Thank you Shrine Girl for mentioning Bound by Jesaka Karanaka and Midnight meets Moonlight by Mujitsu, I've read them both in my years as a reader and love reading them still.
And though they share a few slight similarities they are sadly not the fic I'm hoping to find.
I will say that at the time i read the fic I'm trying to search for, I was also frequenting other fanfiction websites at the time. ( which of course makes this search even more difficult since I struggle to remember which fanfic site it was on)
I at the time was mostly reading on Dokuga and but had also visited AO3( Archive of Our Own, and ( at the time I read this fic. Suffice to say I strongly believe it was on one of these 4 websites due to the fact I remember being on these websites at the time.
Personally I'm strongly leaning towards and, but well see if I can find it or someone else can help me in doing so and also I believe the story was in text on a plain white background.
I feel mentioning this could sort of by pass a few fanfiction websites I know of that have Sess/Kag fanfiction, due to the fact that others I've visited don't have text on a plain white background.
But well see you and the other readers viewing this post may be able to find it on other fanfiction sites that I just didn't happen to know about.
Well best of luck since my search for this story is still underway.