Reviews for Splinter Fate by R.M. Avalon

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Mizuko Takayama (Chapter 10) - Sat 15 Jan 2011

I really liked this chapter! The last fourth of it was awesome! =)

Have a marvellous week!


Nilee1 (Chapter 10) - Sat 15 Jan 2011

Oh , hell yes!

Synyster Star (Chapter 10) - Sat 15 Jan 2011

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*dances* UPDATE YAY!!!!*dances more* OMGGGGG HAHAHAAHAAH ren beat down xD angry sessho and the awaitedness WOOOO lovedd it ava <33333333333333333333 cant wait for more ^_^

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 10) - Sat 15 Jan 2011

Ren Is a Prick. I think he just wants into her pants. >.> <.<

And I loved sexy time! >:3 It was well worth the wait!

Plus she totally laid one on him in public. XD Go Kagome for PDA in the middle of a fight!

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 9) - Fri 14 Jan 2011

TT_TT I wish they would just make up already.I dont even get why he's so pissy in the first place.

Beautifully writen like always.

I'm going to go read something dileriously happy and silly while I wait for you to upload a new chapter.

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 8) - Fri 14 Jan 2011


I really hate it when couples fight over pretty much nothing. TT_TT

please make them make up soon.

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 7) - Fri 14 Jan 2011



Sesshomaru likes Kagome! Sesshomaru likes Kagome! Sesshomaru likes Kagome! *chants in annoying sing-song*

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 6) - Fri 14 Jan 2011

I'm loving all the >:3 worthy moments between them. And your pacing of them is perfect.Though I do ust one them to get on with the sexy time aleady. XD

I've noticed my reviews keep getting shorter and shorter; this is becouse i'm eager to continue reading.

Very lovely work.

*scampers back to the next chapter*

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 5) - Fri 14 Jan 2011

So I loved the moment between Sess and Kag. I was sad when he didn't actually kiss her. But the fact he gave her his pelt was adorible and so sweet. >.<

And I love Saku. Fragg'n old woman. And her see'n stuff. She knows. She know everything. MUWAHAHA. Seriously though, I think she see's Sess and Kags have something going on too. XD

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 4) - Fri 14 Jan 2011

So I love the play between Sesshomaru and Kagome. Thier relationship in interesting to watch and funny at moments. ^^

The battle scene was epic, and her dream was yummy.

I'm keeping this one short becouse i'm eager to get back to reading. >.> <.<

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 3) - Fri 14 Jan 2011


I'm really loving how you did the flashback. sually, we get a flashback and I'm scream and yelling and all pissed off becouse it's no secret that I despise flashbacks almost as mch as I do Love Triangles.

This is not the case, you kept them short, sweet, and to the point while making them seemlessly flow with the chapter itself.

And plus I'm a big fan of all you sexy time stories so the >:3 flashback made me smile.

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 2) - Fri 14 Jan 2011


I'm loving this parallel world and the changes you made.

And Sesshomaru! OMG! I really really what to know what happened between them that Sess remembers and she doesn't. I sqeaked when I reolised her relationship with him was different too!

This is just so wildly interesting and I want to knooooooooooooooow.

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 1) - Fri 14 Jan 2011

First off, I love this; Great start!

I appreciate how you wrote the youki coming thogh the well as feral, I've seen too many stories where they are just 'la-de-da' like they belong there and I'd not realistic.

And YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS! I hated the ending of inyasha and I love how you changed it, while keeping it Cannon; Its extremely interesting and I cant wait to see where you take it.

So far this is a delightful read, and you didn't make kagome unfailingly understanding or totally Bad A**, she seems normal and its a refreshing change.

*scampers off to read chapter 2*


tamiiland (Chapter 9) - Sun 09 Jan 2011

*Searches for [>>] button...





Stardust (Chapter 9) - Fri 07 Jan 2011

Well after reading the story – I have to review! Please excuse all misspellings maybe a little less choice of the right words as I am not an English mothertongler but I like to read not to write it. First I like stories with different time lines. Makes a lot of fun to figure out what is altered to the „nomal“ time schedule and gives a lot of opportunities for the author. Your story with different universes is fitting in this case.


First a question – within the chapter sacrilege in the dialog of Hoshiko explaining to Sesshormaru their relationsship she said: „So he made a request of your brother“ - Is this right shouldn't it be „ your father“ ? With the the „nearly three hundred years after when Takeshi and I met„ Sesshormaru's age should than be less than 560 years or was he already born? Why didn't he knew about the human mate of his uncle. A little „Father never told this Sesshormaru about it“, should solve the matter or you can have a little replay regarding some hints his father made and are now understandable.

Nevertheless the story is good. I would like to know a little bit more of the big evil's ally. Even I think I can imagine and I would like to have Kagome a little bit more sensible to Sesshormaru or she should try to make him understand her resoning – so suprise me and I hope to see Sango again in the near future.


Hope you knee will be better soon and good luck with the classes!



hola (Chapter 9) - Fri 07 Jan 2011
dun dun dun! the plot thickens! :O hmmm. that hoshiko's got something up her billowing sleeve, i just know it.. gotta keep my eye on her! she's knows somethin, and she aint tellin (maybe a la 5 dollah bill will change your mind missy?...) and i wish had 'extendable ears' (note to self: drop by weasley's..) to go drop some eaves on sesshy-kun and uncle.. *curious* thanks for the update, luv! p.s. glad your knee is ok! :)

Loveyaa (Chapter 9) - Thu 06 Jan 2011

and a wrench has been thrown in the plan. At least there is a plan. I think its interesting that she was pulled from a different time and place and really interesting that Sesshoumaru doesn't see the difference. I can't wait to see what happens next though and how things change.

Ashes (Chapter 9) - Thu 06 Jan 2011

Love love love it! This is my second most favorite fic on the site (the first being 4arrows: yes no maybe, check one).

You're super talented! Everything keeps me enthralled. The talking wasn't so bad, it was natural and a requirement to flesh out character, interaction, and a good transition for the story. I'm not really one for dialog either, so bask in the high praise you are recieving.

I look forward to the next chapter. Glad your knee is ok and good luck with your classes. If the fic is any indication I'm sure you're going to do very well.

katlady (Chapter 9) - Thu 06 Jan 2011

: stocks you so you update sooner:

yes I kn ow all to well that  the ER docts some time do not know what they are doing I once had an inturn tell me I was pregnated and I was there  for my toren tendon  funny huh?



:pokes you:


:pokes you again:

you working on it

:pokes you twice more:

I thin you and  danny are secretly ploting to see my funny reviews

:hugs you:



and b y now you know I am nuts



Nothing but love for yah


TheMikoShivae (Chapter 9) - Thu 06 Jan 2011

awesome so far!  Can't wait for more!

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