Here's a quick challenge to celebrate Shakespeare's Birthday.
Yes, today is the day that famous bard was born.
(at least according to the 'experts' best guess)
Shakespeare wrote wonderful plays, and also coined some very familiar phrases. I was surprised by some of these.
So the challenge, to celebrate this auspicious day, is to write a tale and incorporate as many Shakespeare-given phrases or sayings.
Here's a
link to a page with a list of 135 of them. You can click on the saying and it will define it for you, if needed.
So here's the rules of the challenge:
~Use at least 2 sayings per chapter and either
bold or note at the bottom what the saying was.
~Can be chapter story or one shot, new or already published story.
~Any rating is fine, just make sure it's marked.
~You don't have to make it Shakespearian style, unless you want to drive yourself that nuts.
~Leave us a note here when you post your story
~Have fun with it!
(If someone wants to doodle a banner for this, I'd be ever grateful... 'specially if Sesshoumaru is in an Elizabethan collar)