12:31 PM [sugar0o] like the idea is that its late 1800's maybe early 1900's i dunno, and they are in Britain, AU
12:31 PM [sugar0o] they argue all the time, fighting for top marks in school everything
12:32 PM [sugar0o] one of them wins a paper assignment, like an award of something
12:32 PM [sugar0o] and even though they argue all the time, they marry, b/c they love each other
12:32 PM [sugar0o] war breaks out and they are some of the top minds
12:33 PM [sugar0o] they help, and they are well respected, the dean of their college is always freaked out b/c he's certain one of them or the other will always want the job
12:33 PM [sugar0o] they never have kids, but still
...Anyone heard of this? i want to say it was a oneshot but i'm thinking it had a few chapters, lass then 7 maybe... HELP!! its a Romantic tragedy i think, or a romantic drama! it was on FF and i can't remember it *whines*