OKay so this fic is complete that i remember.
Some how SK end up close together, love one another but something happens and she's forced to go back to her time, without him. She's still a teen though.
When she gets back to her time, she thought he was going to be there, but he never shows up until she's old and dying. She lived a full life, had kids and grands as well. but he just cant let her die without seeing her again.
Turns out he watched over her all her life, but he always thought she'd be better off without him, so he took the chance of "them" away from her, by never showing up. But b/c she's dying he goes to her.
Her daughter, a full human daughter is all "O_O hey, that's the white dog that found me once when i was lost and like 4, how weird!" when they go out to look for Kagome, she's out on the shrine grounds somewhere.
She pretty much ended up never forgetting him or their love, and some how even though she's dying she ends up with the shikon, and wishes that she were a youkai or immortal, and that they had their time together. the end was a lemon where she takes back the chance of them being together, bc she never stopped loving him.
I cant remember this fic, if anyone does please let me know.