2014/04/20 22:52 By Aubrey Simone.
\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss
~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 11
Last Edit: 2014/04/28 21:41 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: Ratings must appear in the post in which story was linked!
\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss
~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
Hmm... well, one thing I've always wanted to see in a SessKag fic was a Beauty and the Beast style fic where Kagome was the Beast rather than Sesshomaru, and Sesshomaru is the one who has to help break the spell. Like maybe on the day she was supposed to marry InuYasha, a witch who hadn't heard of the Jewel's destruction comes to take it, then when she finds out that the jewel's gone she kills InuYasha in a rage then curses Kagome and the rest of Edo (including Rin, which is how Sesshomaru learns of what's happened) to stay as enchanted items until someone could fall in love with Kagome.
However, that's hard to turn into a smutty one-shot fic, so I'll also offer up another idea. How about a reincarnation story that is based on Lana Del Rey's version of 'Once Upon a Dream'? It can be dark to match the mood of the song, but Sesshomaru and Kagome can't be the ones to kill the other. The best scenario I can come up with is that all throughout Time Kagome and Sesshomaru's souls have tried to be together, but various forces keep pulling them away. This lifetime, however, Sesshomaru has become a dark sorcerer, and he won't stop at anything to finally get Kagome. Kagome, meanwhile, is a simple Magician who has unwillingly attracted the eye of the King(can be anyone, really, although I gotta say that I think it would be interesting if it was the Inu no Taisho), and would do anything to not have to marry him. However, even though Sesshomaru's powers (in many aspects *cough cough*) entice her, she still has her own morals and will one day be forced to choose...
Obviously, this would probably be a long one-shot fic (sorta like 'The Cure'), but I still think it's doable.
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 62
Kneazles wrote:
It's more of a picture prompt
Meeting Again and Waiting For You by Amadeus
Because Sesshomaru in leather is sexy
He most definitely is!
Last Edit: 2014/05/01 16:27 By silentsoliloquy82.
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 11
cmsully wrote:
Hmm... well, one thing I've always wanted to see in a SessKag fic was a Beauty and the Beast style fic where Kagome was the Beast rather than Sesshomaru, and Sesshomaru is the one who has to help break the spell. Like maybe on the day she was supposed to marry InuYasha, a witch who hadn't heard of the Jewel's destruction comes to take it, then when she finds out that the jewel's gone she kills InuYasha in a rage then curses Kagome and the rest of Edo (including Rin, which is how Sesshomaru learns of what's happened) to stay as enchanted items until someone could fall in love with Kagome.
However, that's hard to turn into a smutty one-shot fic, so I'll also offer up another idea. How about a reincarnation story that is based on Lana Del Rey's version of 'Once Upon a Dream'? It can be dark to match the mood of the song, but Sesshomaru and Kagome can't be the ones to kill the other. The best scenario I can come up with is that all throughout Time Kagome and Sesshomaru's souls have tried to be together, but various forces keep pulling them away. This lifetime, however, Sesshomaru has become a dark sorcerer, and he won't stop at anything to finally get Kagome. Kagome, meanwhile, is a simple Magician who has unwillingly attracted the eye of the King(can be anyone, really, although I gotta say that I think it would be interesting if it was the Inu no Taisho), and would do anything to not have to marry him. However, even though Sesshomaru's powers (in many aspects *cough cough*) entice her, she still has her own morals and will one day be forced to choose...
Obviously, this would probably be a long one-shot fic (sorta like 'The Cure'), but I still think it's doable.
Oops, sorry, Wiccan, I'll remember to tag correctly from now on!
Also, cmsully, I can most definitely do the reincarnation prompt - fantasy was the very first genre of books that I truly enjoyed, and the first genre I began to write in, so I can most definitely do a fantasy!AU-ish story, especially considering I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lana Del Ray's version of that song (and the song itself, for that matter - I'm a Disney fan, and old enough to remember watching the classics lol). Would you prefer a modern AU or a canon-ish universe (which would likely resemble Medieval England more than Feudal Japan, to be honest)? I can do both, so if you've a preference, please let me know. Karma for you!
Now, It's been a while since I posted here, and I know that I still owe some people Karma - does anyone happen to know if I haven't given them any? Please let me know!
As for the prompts that I haven't done yet, I'll admit that the Harry Potter fandom has been sucking me in with the force of a freaking black hole and my muse has just gone along with writing in it even though I haven't actually posted anything, but I'm gonna fight my way out of it, I promise!
Thank you all for your patience - one of these days, I'm gonna learn to be consistent lol!
