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WickedLittleGirl (Chapter 25) - Sun 21 Jul 2013

I like what's developing between Sango and the Kelpie.  Also how Kegome and Sesshomaru are developing.  Keep 'em coming.

Tana_san (Chapter 25) - Sun 21 Jul 2013

I love the thought of Sango and Yasuhiro. He seems so much more in like/love with Sango than Miroku. She seems to have these feelings toward him that she just doesn't with Miroku. I'm not against S/M together, I just love seeing Sango actually feeling those womanly reactions and seeing her blush at this youkai's affections. The last scene was very well written. I do hope his children are all ok.  JEN

Stella Mira (Chapter 25) - Sun 21 Jul 2013

You are on fire with all these fast updates, angel!! I LOVE THEM! Keep up the great work and welcome back! You've been missed dearly!

I like this remorseful Kikyou who acts more like a woman and less than a vengeful miko. I pity hers and Inuyasha's ill fate.

I'm awed as always by your fighting scenes. I love how you incorporate myths from Japanese and other cultures into your story. It's so interesting to see the different foes you decide to use in each chapter. It's like I'm watching the Inuyasha anime again! Lol

I do like your character development. Sango is finally beginning to sort out her feelings; though, she clearly leans towards Miroku's side. I feel sorry for Yasuhiro because he's a great male, but it was never meant to be...I'm anxious to read how all this will play out!

Looking forward to more! XD


Koi (Chapter 25) - Sun 21 Jul 2013

I love these zombie moments in this fic, they actually get me alittle. Lol This is getting better and better as I continue to read. GREAT JOB! Cant wait for the next update!

Fallingyuki (Chapter 25) - Sun 21 Jul 2013

Great Chapter. Looking forward to the next one. 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 25) - Sat 20 Jul 2013

I'm tired of Sango thinking about Miroku when she has a good man like Yasuhiro in front of her, I can't wait for the next chapter. Keep it coming.

mari (Chapter 25) - Sat 20 Jul 2013

loved the update thanks.

Koi (Chapter 24) - Fri 19 Jul 2013

I love the way Sango is being with Yasuhiro. I hope she ends up with him. I mean I love her and Miroku, but he's too much of a womanizer to me.   Your doing a wonderful job with bring these new characters in the mix. I love how they are all coming together keep up the good work. 

Seraphina Dragon (Chapter 24) - Thu 18 Jul 2013

please keep updating

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 24) - Thu 18 Jul 2013

I'm glad your back it's been so long since I heard from you, thank you for the chapter. Sango you need to let Miroku go and stop denying your feelings for Yasuhiro and just be with him, I can't wait to see how Miroku react to Yasuhiro when his heal. That's cool that you will be writing five chapters in one week, I can't wait. Keep it coming. 

RogueKittieKat (Chapter 23) - Wed 19 Jun 2013

Just read all the chapters and I have to say I really enjoy your character portrayals. I also love how you have Naraku manipulating outsiders to interfere constantly. I am really looking forward to more.

DancesWithWolvesandStuff (Chapter 23) - Tue 18 Jun 2013

A Sango love triangle that doesn't include InuYasha... I love it!

Hassanah (Chapter 23) - Sun 02 Jun 2013

reviews are lovely <3 I put up a new chapter of a story I left years ago, I thought I would have at least one or two reviews, but still none! looool jheez won't be working on that story anymore! Anyway, I do love this story, I love how Sess is with Kagome and I love how you portray him. loooove the intimate scenes ^O^ lool

I hope sai doesn't cause too much trouble, though. please update soon!! xxx

hana s (Chapter 23) - Sat 25 May 2013
Love it Please update soon And please make it longer

Stella Mira (Chapter 23) - Fri 24 May 2013

You know I really do love your portrayal of Kikyou in this story. She seems so mature yet so fragile at the same time. I'm actually quite sad for her and Inuyasha's sufferings. I really hope they find their happy - or even tragic - ending together as they should have been. Now, as for that succulent kelpie, he has young??? Damn, as if he wasn't already an irresistible man you had to go and make him even more attractive by adding cute kelpie children in the mix! So unfair xD

Loved the chapter! I'm looking forward to the next one no matter how long it takes! Take your time and don't force yourself to write. It'll come to you naturally! :)

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 23) - Fri 24 May 2013

I hope Sango and Yasuhiro end up together, keep it coming.

Eva (Chapter 23) - Fri 24 May 2013

Oh so wonderful to have an update! your story is very riveting to read

Please update again soon

Thank You


s_spina (Chapter 22) - Wed 15 May 2013

*fan herself*


Welll this has been a very heady story ;)


Haven't be able to place the tablet done since I started reading it, really like your twist on how Kagome has double ki in her, demon and miko


Please keep updating :D

Koi (Chapter 22) - Tue 02 Apr 2013

OMG this is getting soo good! I have missed reading soo much! i couldn't believe how far behind i was. Excellent job! I can't wait for the next chapter. 

Anastasia (Chapter 22) - Mon 25 Mar 2013

i love love love this story, if u do not update i will start protest. and i love how u kept sesshomarus personality in mind most people loose sight of that


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