hey guys im searching for another one and i appreciate if you can help.
I'm looking for a Sesshomaru Kagome story. im sure its an alternate univers story and modern era setting, where Kagome is hearing his beasts thoughts. i believe Kagome works for sesshomaru's father company Sesshomaru and His beasts are at odds with each other and sesshomaru taaking alot of stress due to working to eventually take over his father company and Kagome one day gets very close too Sesshomaru to start hearing his thoughts. One such day Kagome accidentally slips up when talking to Sesshomaru and responds to a comment his beast said and Sesshomaru and his beast realise that Kagome is conversing with what his beast is saying in his head. They got talk at a burger place. Kagome and sesshomaru decide to continue to keep Kagome close and i believe Kagome finds in time she can help with Sesshomaru's development with joining with his beast rather then keep them separate entities.
if this rings any bells and if you know the story please let me know! Thank you.