So here's what I remember.
Kagome is in the South US. She is from a small town she is trying to build back up by buildingup it's tourism industry. She gets a call from Sango about helping Rin get away from an abusive boyfriend because she is pregnant and he hates hanyo. Kagome eventually agrees to give her a safe place to stay until her brother can come and pick her up. Sesshoumaru shows up and is shocked that Kagome doesnt give him as much as a passing glance. The morning after he arrives she needs at least three cups of coffee before she is can be normal. The thunder brothers show up after Sesshoumaru and Rin are gone and blow up her house. Then the story goes on about Sesshoumaru and Kagomes adventure across the country.
I remember so much about the story but I can't remember the name of it!
Any help is appreciated