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Chie (Chapter 67) - Thu 18 Sep 2014

I have truly been enjoying this story, but I don't like this chapter and its developments. Instincts or not, Sess needs a chill pill. He was being cruel both to Matty and Kagome. Has he already forgotten what it was like to be "Matty"? When did he start feeling like he has the right to make Kagome give up a bit of her independence by demanding such  a promise from her? Does gaining confidence have to go hand in hand with becoming overbearing? This is a great story and I really like your take on this premise, but I think I preferred the Sesshoumaru from before. I just personally don't see the appeal of a possessive boyfriend, especially when the possessiveness reaches this level. Still, it's your story, so keep writing it the way you want. :)

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 67) - Thu 18 Sep 2014

LOL! At least she knows what she is in for!!!!!!

Although I am still concerned about Sesshomaru's father and brother trying to interefere with his relationship with Kagome

kagomesirene (Chapter 67) - Thu 18 Sep 2014

Hm...i have to say that i do feel with poor Matty....seemed to be a shy and nice guy as well...i'm surprised that both Kags and Sesshou had no problem with this cruel show...destroying Mattys self esteem....turning him into a Sesshoumaru himself...a person with the belief of not being worth a nice girl...and painting the stereotype of a cruel soronity girl playing with a naive guys feelings

Loveyaa (Chapter 66) - Wed 17 Sep 2014

at least we got some drama happening. It will be interesting to see if Sesshoumaru (and his beast) can keep their word when they are actually infront of the clerk. The party will definetly be interesting one way or another. I wonder if Sesshoumaru will be able to keep it together. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Ree-san (Chapter 66) - Wed 17 Sep 2014

Ok, this side of Kagome is not flattering.  Perhaps a little too manipulative and taking him for granted.  It seems she really needs to become more grounded and less egomaniac with the focus on what she gain from things.  A little bit of humble would be nice.  He's not a toy.  I don't think she'd like if this were reversed.

Nicole (Chapter 65) - Tue 16 Sep 2014

I think I agree with Sesshomaru more than Kagome on "making love." It sounds like Kagome's been reading a few too many romance novels. 

Sandreline Moon (Chapter 64) - Mon 15 Sep 2014

*fans self*  This is probably my favorite chapter yet! Love it!!!!!


maricela (Chapter 64) - Mon 15 Sep 2014

very playful loved it thanks.

KEdakumi (Chapter 64) - Mon 15 Sep 2014

Sesshoumaru's character is developing nicely. Can't wait to see what happens when Inuyasha or Inupapa make an appearance. What about her family?

Patrine (Chapter 63) - Mon 15 Sep 2014

The first one I know its Saw, the second I have no idea, the third may be Freddie Kruger and the last The Ring (ringu)

Cj (Chapter 63) - Mon 15 Sep 2014

I was able to hands down figure movies 1,3, and 4... I'm not really sure which one is the 2nd one... Guess I will have to reread the chapter again :) 

Eve Nighte (Chapter 63) - Sun 14 Sep 2014

Saw, 28 Days Later, Nightmare on Elm Street and I think Grudge - do I get a cookie? :)

I have been really bad on reviews but I can assure that each day I look forward to your update and every time you deliver! These past 63 days/chapters have really made me want to see a nerdy Sesshomaru on screen haha!!

Keep up the amazing work! :D

tiffie (Chapter 63) - Sun 14 Sep 2014


Cabin in the Woods 

A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

The Ring. 

All brilliant choices! 

Blackmage44 (Chapter 63) - Sun 14 Sep 2014

First off, I love this story. It makes my day everyday when I see a new chapter posted. I love it. Thank you for writing all the time. Second, I believe the movies in this chapter were the first Saw movie, Nightmare on Elm Street, and The Ring. I am not positive about the second movie that they watched. From the sounds of it I would say Resident Evil but I am not sure. When you update next time will you please let me know because it is going to bother me until I know for sure what the second movie was. Please continue writing and I hope you are having as much fun writing this story as I am reading it. I can't wait for the update.

Keep on Keepin On,


ilovecows18 (Chapter 63) - Sun 14 Sep 2014

Saw, cabin in the woods, nightmare on elm street and the ring. Awesome movies. Loved this chapter, Great job on portraying the usual sesshoumaru ego. Can't wait for more.

LibraCourt (Chapter 63) - Sun 14 Sep 2014

Not a bad chapter. the 4 movies were: Saw 1, Cabin in the woods, remake of Nightmare on Elm Street, and last one is The Ring. Sigh such a movie buff I can go off limited information, but that was a little too easy. Lol. Can't wait for next update

Chie (Chapter 63) - Sun 14 Sep 2014

I don't like horror movies - especially the ghostly, supernatural ones. I try to avoid the genre the best I can. Hopeless scaredy-cat, me. So I'm a bit surprised that I had seen two out the four movies they watched - and am quite certain I know the remaining two as well. (Ring gave me nightmares too, I feel you, Kagome.)

Nicole (Chapter 63) - Sun 14 Sep 2014

I'm sure that watching any of those would give me nightmares. However, since I'm not a fan if the horror genre, I'm not even gonna try and guess what they are!

Tsuki Ai (Chapter 63) - Sun 14 Sep 2014

It's sad as I think I know them all. 


Cabin in the Woods. 

Freddy Kruger (Nightmare on Elm Street). 

The Ring. 

maricela (Chapter 63) - Sun 14 Sep 2014

that was funny great update thank you.

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