These are the stories that I've found (and not read) where Sesshoumaru and Kagome are locked together in a cell. I can't tell you if the stories are any good, but it doesn't hurt for ya to check 'em out.
The Pleasure Principal by OnyxIvyStone
The battle is over and the heroes lost. The villains have the completed the Shikon no Tama and an inutaiyoukai and a miko are locked in a dungeon, naked and devoid of their memories.
NC-17 - Angst/Drama -
Captured and Trapped by SweetestAngel
*chap18 up!!* Kagome woke up in a cell...and not alone. Will she survive her ordeal? Will she be able to escape? SessKag pairing. Rating for later chapter. Sorry, bad summary. M/F
Just Breathe by Moments of Magic
She was taken, locked away for reasons unkown to her, a legend, a betrayed love and a friendship that never should of come to be. Kag/Sess. Angst. Lem. M/F Original
All is fair in love and war... by Sesshomaru_is_sexy
Kagome and Sesshomaru have been captured and taken prisoners off war...will love prevail or will death and destruction rule all?
R - Action/Adventure
Prisoners by WildcatYST
Update: Chapters 2-9 Now Up! Kagome is captured by an enemy and imprisoned in his castle. But she is not alone. She discovers a weak and angry Sesshoumaru. Will they be able to put their differences aside to escape? Or will the man behind their capture get what he really wants? {Nominated for Best Characterization, Sesshoumaru for the IYFG}
Hopefully one of these will spark some sort of memory....but like I said, I havent read any of them