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FFNet or Dokuga Search for Kags/Sess fic
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Just make a thread outlining as much about the general plot as you can remember, and any defining details that made the story stick with you. Good luck!
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TOPIC: FFNet or Dokuga Search for Kags/Sess fic
Mysteria Connors
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FFNet or Dokuga Search for Kags/Sess fic 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago Karma: 0
I hope someone remembers this story and can point me in the right direction. The story I am looking for I am fairly certain I read the fic at FFNet but it could be here too.

The group is still searching for the jewel shards and Inuyasha has steadily become more abrasive and verbally abusive towards Kagome, the final straw is when he brings Kikyo into the group to replace Kagome. Having something of an emotional breakdown, Kagome goes home and attempts to OD on pills. Souta is the one to find and get her help just in time. Mama Higurashi has put her foot down and decided her daughter would not going back into the past anymore.

The rest of the group has practically mutinied and refused to go anywhere with Inuyasha and Kikyou (mainly because she couldn't sense any of the jewel shards). Sesshomaru had considerable dealing with the Inutachi mainly due to Kagome assisting him with Rin. When he finds out the gist of what had happened he finds a way over to speak with Kagome's mother and see if he could come to some sort of deal that would allow Kagome to come back.

Throughout his discussion with the Higurashi matriarch he finds out more about what had been going on when she laid down the non-negotiable terms concerning her daughter. The first was that Inuyasha was to have limited access to Kagome and his behavior regarding her daughter be mipped in the bud immediately. Secondly, Kagome would not be sacrificing her education for the shard hunt and time must be set aside for her studies since she was not enrolled in a remote program. As such there would be times she would have to return to future to not only take her academic tests but to make her medical appointmentss as well. And third and most importantly, that whenever Kagome is starting to be overwhealmed and starts going into panic attacks thatshe be allowed to rest and take a break by coming home.

Sesshomaru agrees readily enough and compromised with Mama Higurashi about taking Kagome to his Shiro when she needs downtime if they were not close enough to the well for her to come back. Mrs. Higurashi reluctantly agrees only after Kagome vouches for Sesshomaru's level of protection. They go back and Kagome sticks to Sesshomaru like glue which sets Inubaka off giving the Western Lord his opportunity to start physically correcting his younger half-brother's behavior. There are a number of times throughout the story that Inuyasha set off panic attacks for Kagome, accusing her of faking her condition when everyone starts protecting her from him

The only part I am uncertain about is if Inutaisho was brought back to deal with Inuyasha himself, but everything else is what I remember from the story

Any help would be deeply appreicated.
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Jay Pea
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Re:FFNet or Dokuga Search for Kags/Sess fic 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago Karma: 15
This sounds very much like Danyealle-sama's "...From the Ashes a Pheonix Rises" (MA). The major plot points are the same, but some parts of your description sound like another story, so perhaps they are conflated?
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Last Edit: 2024/03/24 10:09 By jparkes.
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Re:FFNet or Dokuga Search for Kags/Sess fic 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago Karma: 71

From the Ashes a Phoenix Rises by Danyealle-sama

Rated MA

The link wasn't working
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