I love the chapter, well done!! Looking forward to more interactions between the two and Kags realizing eventually that she does care for Sessh!
Koi (Chapter 11) - Wed 28 Nov 2012
~claps~ Good job! Two chapters in one day!!! Did I ever say that I love you! Omg I am falling in love with this story. What a wonderful two chapters. I won't lie the interactions between Sesshomaru and Kagome are my favorite! They are too cute together! Sexy ass Sesshomaru! Yummy!! Keep up with the great work! Thanks so much for the bonus chapter! Can't wait until the next chapter!!
dianne (Chapter 11) - Wed 28 Nov 2012
Woot woot, I loved this chapter!
Let the MA begin!
Midian (Chapter 11) - Wed 28 Nov 2012
Awesome 2 updates in a row your writing is getting much better with each chapter
Pricila (Chapter 10) - Wed 28 Nov 2012
Everybody needs friends! Looking forward to the next chapter!
I was not expecting that. WOW! I love it!
Oh my goodness, I love this story already! Please, please update soon! (:
Keep it coming.
Loveyaa (Chapter 9) - Sun 18 Nov 2012
Uh oh...Sesshoumaru trying to be sneaky. Although as soon as they meet up with Inuyasha he's gonna spill the beans, quite loudly. And I have a feeling any progress Sesshoumaru made won't really count anymore. wonder how far he'll get until then though. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Zee (Chapter 9) - Sat 17 Nov 2012
Love the story sofar, might need an extra beta read thou, a few missused words here and there, and also when you write "youkia" i assume you mean Youki (demonic energy) as in the opposite of Kagomes Reiki (spiritual energy).
Love (Chapter 9) - Sat 17 Nov 2012
Ahh I seriously love this story. It makes my little sessho-kag heart swoon. Can't wait for the next chapter. :D
Keep it coming.
I love this idea! The jewel giving Kagome demonic powers, a believable concept to full blooded inu pups. You are awesome!
Inuaddict (Chapter 9) - Fri 16 Nov 2012
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!! IT.IS.FANTASTIC!!!! You must continue, absolutely. PLEAAAASE put up more chapters PLEASE PLEASE. And make sure that there are some moments like the kis!!! *excited*. I can't wait!!!!
Koi (Chapter 9) - Fri 16 Nov 2012
What a kiss! Gosh how I wish that was my spot ~ dreamy smile~ anywho what a GREAT chapter. I can't wait until inuyasha hears about Sesshomaru staying with their group...lol that's going to be a funny chapter! thank you so much for the chapter update!!!
O_O Sesshoumaru is suppose to woo her not sexual woo her. Does he know the difference? Maybe he just doesn't have the patience and just wanted the quick and easy way. I really like this story.
Pricila (Chapter 9) - Fri 16 Nov 2012
I am with you on this Chapter, I LOVE IT!! Wow, it is wonderful, awesome, and I am excited that Sessh finally admitted to himself that he has had a desire for her for a while. I can't to watch it unfold and for him to realize he loves her deeply!
LittleRin (Chapter 9) - Fri 16 Nov 2012
It started out like a couple other stories I'd read, but now it's different and intense and and and.... More please.
Keep it coming.
Loveyaa (Chapter 8) - Tue 06 Nov 2012
I can't wait to see the interaction between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. There are just so many things going on and I love seeing the intertwining story lines, I can't wait to see what happens next :)
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