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consuelo marquez (Chapter 74) - Thu 25 Sep 2014

oooh haha the awkward

Chandra (Chapter 74) - Thu 25 Sep 2014

Please update soon! You can't leave me on that cliff hanger!!! :)

Nicole (Chapter 74) - Thu 25 Sep 2014

lol! That was a little short-sighted. So much for surprise... :)

tabitha (Chapter 74) - Thu 25 Sep 2014

AHHHHHHHH how can you end it there!!!!!!! Update soon please. Like now hahaha. Love this story ?

Patrine (Chapter 74) - Thu 25 Sep 2014

How can you surprise someone with a super nose?! Sesshy will ruin the party :(

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 74) - Thu 25 Sep 2014

uh ho!

Hope he thinks before blowing it out of porportion and ruining her surprise because then that will either piss her off or hurt her or both and then the night will be ruined.

Trust does seem to come hard for Sesshomaru = poor guy

Nicole (Chapter 73) - Wed 24 Sep 2014

"Ready for some smut?!"

Am I ever! (It was a very long, busy day today...)

Hmm, that past little bit has me intrigued... They've been together such a short time; will this be th first time she's ovulated since they stated dating? Or does ripening mean something else? (I know, I know. Time and chapters will tell ;D)

maricela (Chapter 73) - Wed 24 Sep 2014

hot and sexy loved it thanks.

dancingfingers (Chapter 72) - Tue 23 Sep 2014


I don't know what to say other than this is an amazing, believable story. I mean, life itself isn't perfect, it doesn't always go as you want it to be, and the drama you add on this story makes it more wonderful. :)

Loveyaa (Chapter 72) - Tue 23 Sep 2014

Quite the party. I think its interesting that you made Sango the best friend and the bigot. I can't really see that relationship being fixed, but its nice to know that Kagome has friends that don't care about those things. Its nice to see Sesshoumaru in the drivers seat and the focus every once in a while. I wonder if anything is gonna pop in his way now. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Lazurite (Chapter 72) - Tue 23 Sep 2014

She did not just molest him in front of her friends... Wow...

Nicole (Chapter 72) - Tue 23 Sep 2014

Looks like the rest of the party went well. It's fantastic to see Sesshomaru getting along (or, at least, somewhat comfortable) with the guys. Maybe he'll be able to do some man-to-man socializing with them now? Especially since he can now be part of a real pack (since I definitely don't count his father and bother as such)!

Chie (Chapter 72) - Tue 23 Sep 2014

Aww, my poor Miroku, I would go home with you.

Patrine (Chapter 72) - Tue 23 Sep 2014

Poor Miroku! I love how his personality is descibred ans wish much happiness for him, even is means he will live as a bachelor forever x)

Tana_san (Chapter 71) - Tue 23 Sep 2014

I don't remember ever reading a fic where Sango and Kagome didn't have a true, fully understanding friendship, so this was a first for me. I was seriously hoping that Sango would try to see Sesshoumaru as Kagome does after being such close friends for so long. I've got to admit I was more than happy with how Kagome handled the whole situation. She definitely doesn't need a friend whose always starting trouble where there is no reason to do so.

It was cool the way she let each of her youkai friends know exactly how she felt about them and it was honorable of Kouga to finally back down and accept that Kagome loves a different man that happens to be an InuTaiyoukai/DaiYoukai (whichever).

Great job with all of this. Again I'm loving this different style Sesshoumaru and I like that Kagome's the one whose so open and willing to teach him to be all he can be while they fall in love. I wonder, why couldn't Kagome mark Sesshoumaru too? I think it would be cool and then Sessh has Kagome's mark as a gift of her undying love for him. Hmm, maybe when they decide to mate?   JEN

Elizabeth (Chapter 71) - Mon 22 Sep 2014

Wow, Sango turned out to be a bigot.  In a way I am stunned she is like that, but I can see it with the way you are trying to turn around all the cliches used by so many Sess/Kag authors.  I am loving the way this story is going.  Keep it up!

Lazurite (Chapter 71) - Mon 22 Sep 2014

That was kind of sad. It's really rather insulting that Sango thought she could decide what was best for her. What did she think was going to happen? Of course she'd choose Sesshoumaru. I hope they can make up though... I was looking forward to a little MirSan sideline.

Nicole (Chapter 71) - Mon 22 Sep 2014

Well done! You write confrontation so well. Also, Kouga's acceptance was particulary touching :)

maricela (Chapter 71) - Mon 22 Sep 2014

well that was diffrent but great thanks.

Sesshou's Nubia (Chapter 71) - Mon 22 Sep 2014

I'm so addicted to this... I hope Sango gets what's coming to her even more lol maybe preggo or an STD lol or better yet shunned by everybody lol keep it up this is awesome!!!!!

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