Okay, as many of the readers for my fic
Stealing Heaven know, I've had it in mind to be revised into an original fiction as soon as it's completed. The revision, itself, isn't what I need assistance with- I've been re-reading the story to keep it fresh in my mind while I work to finish it and I've been stumbling over typos, missed words and mis-wordings (and, much to my chagrin, misspellings) left, right and sideways

. I tried to comb through the chapters myself to do it, but, as I have learned
repeatedly, correctly proofing your own work is close to impossible, and I need to have them fixed so I don't find myself getting tripped up by them while I'm threading out any fanfiction elements. It would take a huge weight off my shoulders if someone could help me with this.
I need a ruthlessly meticulous individual to proofread the full story and correct these errors. However, it is a rather voluminous document (135,000+ words, not including the chapter I'm working on at this very moment) and I'm not sure how many would be willing to undertake this task.
If you're interested in helping, you can respond here and PM me your email address (please don't put your email address in your forum response, as it is visible to the public). I would ask that no YIMs respond to this, as it is a MA rated work and in order to proof it, you'd have to read it and, well, you know how that goes. Please give me a time frame in which you feel you'd be able to complete it- I only expect
approximates here, not an exact "I can have it done in 'this many' days". I understand people have lives and obligations that matter more than editing someone else's stuff (I have four kids, one who's a newborn, so believe me when I say 'I understand', lol) and please be honest about how long you feel it may take you and let me know if something comes up that causes the proofing to be put on hold. I know that may seem like asking a bit much, but I don't want to hand it over to someone feeling confident that they'll have it done in a few weeks, or a month and then have it be six months before I even hear from the person.
And now back to writing.