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KCM12883 (Chapter 87) - Fri 23 Jan 2015

This is a very adorable chapter, but oh I want more action!  Can't wait for an update to see what happens next!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 87) - Fri 23 Jan 2015

This is great. Now hopefully on to making Sango pay.

KEdakumi (Chapter 87) - Fri 23 Jan 2015

Can't wait to see what happens the next day, if someone will try to have either of them arrested or when she meets InuPapa. Looking forward to see where you take this!

angel (Chapter 1) - Fri 23 Jan 2015

Glad to know you are up and about, hope you feel better soon. This is one of the stories that no matter that it is unfinished, I can't help re-reading it again and again. (I know it's cliche). The plot is beautifully well thought out even though some are prompts, the way you link it makes it into one seemly fluid story. The grammar is precise and you never get confused as to who is doing the thinking or talking. Characters are very developed especially Seshoumarou; don't get me wrong, I love dominant sesshy as much as the next person but I love the way that you made Kagome the dominant one, makes you crave to know what happens next. Hoping to go back to the daily updates or even a weekly one I'd be happy with. This story just takes out the bad in my day and makes me smile. :)



love and hugs!

Patrine (Chapter 86) - Fri 23 Jan 2015

I can't wait to See Sango and Hojo payment!

Ankita (Chapter 86) - Fri 23 Jan 2015

^_^  its been 3 monthss ohhh how fast the time flies hope you get well soon ^_^

Cheryl (Chapter 86) - Fri 23 Jan 2015

welcome back~ great chapter and take care~! good luck :)

KCM12883 (Chapter 86) - Thu 22 Jan 2015

Thank goodness! ! I was dying to know what happens next!!  Please don't fall off the face of the earth again !!! I hope you update soon!! 

satuross (Chapter 86) - Thu 22 Jan 2015

Dont long as you continue writing, people will be happy. it will mostly be forgotten after a lemon or so XD

Debra (Chapter 86) - Thu 22 Jan 2015

Glad you updated. I really enjoy this story.

consuelo marquez (Chapter 86) - Thu 22 Jan 2015

yaaaaayyy! you are back! i can't wait to see hwat happens to sango! love you and your writing!

skullkat (Chapter 86) - Thu 22 Jan 2015

Glad to see you are back! :) Hope you are feeling better soon!  I'm really enjoying your story; had suspected that Kagome's revenge would have something to do with the sorority ;)

Emu (Chapter 86) - Thu 22 Jan 2015

Omg, love it 

Katrina Kee (Chapter 86) - Thu 22 Jan 2015

Yeah! Sessy kicks some serious butt! I am sooo glad! It does make one wonder where his beast was though........and why Sess needs glasses in the first place. Oh well, I just cannot wait to see what happens to Sango next! Kagome is right. Sisters are supposed to take care of each other, not jump one another because of a guy. Once again, if makes one wonder exactly why Sango was trying so hard to get Sess and Kags to split up. Surely it has to be more than an issue with demon bigotery now, is it? Can't wait for the next chapter to see what happens with Hojo and Sango!

On another note, have you been to see a Doctor about your cold and cough yet? My husband ended up hospitalized for a week with pneunmonia because he thought he could shake a little 'cold'. Take better care of yourself and we'll 'hear' from you soon now, OK? Have a good day! :D

Namida (Chapter 86) - Thu 22 Jan 2015

Ok so going to -insert praise and excitement for next chapter here- , but I also and most importantly want to say that I hope you are feeling better/get better soon.  Those kind of cold can be nasty. 


-sending well wishes of health and such to where ever you may be-

candy (Chapter 86) - Thu 22 Jan 2015

That was great but I thought kagome would try to taste sesshomaru blood to see if it would taste good to her since he Love's the taste of her blood. 

Shareece (Chapter 86) - Thu 22 Jan 2015

Thanks for the update. I was missing my story

Elizabeth (Chapter 86) - Thu 22 Jan 2015

It's important that you recover.  I hope you feel better soon, but this bug appears to linger.  Almost everyone in my family has gotten it.  Crossed fingers for myself: I've been very lucky.

Anyhow, I can't wait to see what happens to Hojo and Sango.  I am eager for the next chapter, but not at the risk of your own health.

beachvilla (Chapter 86) - Thu 22 Jan 2015

Yay for updates. Boo for sickness. 


ashley (Chapter 1) - Mon 19 Jan 2015

Hey I hope everything is okay. It's been so long since youve updated and that isn't like you....hope all is well and happy New Years boo 

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