I had the same question about Sesshoumaru's statement about any further pups being accepted by demon society. Did you mean that they won't be accepted? I too like the different origins and look forward to seeing how Sesshoumaru matures and his meeting Kagome. I'm thinking InuYasha will be added to the mix, so I'm interested if his dad will try to take all inheritance from him. There interactions in the future will be interesting.
I like your story so far. It is nicely written. I was a little confused with one line in paragraph 11 in chapter one where Sess was yelling at his father and his mistress he said, "You will never be my mother. Any pups you have with my father will be accepted by Youkai kind." Now did you mean it the way you had written it or did you mean to say that any pups they have will not be accepted by youkai kind?
Your plot idea is different from any others that I have read and I find it interesting. Keep up the good work and I hope you do not abandon this story. I am looking forward to future chapters. How often will you be updating? Great job!
Ceysna (Chapter 1) - Fri 21 Nov 2014
*tackle hugs* THANK YOU INUGIRL!!!!!! Nice start on the new fic! I love it! A different take on Sesshy's origins, InuKimi single mama, modern times and a SHIPPO PLUSHY!!!! I love it! can't wait for more!
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