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Looking for a specific fic
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TOPIC: Looking for a specific fic
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Looking for a specific fic 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
I read this fic a few years ago and cannot remember the title.
Kagome falls through the well on her 5th or 6th bday and sesshoumaru helps her out but she only has till the end of the day before she is sent back home. Pretty sure he asks what she can give in return for him helping and she promises magic shoes. Sessh knows shes lying but helps anyway. She falls through the well every year and sesshomaru waits for her and celebrates every year as she grows till shes 13 or so when onigumo turns to naraku and attacks making kagome forget.
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Re:Looking for a specific fic 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 279
Might it be this one?
"Tale Of A Youkai and His Tiny, Little Human" by Niglia

Rated K


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Re:Looking for a specific fic 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
That one is very close but not it unfortunately:c In the one I'm looking for when kagome falls shes about that age but i'd say is sent a few years before Inuyasha is sealed by kikyo. He and kikyo are still together and kaede is a child. Kikyo is caring for onigumo in the cave during that time. Its a few years in story before they make an apoearance i believe. The first time kagome falls, she's little and cant get out but sessh is there so she tries to bribe him into helping her. At the end of the day she fades away back to her time and her mom finds her. After that Kagomes mom knows it happens and gives her a camera and such for each year since she only goes on her bday. Kagome keeps a journal under her bed of each encounter untill the day onigumo changes into naraku and attacks her and sessh, making her forget. Her mom keeps it a secret after that but then kagone falls in again at 15 and its been 50 yrs like where og inuyasha starts. She slowly gets her memories back after meering sessh again but i never got to finish it so i dont know much more:/
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Last Edit: 2020/05/23 18:41 By EurekaKit.
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Re:Looking for a specific fic 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 77
I think you want The Wishing Well by sesshomarusama33 rated T. It was never completed.
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Last Edit: 2020/05/23 22:01 By Silinara.
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Re:Looking for a specific fic 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
Thats the one thank you so much! Sad its not finished but i'm glad to have found it all the same:)
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