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Tana_san (Chapter 56) - Sun 07 Sep 2014

I totally agree with Kagome...Don't listen to anyone tell you what you KNOW in your heart is real. What's the worse that could happen, like she said, they could break up. The whole point is to get to know if what they share is a lasting one and Sesshoumaru knows for himself Kagome is his chosen. Now Kagome just needs to know this too and she's right to take the courting mark for what it is, a learning of each other to be sure if mating/marriage is what you really want. She is dating a youkai and have profeessed her love for him and his inner inu so this is proof of that love to satisfy their instincts. Makes sense. I like the cresent moon showing his royal house and if they DO mate that it will become permanent.

It's understandable for friends and, even aquaintances to show concern for her but to down right tell her she's making a mistake is wrong. Everyone needs to learn by experience and sometimes there are those that learn quickly through others experiences, but just because someone was hurt badly doesn't give them the right to dictate their circumstances on another's life, that includes interracial or inter species relations. There has been no proof that Sesshoumaru has ever hurt a female in his life and just because some woman has a youkai male hurt her isn't proof enough to dictate to Kagome how she should feel and live her life. Kagome seems to have a good grasp on life. She has experience with dating and being in relationnships, I think she's old enough experience wise to know her own heart and to make adult decisions for herself. She gone to how many on these parties where people end up in all kinds of trouble and she's never gone beyond the limits she set for herself and she's had her closest friends(like Miroku) to watch her back too.

I adored the day Sessh showed her the new apartment because he wanted to be able to sleep with her at night as much as she did and that was before any actual sex was even done. It was sweet and I had thought of so many ways that would prevent him from obtaining the apartment and was so pleased that he got it and she was as happy as he was. Their times together are so fun and sweet. I just frown each time someone tries to put their noses into their relationship. If Kagome had felt any danger I'm more than sure she would have backed out by now.

Oh and I must say I just adored the mental image of Sesshoumaru sitting contemplating what each different color packet of condom meant when he was sorting them out. Then here comes Kagome to mix them up again so they can have a little variety and spice added to each encounter. I can't wait for the first time they both get to experience doing it skin on skin. There is nothing to compare to that in my book. Especially with a well endowed, uncircumsized male. Oh how I wish I could relive the young love my husband and I shared. The learning, exploring, the love...


Loveyaa (Chapter 56) - Sun 07 Sep 2014

Uh oh...those sound like final words. Like the knock on wood type of thing. I wonder how long they can live in their happy little bubble. I can't wait to see what happens next and if anyone can knock Sesshoumaru off now :)

Loveyaa (Chapter 55) - Sun 07 Sep 2014

Well good for them. Things seem to be moving along nicely. I still wonder how they will know when Sesshoumaru's beast will fully come out and he completes his transformation. I can't wait to see what happens next and if someone rains on their parade :)

consuelo marquez (Chapter 55) - Sat 06 Sep 2014

this is so exciting...but it feels like the calm before the storm...and now im paranoid

Nicole (Chapter 55) - Sat 06 Sep 2014

I love it! But, now that things are moving along so well, I can't help but wondering where the next troublemaker is hoing to swoop in from...

consuelo marquez (Chapter 54) - Fri 05 Sep 2014

*fangirl screams*

Mari (Chapter 54) - Fri 05 Sep 2014

More. Must have more

Nicole (Chapter 54) - Fri 05 Sep 2014

While reading this chapter, my grin practically cracked my face too :)

KEdakumi (Chapter 54) - Fri 05 Sep 2014

I love this chapter. I have a feeling Inupapa is making big plans for Sesshoumaru, can't wait to see his reaction to this courting.

Patrine (Chapter 54) - Fri 05 Sep 2014

Sooo cute! Naked declarations of love!

Tana_san (Chapter 53) - Thu 04 Sep 2014

I can't imagine a better first time for any guy. This was just so sweet and loving. He just wants everything so perfect for her that he's letting it get in the way of the enjoyment itself and that is commendable. All his times after this will be truly loving because he the hard trial he put himself through is over. He forgot that Kagome said he would be the first to get her to orgasm so he had nothing to worry about.

This fic has been just one big long lemon...just a little at a time...mixing all the right ingredients to make the most perfect lemonade for we all to enjoy!   JEN

p.s. He kept his glasses on! How sweet! He's youkai and he really needs glasses??? I thought he just liked how they looked on him.

Nicole (Chapter 53) - Thu 04 Sep 2014

I love this chapter!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 52) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

Both chapters are cool, keep it coming.

Loveyaa (Chapter 52) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

It is really nice of her to help him along, but thats kinda what actually caring for someone is about. I wonder if Sesshoumaru will be able to make it through this experience. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Lazurite (Chapter 52) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

Door to door service... He's going to have to carry her everywhere soon...

consuelo marquez (Chapter 52) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

awwww, the sex

Mz Taisho Sama (Chapter 52) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

OMG YES!!!! This is IT DAMN IT!!! about time too lol. I cant wait for next chapter...this whole story is just sheet lemony goodnes!! I love it. Thank you for your amazingness!!


FayeMegan (Chapter 52) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

That was an evil cliff hanger!

maricela (Chapter 52) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

so cute he is so ready. loved the update thank you.

Nicole (Chapter 52) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

You sure know how to leave a girl hanging! ;)

Though I do appreciate all the detail and learning experiences you write into every scene - it makes the story feel more real. 

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