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Dodo (Chapter 85) - Wed 07 Jan 2015

are you okay it's been long since yo have updated 

please update soon

Shareece (Chapter 85) - Sat 27 Dec 2014

I Love this version of Sesshomaru. It makes him more approachable and loving, so easy to be with and understand. Its just to had that Sango is Super crazy lol

Ankita (Chapter 85) - Fri 19 Dec 2014

Hawww its been so many days no months since you last updated wht happened are ypu alright  ?_? I hope everything is well

Ree-san (Chapter 85) - Mon 15 Dec 2014

I'm really hoping that you're ok and that things aren't problematic with your family. As much as I appreciate the work into your stories and your talent, none of that is more important than your family. 

Valasaurus (Chapter 85) - Tue 04 Nov 2014

Now i really can't wait to see Kagome best the shit out of sango

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 85) - Wed 29 Oct 2014

Scary, update quickly, keep it coming.

dancingfingers (Chapter 85) - Wed 29 Oct 2014

Ugh these people.

I can't wait for Kagome's revenge. HMPH. They deserve the worst!


Tana_san (Chapter 85) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

I'm so glad Kagome had the notion to take pictures before they left the scene and also to take pictures of Kagome's injuries as well. Then they have enough friends there to back up their story, so I'm anxious to see the outcome.

I felt sooo sad for Sesshoumaru. I know that feeling when that kind of fear hits you and your mind and body just freezes. He is still coming into knowing his inner youkai and all the new sensations, emotions, and instincts. He has lived longer in fear than he has being full youkai so it's understandable that this would effect his actions. Oh and his glasses are for real!!! I have wondered for so long if he was wearing them just because he liked the look or if a youkai had eyesight problems. Nice to have this little tidbit answered!

I honestly think Kagome and Sesshoumaru need to let the University know about this. Sango shouldn't be allowed to get away with this. I hope Kagome gets good and even for what she did to Sesshoumaru. To think she could organize something this bad is just sad. I hate prejudice of any kind. I just hope this doesn't get Sesshoumaru to thinking that he should break up with Kagome for her safety. Maybe he,  Kouga and the gang can go to a dojo or gym to spar and get Sesshoumaru used to fighting. I know it helps some people to practice self defense often and it helps with your confidence in yourself.

Such GREAT chapters!!! I applaud your muse! *bows respectfully*  JEN

KCM12883 (Chapter 85) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

I was so excited to see this update and read it as soon as I saw it was update but i had to think about after reading, and I have decided I am slightly disappointed by Sesshoumaru 's reacting! I mean he should have been much more crazed ,I don't know but i feel that grave actions be taken against Sango and crew but it is your story and you are doing a great job writing doing the story line justices with how you write it, and all i can say is your writing makes me crazy and my favorite stories drive me completely insane and what's what authors should aim to do! I hope to read more soon!

Nicole (Chapter 85) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

Very smart of them to take pictures. I'll admit, I was partially expecting him to transform, but having him overcome his ingrained reaction once he smelled Kagome's blood was a much better idea :)

Sesshou's Nubia (Chapter 85) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

I knew it hahahaha Sango gonna get it I so can't wait lol

consuelo marquez (Chapter 85) - Tue 28 Oct 2014


Loveyaa (Chapter 85) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

Woah! Things just got serious. Its scary how far people are willing to go for misguided hate and bigotry. But smart thinking on Kagome's part and poor Sesshoumaru. He finally gets a break and people try to play on his fears and take it away from him. They aren't hurting anybody. I can't wait to see what happens next and good luck with all the Halloween stuff :)

Debra (Chapter 85) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

So glad you have her thinking smart And getting pictures. I hope Kagome makes sure that Sango is out on her ass ASAP.

KEdakumi (Chapter 85) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

Yah! Can't wait to see the aftermath and what Kagome's revenge will be.

cassandra (Chapter 85) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

Woohoo way to go kagome! I can't wait to see what kagome has planned for sango! keep up the good work. 

TruGemini (Chapter 85) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

Oooohhh! Sang so needs to get hers. They should do a huge tribunal and not only does she get kicked out of the sorority but out of school as well. Then Sess' Dad can take over and shame the family even further. Hojo needs his butt kicked for real too. but more than anything, Sango needs to get hers.

The Letter Keeper (Chapter 84) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

Wha....Omg...Nooooooooooo! You cannot just leave a chapter like....ugh! Nooooooooo! Gosh darn it! Please tell me Kagome kick's Sango's ass for this!? I'm crossing my fingers that Sesshomaru kicks some serious booty and the other pack members come out and back him up. Ugh! I am so mad! I hate bullying and when people try to make decisions for others! It drives me nuts!

Alright, I'm going to breathe and cool myself down. I'm not going to freak out until you post the next chapter. I'm cool, I'm calm. Smooth as water on a pond...

Very nice chapter and if you can't already tell I CANNOT WAIT till the next installment!

dancingfingers (Chapter 84) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

I am so, so... angry, no, furious at Sango! She acts as if she was Ungai the monk who tried to take Rin in the original series. Really, this kind of people just pissed me off. You wrote it so well I wish it were real so I can strangle Sango *scowls*


I hope Sesshomaru's beast come out and play with those fools *cackle evilly*


Or for the pack (Shippo, Koga, Miroku and friends) to come and help him. I don't want him to go back to his hell-hole ever again!!! Sesshomaru, fighting! Kagome, just elbow that ex-friend of yours and kick her! *LOL*

Debra (Chapter 84) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

I really hope that Kagome calls out his Demon. I mean she says her aura can wrap around hers, so I hope she can wrap hers around his. She also needs to press Kidnapping and adult charges on Sango and the others. They'll get kicked out of the university, which is what they deserve. Hope you update soon.

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