Last Edit: 2015/01/22 09:03 By Aubrey Simone.
\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss
~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 279
Thank you, Aubrey!! I greatly appreciate it!
As incentive, please remember that all posters to the forum get karma when they remember to include the appropriate rating tags. Just a little reward for helping teh Wiccan!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Yay, thank you!
Hmm... I'm thinking completely AU for the reincarnation prompt. I mean, I guess it could work in a Japanese setting, but to me the idea fits better with a more medieval England-ish setting.
And you got caught by the Harry Potter fandom, too? Glad to hear I'm not the only one...
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 65
Ah, those comments above tempt me to give you a challenge..
Well a song challenge to be precise, 'Love Me Harder' by Ariana Grande
What I pictured in my mind is: In the final battle, all Kagome's gang except her were perished, also all the Sesshoumaru's pack except him. Couldn't bear the pain of lost someone dear again (the well had already been sealed) Kagome tend to suicide, but was stopped by Sesshoumaru, that for some reason encourage her to live. Because she felt she didn't have any reason, he decided to gave her a reason by beget her a pup. Sesshoumaru himself surprised by his action, like another force made him do that. After he deflowered and beget her, he left her to be back 10 days after just to checked if she indeed carrying, and after that he left her for good.
By some accident, he met her and their pup (a male) at least 4 years after. He surprised that the pup wasn't a hanyou and how similiar the pup with him, only one of his eyes have blue color like her mother was the difference. Kagome that didn't have any feelings but grateful at Sesshoumaru, welcomed him in her life once again. He decided to lessening his wanders for their son's education and training sake and stayed in a den near Kagome's and their son home.
Kagome and Sesshoumaru somewhat became platonic friends until Sesshoumaru's mother came to the picture. She wasn't hostile, but somewhat intrigued by their son. She questioning Kagome what she intended in their relationship, and if she would consented if someday his son would beget her another child or children. Kagome that never considered the option surprised, she said that Sesshoumaru beget her just to stop her to made a foolish choice and continue live to the fullest. Kagome got more surprised by Sesshoumaru's mother answer. She said that her son won't give her his first time and his heir for just some reason. That made her wondered, because from her memory, Sesshoumaru gave an ease feelings at their first time, so she thought that he maybe already had some experience even have one or two children beforehand.
Turn out her mother gave the some question to Sesshoumaru that made him did some wonder. After sometimes with little awkward interaction, Sesshoumaru felt the pull again and came to Kagome without any further ado, she hesitated at first but after looked into his eyes she suddenly remembered his mother question if she would consented if he beget her another child or children. She thought that she could never refused him if he came to her with that looks in his eyes. And after that she got pregnant again and gave birth (in my mind she gave birth to identical triplet boys that looks very similiar to Sesshoumaru). But what made her wondered more, Sesshoumaru never touch her again after she got pregnant and after she gave birth. He was very attentive to her needs, but never lingered and always gave her space.
Then after 3 or more years, there was some incident with bandits that thought she was a demon whore or something (that made her wondered more, if she indeed viewed like that, by looking that she and Sesshoumaru have children together without any commitment) and intended to 'use' her. Sesshoumaru has been out for sometimes, so she only has her sons to defended her (her miko power couldn't harm human), of course with their young age and so much bandits, they are in the lose side, until her sons desperate move to howled for their father. Sesshoumaru came, slaughtered the bandit, and took care the traumatic Kagome. Of course the 'took care' resulted another children (twin girls this time). After that he somewhat became more touchy-feely, intimate and possessive with her and 'took' her everytime he wanted, that made her wondered and ache more, what or who is she to him because they never made any commitment (and she feared his answer, so she never questioning it outloud). Until there was a war in the west.
He went to the war accompanied by teary-eyed Kagome for three or more years never knew he got Kagome pregnant again with another son. when the war came to end, the wounded Sesshoumaru went ballistic in his demon form, howled how he was missed his mate. His ally questioned who was his mate because from what they knew, he never took a mate, hence he even never took a demoness or a woman to his bed. He then run away and howled some more, that made Kagome felt the pull. She woke up from her sleep and searched the origins of the somewhat like mourning sound. She then found Sesshoumaru in his smaller demon form. She recognized him, but before she made attempt to checked his wound, he pounched her and then took her many times in his almost-demon form on the forest floor. He repeatedly whispered (and shouted) 'my mate', but the overwhelmed Kagome couldn't utter single word (except moaning and screaming *smirk*). After that when they cuddled together, they confessed each other then he 'ordered' her to mate him later. Brimming with happiness, though she questioned him why he didn't mark her earlier, and he said that he did ask (?)but she never voiced her consent that made her bewildered if just shouting 'my mate' counted as 'ask'... Then she asked him why they didn't do it once again then mark each other. his answer was he didn't want to destroy the child that probably have been made in her womb as they spoke, because mating made some change in their body and aura that would endangered the child, so there was never a mating that took place after the woman had pregnant.
