Intresting :) From The Way You Describe It I Get The Vibe That It's Kinda Like Insurgent... I Mean As Far As The Placing Of Time Kagome Is In , It's Futuristic ( if that's a word lmao ) But In The Middle Of Forests Lol Idk That's What I Got Anywho I Like This Story So Far :)
anna (Chapter 3) - Mon 17 Aug 2015
Omg Omg! ! Beautiful beautiful! ! I am already falling in love with this fic. So far so good my dear. Can't wait until we meet Sesshy lol. I want to let you know you are doing a wonderful job! ????
Just in case you're interested the fic this is based off of is A Breeder's World by BlueRibbon89, it's on as well as A Single Spark & on here too. I think it was up to 75 chapters on ASS & 51 on AFF, I'm not sure how many chapters are posted on Dokuga.
Please give us more!!!!! This story is sooo good!!!! Thank you!
I love it so far. Can't wait for more!!!
No Uta (Chapter 3) - Sun 16 Aug 2015
An intriguing and informative chapter. I'm looking forward to more. :)
rose (Chapter 3) - Sun 16 Aug 2015
next chapter please
GAH!! I want to know how the test turned out. :-(
Raynell (Chapter 1) - Fri 14 Aug 2015
Really intrigued with where this is going so I hope you will update soon. Cheers.
Pearl (Chapter 1) - Wed 12 Aug 2015
I'm really hoping this story doesn't have the same slut shaming bs that the other story had! I'm sure that the world building for a breeder story doesn't need to classify non-virginal women as unfit to have children(only women with light colors can breed), dirty(since the more partners a woman had the darker her asigned color implying that she is dirty and women with light colors are clean) and of having less value than virgins. If you can avoid those pitfalls I'll be super happy.
p.s. yes I hate that other story.
Ashatan (Chapter 2) - Tue 11 Aug 2015
You really had me intrigued and coming up with all kinds of scenarios at the end of chapter 1 lol
My mind was going crazy in chapter 2 as well haha I look forward to reading more! ! !
JaeJae (Chapter 2) - Tue 11 Aug 2015
Please do not leave us in suspense. When is the next chapter I'm to eager to wait.
jk (Chapter 2) - Tue 11 Aug 2015
This story reminds me a lot like the one
A Breeder's World by BlueRibbon98 . Lets see how your story goes. looking forward to it
Interesting start two Cliffy ch.... Soo where is this going and how much angst will pull at our heartstrings? Love it fun start of a good story
Oh neat I like the food and laundry idea! it reminds me of the replicators on Star Trek lol!
I can't wait for the next chapter!!
Hmmm this feels very familiar to another story I read where the 'breeders' are given different levels based upon how many men they have slept with and Kagome was the only one that was still a virgin. They traveled around in these glass spheres and Sesshy and Inuyasha chose here to share for their clan - which they had had trouble finding a virgin and when they found Kagome they jumped at the chance.
What is the name of the other story? I remember starting to read it but I don't think I had a chance to finish it and I remember adoring that - just as I will yours!
Emily (Chapter 1) - Mon 10 Aug 2015
Super excited for this story! I hope you will provide a unique side to this story idea.
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