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KEdakumi (Chapter 90) - Mon 26 Jan 2015

Wait! Why is there no next button?! I can't wait to see how these tribunals go.

Kat (Chapter 89) - Mon 26 Jan 2015

Woohoo! You're back! I missed this story! Update when you can.  I can't wait to see what happens next.

Yin - Yang M (Chapter 89) - Mon 26 Jan 2015

You know it bad if Sesshomaru dad come and step in. Good update

Ankita (Chapter 89) - Sun 25 Jan 2015

Hahahhaha so nice to see you r updating regularly :P ^_^ i think sessho can see better now @_@ yayayay 

dancingfingers (Chapter 89) - Sun 25 Jan 2015

I guess this 'wrong prescription' is in fact Sesshomaru doesn't need glasses anymore? I always think it's odd that a daiyoukai like him, with superior senses, needs glasses.




Mama is the most amazing mama in the world! I should have known that I should not be worried; Mama is amazing. And I think Sesshomaru will get coddled by Mama Higurashi soon after she is aware of his past.


I can't wait for the revenge! And I hope you'll get better soon... oh, and Destiny to be well, also. :)

dancingfingers (Chapter 87) - Sun 25 Jan 2015

LOL. He's wasted. Cute Sesshomaru. :))))

consuelo marquez (Chapter 89) - Sun 25 Jan 2015

*long stream of excited unintelligible babble!!!!!!*

Debra (Chapter 89) - Sun 25 Jan 2015

Loved the update.

Ankita (Chapter 88) - Sun 25 Jan 2015

yayyyy niceee i hope sessho gains more confidence -_- actually i dnt know wjwht i want heheheheh :) 

Crystal (Chapter 88) - Sat 24 Jan 2015

I'm sssoooo glad you're updating again! I always looked forward to the almost daily updates you did before and wondered what had happened to cause such a big gap in an update. 

Hehe. Whiskey dick. Does Sesshoumaru even realize what happened last night yet?

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 88) - Sat 24 Jan 2015

Good chapters, keep it coming Happy New Year

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 88) - Sat 24 Jan 2015

Good chapter, keep it coming Happy New Year

consuelo marquez (Chapter 88) - Sat 24 Jan 2015


KagomeTashio (Chapter 88) - Sat 24 Jan 2015

It's great to hear from you again.  I have been missing this story.


*inner me---want more!*


Hope you  update soon

BrujitaLuna (Chapter 88) - Sat 24 Jan 2015

My, my, someone is spoiling us! And I love it!

If they make a movie out of the videos I'll watch it LOL!

So good to have you back, it's really nice and I hope you're gettin' well just fine. unfortunately for me, I'd catch a cold but looking on the bright side, I can use the internet all day :-P

I hope you have something very nasty in store I hope you have something very nasty in store for those bigots. Revenge I'll say!!


Well keep up the good work, can't wait for the next chapter.

Greetings :D

Ja ne!

skullkat (Chapter 88) - Sat 24 Jan 2015

Shippo as a geek - I love it! And how awesome that Koga and his pack has accepted Sesshomaru :D

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 88) - Sat 24 Jan 2015

Let the payback begin.

Loveyaa (Chapter 87) - Sat 24 Jan 2015

Hmm...I guess after such an intense situation they would want to blow off some steam. Kinda a nice normal moment after not a nice normal part of their lives. I can't wait to see what happens next and if those against them will learn the price of it :)

Debra (Chapter 87) - Fri 23 Jan 2015

Good  chapter. I look forward to the next one. 

Tana_san (Chapter 87) - Fri 23 Jan 2015

Oh how you've been missed! This fic is one of my all time favorites and not having it to read was sad but I, of all people, understand illness and family first situations. Pnemonia can disguise itself as a bad cold, it's referred to as Walking Pnemonia and can be very dangerous to not know you have it. If not checked one can be put into the hospital for a 10 day visit which is no fun at all. Been there, done that and wish to never do it again.

Now on to the story...Oh how sweet it is to get revenge where healing isn't possible. Kagome's idea to have Sango kicked out of the Sorority  is a great way to go in letting her so called "best friend" know just how much she thought of her little stunt to separate herself and Sesshoumaru. Their injuries will heal but a family legacy destroyed for bigotry will last a life time.

I loved how all of Kagome's true friends come together to protect and care for Sesshoumaru and Kagome after the fight was over. Even during the fight when they found Sessh was getting beaten they come to his aid and cared for Kagome's injuries. I just knew the whole "pack" would end up staying over night. Friends don't let friends go home, let alone drive home drunk and boy were they smashed. Who knew Sesshoumaru, as strong as he was could get that drunk? And she should have known better than to give in to his being horny when he was that smashed that he could hardly walk. Guess him not ever having sex before would have never heard of " whiskey ***". It's quite common with heavy drinkers and I knew of it before even ever having sex. Girls love to talk...

I love this fic so much. I must say I most often prefer Sessh as the dominate partner,but this has got to be THE sweetest, most loving and giving story I have read in such a long time that shows Sesshoumaru's inner emotions so openly. I loved how he professed his love for Kagome to her a few chapters back and how he fought his inner inu to kneel before her and openly tell her what she was to him and what he was wanting for their lives in the future. I am hoping to seeing a point where Sesshoumaru comes into his true self and becomes strong and secure. There has to be a place where he finally feels whole and secure within himself so much so that no one can make him cower in fear or doubt ever again. I'd like to see his father tell him that he's proud of him and ALL of his accomplishments even though it was with Kagome's love that he found himself.

Well, I'm rambling... you have a great talent and I applaud your determination to continue this fic with all the RL problems forcing you to put it on hold. Even if this ever becomes unfinished, this story deserves all the reviews it has gotten and all the reads that don't actually review. We keep coming back because it's just that danged good!  JEN

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