InuYasha hurts Kagome's arm... 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 78
Okay, I got so lucky with that last fic I was looking for, how about this one (actually, I thought it was part of the one I was looking for before, but was wrong). InuYasha's group is travelling. InuYasha is being tempermental, and attacks Shippou when Shippou teases him. Shippou jumps up on Kagome, and InuYasha accidentally hurts Kagome's arm when Shippou jumps up into her arms for protection. Right after that happens, Sesshomaru walks in with Rin. Rin refuses to leave Kagome when she is hurt. Sesshomaru decides to stay and make sure InuYasha doesn't get out of control again. I know this is just one little event, but does it ring any bells with anyone out there?
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Re:InuYasha hurts Kagome's arm... 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 47
That one sounds kind of familiar . . . was Kagome's arm scratched, or was the injury worse? I remember one where her arms were bandaged up, I think after Inuyasha accidentally attacked her, but then something happened that caused them to heal faster than normal. Does that sound like the same story?
I tagged . . . err, claimed Sesshoumaru's cute, elfin ears in the Dokuga Claiming Game
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Re:InuYasha hurts Kagome's arm... 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 78
I think it is. Kagome was wearing her long-sleeved uniform top, and Sango tried to roll the sleeves up, and couldn't because the cuffs were tight. She suggested cutting the sleeves off, but Kagome didn't want to ruin the uniform. They were afraid at first that her arms might be broken, but as she travelled on, they got better quickly. I think. No, I know that Sesshomaru was feeling at least some of her pain. Maybe he came to Kagome and her group because of some kind of dreams or shared sensations or emotions? They discuss sending her home for medical care, but then I think Miroku asks if Kagome's mother might not let her come back if she knows how dangerous it is in the feudal era, and that Kagome got hurt...
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Re:InuYasha hurts Kagome's arm... 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
I know I have read that... just can't think who it is... dang
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Re:InuYasha hurts Kagome's arm... 15 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 2
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Re:InuYasha hurts Kagome's arm... 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 78
No, that's not the one, though you are brilliant to think of that one, the plot line for "Kryptonite" does really sound like the part I remember from the story I am looking for. And "Krytonite" is a GREAT story...
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Re:InuYasha hurts Kagome's arm... 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 18
I am positive that I've read this, AND that I faved it, but I'm not spotting it on my ff.net favorites list now...which worries me. Did it involve Sess and Kag sharing very smutty dreams with each other? (both before and after the arm event). I feel like the title was S something...it's won some awards before, maybe on Spark.
EDIT: AH! I'm thinking of Sins in Dreaming. Was it this one? www.dokuga.com/spark/story/7198/1
Last Edit: 2010/01/11 01:28 By tallymark.
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Re:InuYasha hurts Kagome's arm... 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 78
Ahhhh! That's it! You don't know how much time I have spent looking for this! Thank you so much!
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