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dancingfingers (Chapter 51) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

Perfect man, indeed


Loveyaa (Chapter 51) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

Well aren't they precious. I almost feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Lazurite (Chapter 51) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

He jumped to the worst conclusion really quick...

Lazurite (Chapter 50) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

I figured he'd stop her. He's cute like that.

Patrine (Chapter 51) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

I can't have enough of his cuteness >.<

maricela (Chapter 51) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

poor Sesshoumaru i felt sad for him but great update thank you.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 50) - Mon 01 Sep 2014

Wonderful chapter, keep it coming.

Loveyaa (Chapter 50) - Mon 01 Sep 2014

Woah...close call. That took a lot of will power. I wonder hoe long it will last. I can see Sesshoumaru giving Kagome the romantic candlelit dinner anyway. I can't wait to see what happens next and if they'll get anybody in their side :)

Patrine (Chapter 29) - Mon 01 Sep 2014

I lost a full afternoon of studing to read this and I can't be more pleased! Even more that there are sill 21 chaps to go *-*

Crystal (Chapter 50) - Mon 01 Sep 2014

Oh you tease!!!!!! I felt like I was in Kagome's shoes and wanted to sigh in frustration FOR Kagome from Sesshoumaru'a own cock block move!

Patrine (Chapter 4) - Mon 01 Sep 2014

It's not that I dont like it, I just dont like all these alcohol thing. but that wont stop me from reading

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 49) - Sun 31 Aug 2014

Keep it coming.

lattie (Chapter 49) - Sun 31 Aug 2014

Sango is offended by being called a whore? She really should look it up before she judges Kagome.

KEdakumi (Chapter 49) - Sun 31 Aug 2014

Wow... Sango has some serious issues. It's amazing that she thinks she can stick her noise into Kagom's business and not really hear a thing she said

Lazurite (Chapter 49) - Sun 31 Aug 2014

Wow all these super nosy people... they are just taking an interest now?

Lazurite (Chapter 48) - Sun 31 Aug 2014

Just hire a maid, I'm sure dad will pay for that too.

consuelo marquez (Chapter 49) - Sun 31 Aug 2014

oooooooh! finally! Sango has been being -itchy this whole time and i LOVED this scene!


Ree-san (Chapter 49) - Sun 31 Aug 2014

I'm so glad that she told Sango off!  She knows nothing about their relationship or him, but she's judging him based on her generalization of all guys.    Kagome is so right that this is what relationships are all about, finding someone who's worth the risk of being hurt in order to find your happiness.  Sango can say your opinion, but she took it way too far.  It unfortunately says a lot about Sango and it's not very flattering.  I'll be very curious to see Miroku's reaction to Sango's beliefs and what she said to Kagome.  I don't know why she's offended by the idea that she's a whore, isn't that her goal to have as much uncommitted sex as possible?  I like Miroku too much for him to be subjected to Sango really.  He may not be looking for a relationship, but he doesn't push his views off on other people and is supportive.  He respects their relationship. 

I'm so proud and happy for Kagome!!

Tana_san (Chapter 48) - Sun 31 Aug 2014

I absolutely am thrilled that Kagome liked Sessh's surprise of the new apartment. I was worried that somehow InuYasha might have put Sesshoumaru into trouble when he showed a that last party. I thought that if the campus police got involved and word got back to the board that agreed to give Sessh the apartment, it might have stopped his getting it.

I think Sango's concern is sweet but I think she needs to put her own hatred aside and trust Kagome's judgement. Kagome is a grown woman and Sango voiced her concern and should leave it at that. She hasn't tried to get to know Sesshoumaru before making harsh judgements about him. Maybe since she's going to date Miroku that he'll make her understand that Kagome and Sesshoumaru are a good match for each other.

I keep smiling at each new thing that they do together. Sesshoumaru is just so adorably sweet in this fic and Kagome genuinely wants him to be happy. I think that Sesshoumaru needs to voice his concerns a little more often when he thinks he may lose Kagome over some minor thing he says or does, or doesn't do. I know he's still unsure but hopefully with the new apartment he can learn that he's not going to lose her over such little things. When in doubt, ask. How else can you learn about each other. Hopefully the new apartment will give them more time to talk and not worry about running out for food and drink before classes giving them the much needed time to learn each other's habits.

The trip to the grocery store was one we all went through at some point of our lives, but it was so funny that of all things to forget, it was toilet paper! And whose going to clean the bathroom??? Priceless! Neither has ever cleaned a bathroom??? Wow, now that's a new one. Mom always made us take turn with cleaning, even the bathroom! My daughter uses the main bathroom in the house more than my husband and I do so she has the task of cleaning it. I definitely do a better job. I understand that it's not something she likes to do so she'll always do a half job because she knows that I'll come behind her and wash the floors and clean under all the things she keeps on the sink counter top. I hate that she doesn't think this an important part of cleaning but dust build up anywhere messes with her allergies and you'd think she would keep it clean. 27 years old mind you, but she is her own person and though she's been taught, doesn't mean she'll do all things to my satisfaction.

So, anyway, since I don't review every chapter, I wanted to let you know that this is one of the most sweetest and entertaining fics that I read lately and I just love Sesshoumaru's out of character in this learning to become who he was always meant to be through the love and friendship of a girl.  JEN

Loveyaa (Chapter 48) - Sat 30 Aug 2014

Well look at them playing house. It is kinda true that people do have a tendency of sticking themselves into other people's relationships. I don't really see that being a problem for Sesshoumaru and Kagome. They are almost too perfect. I can't wait to see what will happen next :)

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