If you haven't read
Striking Falcon's stories (link to FF.N), I highly recommend those. Quite a few are complete, even though they are not marked (1000, Second Chance, To Bear Witness, Unexpected Allies stories). I also really enjoyed A Cross of Blades. These would all be
MA, so no YIMs.
Other authors who are favourites:
Kanna37 (FF.N) - pairings with all three Inus; lots of ratings, but also lots of MA (no YIMs on those).
Chie - again, lots of ratings, buts lots of MA (no YIMs).
Just a Starving Writer (FF.N) - lots of shorter stories that I think would be rated MA on Dokuga.
fringeperson (FF.N) - she has quite a few stories, but you'll have to sort to find the Inuyasha ones. Lots of ratings, but a few would also be rated MA on Dokuga.
OnyxInyStone (FF.N) - some very unique stories, mostly MA.
BlueChouLyla (FF.N)
Some favourite stories:
The Unknown Gift Given, which is a really good Sesshomaru and his Beast oneshot.
Finding Her Strength by TiggyToggy (MA, no YIMs).
I hope this helps you find a little more to read!