I read this a while back (long long ago, in a galaxy far far away). Sesshoumaru somehow comes to be in the present/future and Kagome gets him to her apt (or her old house) where he tries to learn about current society. He mainly spends his time watching television and reading books. Kagome works and comes to her home late afternoons where she awkwardly tries to make conversation with him. Sesshoumaru is stiff and formal and he's just plain difficult. She doesn't know why he came to her. At one point, I think she tries to buy him modern clothing but he prefers kimonos. I remember a scene where they are in the kitchen. Kagome breaks glass, cuts herself and Sesshoumaru licks it and things heat up. They spend time together (a couple of months) and he suddenly disappears. Kagome tries to get over him and tries to forget him. I think she's at a roof at one point reminiscing about him? Sesshoumaru comes back a year later stating that he'd rather stay with her. And that's when the story ends. Sesshoumaru is not OOC in this story.
It's not Tales of House of Moon, although it's similar (at least in the last 6 chapters that Sessh and Kagome are living together after he awakens). The story's only about maybe 8 to 12 chapters long.
Any help would be much much appreciated! It was the first Sessh/Kagome fic I read.