So after she gave birth (to fraternal twins, a boy and a girl) they indeed mate that made Kagome pregnant again (I don't know what come to my mind, but I imagine their mating will make a beautiful seven color aura to emitted, resulted septuplets identical boys that identical with their father, their difference each other were just the color of their side bangs, they range from red to purple color like rainbow that made their name somewhat have color name in there (like the red one is 'Akahide' or something like that)). Of course after had 16 children together she decided to put on hold for sometimes, if not, imagine how many they'll have in their almost forever time together.. Then the finishing touch was the timeskip to 500 years later (with so much children)....
Wow, look what wrote! So much...too much... I'm sorry, I can't help myself. I have this idea for some time but lack of time and lack of confidence to made it a story, and I already searched for a story with the similiar plot like I have in Dokuga and ff.net but none, so I challenge you to make this come true! Ehehehe... You are free to add and reduce the plot of course!
Ahahaha... I love big family! In my mind, I always pictured Sesshoumaru and kagome to have many children, and big family fits Kagome's nature more, of course it helps to soften Sesshoumaru too, and to give him a lesson that siblings made to help and support each other not to kill each other..
Oh, and for the last, I apologize for my bad english, english isn't my first language, I'm still learning it. Thank you for your time!
Last Edit: 2015/01/22 14:01 By golden_flower.
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 11
cmsully wrote:
Yay, thank you!
Hmm... I'm thinking completely AU for the reincarnation prompt. I mean, I guess it could work in a Japanese setting, but to me the idea fits better with a more medieval England-ish setting.
And you got caught by the Harry Potter fandom, too? Glad to hear I'm not the only one...
Cool! Lol I was hoping you were gonna lean more toward the medieval setting - I would've done whatever you wanted, of course, but the medieval one will definitely work!
And yes, Harry Potter caught me and is very reluctant to let go. If you like, I can let you know when I finally post something in the fandom? It'll be a while, though, unless I get super excited about what I'm writing and can't wait to post lol.
Thanks for the prompt - this one's gonna be fun!
Didie wrote:
Ah, those comments above tempt me to give you a challenge..
Well a song challenge to be precise, 'Love Me Harder' by Ariana Grande
What I pictured in my mind is: In the final battle, all Kagome's gang except her were perished, also all the Sesshoumaru's pack except him. Couldn't bear the pain of lost someone dear again (the well had already been sealed) Kagome tend to suicide, but was stopped by Sesshoumaru, that for some reason encourage her to live. Because she felt she didn't have any reason, he decided to gave her a reason by beget her a pup. Sesshoumaru himself surprised by his action, like another force made him do that. After he deflowered and beget her, he left her to be back 10 days after just to checked if she indeed carrying, and after that he left her for good.
By some accident, he met her and their pup (a male) at least 4 years after. He surprised that the pup wasn't a hanyou and how similiar the pup with him, only one of his eyes have blue color like her mother was the difference. Kagome that didn't have any feelings but grateful at Sesshoumaru, welcomed him in her life once again. He decided to lessening his wanders for their son's education and training sake and stayed in a den near Kagome's and their son home.
Kagome and Sesshoumaru somewhat became platonic friends until Sesshoumaru's mother came to the picture. She wasn't hostile, but somewhat intrigued by their son. She questioning Kagome what she intended in their relationship, and if she would consented if someday his son would beget her another child or children. Kagome that never considered the option surprised, she said that Sesshoumaru beget her just to stop her to made a foolish choice and continue live to the fullest. Kagome got more surprised by Sesshoumaru's mother answer. She said that her son won't give her his first time and his heir for just some reason. That made her wondered, because from her memory, Sesshoumaru gave an ease feelings at their first time, so she thought that he maybe already had some experience even have one or two children beforehand.
Turn out her mother gave the some question to Sesshoumaru that made him did some wonder. After sometimes with little awkward interaction, Sesshoumaru felt the pull again and came to Kagome without any further ado, she hesitated at first but after looked into his eyes she suddenly remembered his mother question if she would consented if he beget her another child or children. She thought that she could never refused him if he came to her with that looks in his eyes. And after that she got pregnant again and gave birth (in my mind she gave birth to identical triplet boys that looks very similiar to Sesshoumaru). But what made her wondered more, Sesshoumaru never touch her again after she got pregnant and after she gave birth. He was very attentive to her needs, but never lingered and always gave her space.
