Can we say awkward in the worst way? I'm loving it. Onward!
Descendingfrost (Chapter 333) - Sat 02 Jul 2016
Oh my gosh, ahhhhhhhhh!!! Thank you so much for the update!!
Hey Lyra! Keep up the fabulous work, I have to say that this is one of the best stories I have read and wait excitedly for an update!
Crystal (Chapter 332) - Sun 17 Jan 2016
Will you ever be updating? It's been a year since we've had an update.
No Uta (Chapter 332) - Fri 01 May 2015
Ooooooh my goodness! You've updated!!!!!! Happy dance, shaking my bum - so frickin HAAAAPPPPY! This is one of my absolute favourite Sessh/Kag stories. I can't believe I wasn't follow it stupid me. I thought I was but realized through a friend's favorite story list that I was not. Well...that has been remedied. Now I'll know when you update again. I cannot wait to see what happens between Sango and Miroku. Thank you for the updates!
Aya (Chapter 332) - Wed 31 Dec 2014
Oh nooo, please don't end it there. Thus my most absolute favorite fanfict. So well thought out...I love it. Please continue!!!
This is one of my favorite stories of yours tor read! This story has kept me in such suspense I'm always anxiously awaiting each chapter, and I can't wait for the next one on Sango, Miroku and Kagome.
Love your work, Keep updating!
river (Chapter 332) - Sat 27 Dec 2014
So happy to see another chapter for this fic! Thank-you so much for finding the time to continue this story.
Nice, keep it coming. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Anonymous (Chapter 332) - Wed 24 Dec 2014
Wow, all i can say is wow! This has been a wonderful marvelous ride, and every bit was so worth it! Thank you for this! Thank you for writing such a lovely story, it's amazing! I love all of it!
Damn. Now I really feel bad for Sango. If she ever sees Hoshihikari again, a good smack upside the head with the Hiraikotsu would be well deserved. Inuyasha is now feeling guilty about he treated Kagome. At this point, it serves him right. He doesn't deserve to see her for a long time, especially when she's now preggers. Clean house, Sesshy, clean house! Onward!
Kat (Chapter 332) - Tue 23 Dec 2014
Welcome back to the land of the living. and thank you for up dating. I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting for you to be reserected for ages. Keep going, and if you die again on us...... I will send my Sesshy-poo after you to revive you. hahahahahah Happy writing.
hmmmm i'm still fine with this because I still am not fond of Inuyasha, so it makes me happy that he's all sad face. Maybe I'm a bad r0o but i loves it!
I was interested and captivated by this story in a way that I rarely am... Especially since I usually hate dribbles and short chapter stories. I am excited to see where this story goes. :)
Treece (Chapter 331) - Mon 22 Dec 2014
Well, this was a wonderful suprise and an awesome gift. As always, the brew bubbles. Ha! I can't wait to see what happens next.
I don't feel bad for Miroku, though. He has to come to terms with what has happened. Kagome seems destined for mysterious greatness. This is something beyond what Inuyasha did in taking her as his mate. Wow. I love this twisting and twining plot. I can't predict anything with this story. Great job!
Woo hoo for not-deadness!!!!!!!! And WORDS... such wonderful words! Welcome back!
bunches of them!
I like this, and i cannot wait for more! It is odly enough one of the only fictions i can remember almost all the details on so i dont have to re-read it all to make heads or tails of a long awaited update! kudos for that! glad to see you again my dear Lyra!
Some people have a lot of explaining to do, especially with Kaede. She's definitely not going to let anything go. Onward!
Seems like everyone has a couple of new skeletons in their closet. Let the housecleaning begin. Onward!!!
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