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KEdakumi (Chapter 83) - Tue 21 Oct 2014

Ooooo...I so see Kagome and Inupapa butting heads if Sesshoumaru doesn't work for him and do whatever he's planning for Fluffy's life.

Great party ideas.

Can't wait for more!

dancingfingers (Chapter 83) - Tue 21 Oct 2014

I hope you'll get well soon. I, too, had had that kind of headache that limited me to do my daily activities for nearly two weeks.


This chapter made me teary-eyed, so sweet and wonderful ... *sighs*

Elizabeth (Chapter 83) - Tue 21 Oct 2014

Yay!  A new chapter!  And how sweet!  Sesshomaru's life is Kagome!

I am glad you are doing a bit better!  Headaches are the worst.

Loveyaa (Chapter 82) - Fri 17 Oct 2014

Hmm...I wonder if Sesshoumaru will ever find out. It is nice to know that there are good people in the world, like Kagome. Ones that will not bully the weak or hurt others. I can't wait to see what happens next and how Sesshoumaru continues to grow :)

Ankita (Chapter 82) - Thu 16 Oct 2014

^_^ thanks for updating. ... and don't exhaust yourself you have to be in good condition so many imp. Things are coming up we can't havr you feeling down as for us we will wait for your update patiently we all know all the authors have real life to deal with too ^_^ 

TKE (Chapter 82) - Wed 15 Oct 2014

I've spent the last two days reading straight thru this story during every break of homeschooling and running errands. I absolutely love the way you put him in a totally different position than he is normally portrayed as. I will definitely be looking forward to each and every update! ;)

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 82) - Wed 15 Oct 2014

Awesome chapters, keep it coming.

dancingfingers (Chapter 82) - Wed 15 Oct 2014

I'm glad that I don't have a friend like Sango. *sighs*


Debra (Chapter 82) - Tue 14 Oct 2014

Poor Kagome having to deal with Sango, but I love how she stands up to her. The part about Sango and InuYasha meeting was funny and would be awesome if they ever met. 

Sesshoumaru is so sweet to her, taking care of her giving her peanut butter cups and trying to make sure she isn't in pain. 

i can also see why he doesn't want to ask his dad about getting high off of her. Although I think it would make his father thrilled that he is drawn to and drinking her blood. 

Valasaurus (Chapter 81) - Sun 12 Oct 2014

Finally got a chance to read up to this current chapter and i must say that this story is absolutely amazing!

. I love the fact that sesshomaru is a nerd and is self conscious. It is definitely a new spin. I also like the fact that you didn't jump into lemons, even if i live for smut! The progression was extremely slow, and yet so quick at the same time.

Iwould like to see the story progress with time skips, but would also like to explore sess finding his demon side. However the story progresses I'm sure with be fucking amazing.Can't wait until the bnext chapter!


Ankita (Chapter 81) - Sat 11 Oct 2014

^_^ can't  wait to see what will happen with sessho i think he's gonna change transform  have yet to see his demonic  formmm ...

 I hope you are alright haven't  updated  for few days ^_^ hope you come back again


Loveyaa (Chapter 81) - Wed 08 Oct 2014

That was quite the description and way to set the scene. Something is going on with Sesshoumaru and I can't wait to find out. Sesshoumaru still seems very co-dependent and I cant wait to see him continue to grow and strike out more on his own. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Debra (Chapter 81) - Wed 08 Oct 2014

I just started reading your story a few days ago and I absolutly love it. Sesshoumaru is just so lovable and Kagome is the perfect person for him. I also love how you have Miroku being his womanizing self and still have honest and great friendship with Kagome. Not to mention how he is always trying to help Sesshoumaru. 

Just over all a great story.


dancingfingers (Chapter 81) - Tue 07 Oct 2014

This chapter is so sweet. I mean, to remember all the things that brought them together and the things that made him fall for her... all her flaws and her perfection... Sesshoumaru is so blessed to have found his other half.

I don't mind it at all even though it's a bit late if we readers got this satisfying chapter :)

Chie (Chapter 81) - Tue 07 Oct 2014

There was some beautiful writing in this chapter.  It was very sweet and I really enjoyed it.

Lazurite (Chapter 80) - Sun 05 Oct 2014

I'm sorry, you probably didn't mean it that way but the whole idea of Sesshoumaru getting high from going down (is that an oxymoron?) is extremely amusing. Then Kagome leaving him there on floor to go to the bathroom just topped the whole thing off!

Lazurite (Chapter 79) - Sun 05 Oct 2014

Yes, the minis have a much more satisfying chocolate to peanut butter ratio. But ANY chocolate will do when its that time of the month. 

Szira (Chapter 1) - Sun 05 Oct 2014

Idc what anyone says! I love the way you write and everything included! Thanks for your daily updates that give me a reason to procrastinate my homework more!! Keep on being amazing I'll always read it! 

Lazurite (Chapter 77) - Sun 05 Oct 2014

I had to look up Ghost Hyena to see if it was really a thing...

Tana_san (Chapter 80) - Sun 05 Oct 2014

This was so much better than others I've read on this peticular subject. He actually got ...Stoned! WOW! I can just imagine how this will affect his want to mate Kagome. I surely have to agree with him that he should not tell anyone that he did this with her. It's too intimate a thing and I'd be so embarassed if my guy ever told anyone he did that with her. I would suggest he ask his father about the affects of tasting blood and use the time he nicked her skin and cleaned it for her. His father should know if his want for her blood will intensify now that he's had a taste of it.

Oh and having sex while on your cycle does feel amazing as your hormones are super sensitive and it does really work to relieve cramps. I only ever had cramps so badly on the first 2 days of my cycle and getting my guy to do it wasn't easy but since I would bath first and then put a towel under us, he figured I wasn't going to let him not do it. He agreed only for the first 2 days though as the flow was spotting and he said the rest of the days was just dirty and gross. So girls, if you've never tried it? Give it a go, even if it's only on the first day when you are starting to spot. It does wonders for the cramps and gives one of the greatest feeling orgasms...ever! And since I'm so old I don't seem to care about telling others intimate things, ask my daughter! LOL  (But in my defense, I was on some pretty heavy medication when I told her things about sex and embarrassed as heck when she told me what I said. She's a "too much information" kind of girl.)

I'm glad Kagome is teaching Sessh to talk to her about sex and other things too. If a couple wants a great relationship than always keep things open and honest. It's helped my 36 years together with my guy and we're older now and still close. Don't ever lose that child that lives inside of you either. Betty White from Too Hot in Cleveland said that you never stop feeling like yourself when you's just that reflection in the mirror that's older. Oh how true or I wouldn't be sitting here reading sexy fanfiction all the time!!!   JEN

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