Then after 3 or more years, there was some incident with bandits that thought she was a demon whore or something (that made her wondered more, if she indeed viewed like that, by looking that she and Sesshoumaru have children together without any commitment) and intended to 'use' her. Sesshoumaru has been out for sometimes, so she only has her sons to defended her (her miko power couldn't harm human), of course with their young age and so much bandits, they are in the lose side, until her sons desperate move to howled for their father. Sesshoumaru came, slaughtered the bandit, and took care the traumatic Kagome. Of course the 'took care' resulted another children (twin girls this time). After that he somewhat became more touchy-feely, intimate and possessive with her and 'took' her everytime he wanted, that made her wondered and ache more, what or who is she to him because they never made any commitment (and she feared his answer, so she never questioning it outloud). Until there was a war in the west.
He went to the war accompanied by teary-eyed Kagome for three or more years never knew he got Kagome pregnant again with another son. when the war came to end, the wounded Sesshoumaru went ballistic in his demon form, howled how he was missed his mate. His ally questioned who was his mate because from what they knew, he never took a mate, hence he even never took a demoness or a woman to his bed. He then run away and howled some more, that made Kagome felt the pull. She woke up from her sleep and searched the origins of the somewhat like mourning sound. She then found Sesshoumaru in his smaller demon form. She recognized him, but before she made attempt to checked his wound, he pounched her and then took her many times in his almost-demon form on the forest floor. He repeatedly whispered (and shouted) 'my mate', but the overwhelmed Kagome couldn't utter single word (except moaning and screaming *smirk*). After that when they cuddled together, they confessed each other then he 'ordered' her to mate him later. Brimming with happiness, though she questioned him why he didn't mark her earlier, and he said that he did ask (?)but she never voiced her consent that made her bewildered if just shouting 'my mate' counted as 'ask'... Then she asked him why they didn't do it once again then mark each other. his answer was he didn't want to destroy the child that probably have been made in her womb as they spoke, because mating made some change in their body and aura that would endangered the child, so there was never a mating that took place after the woman had pregnant.
So after she gave birth (to fraternal twins, a boy and a girl) they indeed mate that made Kagome pregnant again (I don't know what come to my mind, but I imagine their mating will make a beautiful seven color aura to emitted, resulted septuplets identical boys that identical with their father, their difference each other were just the color of their side bangs, they range from red to purple color like rainbow that made their name somewhat have color name in there (like the red one is 'Akahide' or something like that)). Of course after had 16 children together she decided to put on hold for sometimes, if not, imagine how many they'll have in their almost forever time together.. Then the finishing touch was the timeskip to 500 years later (with so much children)....
Wow, look what wrote! So much...too much... I'm sorry, I can't help myself. I have this idea for some time but lack of time and lack of confidence to made it a story, and I already searched for a story with the similiar plot like I have in Dokuga and ff.net but none, so I challenge you to make this come true! Ehehehe... You are free to add and reduce the plot of course!
Ahahaha... I love big family! In my mind, I always pictured Sesshoumaru and kagome to have many children, and big family fits Kagome's nature more, of course it helps to soften Sesshoumaru too, and to give him a lesson that siblings made to help and support each other not to kill each other..
Oh, and for the last, I apologize for my bad english, english isn't my first language, I'm still learning it. Thank you for your time!
Whew, you did write a lot!
Your English isn't horrible, first of all - I understood you just fine! Secondly, since that's quite a bit of prompt, this one might take a while, and while I probably won't use everything you suggested, I will do my best to get the main points.
Thanks for the prompt (I'd never heard that song before, but I like it!), and Karma for you!
\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss
~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
No problem! And you don't have to go out of your way to message me (although obviously it would be greatly appreciated!)
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 65
Thank you very much!! *bow*.
I'm glad if you decide to make a story from it, I imagine the worst that you even wouldn't want to read my message challege because of too much words and complicated plots.. So, thank you again!
Good luck! Can't wait to read it!
Last Edit: 2015/01/22 21:46 By golden_flower.
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 52
What about a role reversal? e.g.... Beauty and the beast. Instead of Sesshomaru being the beast have him be the beauty but no gender benders
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Re:Pushing the Boundaries [MA - No YIMs] 10 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Already suggested that one! Problem is, though, that it's hard to turn into a one-shot...
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