Hi guys! I've been trying to find two fics, both of which I read years ago, and the first of which I believe was either on Spark or Dokuga.
Fic #1: Kagome is either trapped in the Shikon Jewel or Sesshomaru's head; she can communicate only with Sesshomaru, and this way lives through the next 500 years with him. At some point in the fic they decide to change history, specifically preserving the environment and helping demons survive, and at the end of the fic, Kagome is...somehow...released from the jewel into this new reality where demons still exist in the 20th/21st Century and like, climate change is not happening. I read this fic years--maybe a decade--ago, to give you guys a sense of age.
Fic #2: Unlike the former, I don't remember much about the plot. I'm pretty sure it was mostly smut. I believe Kikyou was alive, and Sesshomaru was travelling with Kagome et al., and...something...happened that sent Sesshomaru/Kagome, Miroku/Sango, Inuyasha/Kikyou off to separate locations to have sex. I think it was a "sex-or-die" type of situation. After the smut, everyone winds up pregnant and there's drama. I believe that Sesshomaru was on decent terms with everyone, so there wasn't too much angst. I also vaguely remember that the author had one or two other fics that ran along similar lines.
My Google skills are pretty decent, but these two fics are really stumping me. Any help would be appreciated!