Reviews for The Asylum by Daniella

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Ladyfifi (Chapter 9) - Thu 28 Oct 2010

Good chapter. It's nice to see Sesshomaru opening up and seeing another small part of what led him to where he is. It brings alot of depth to him.  Good story. I hope you keep it up. :)

JeniNeji (Chapter 8) - Thu 28 Oct 2010

I read your story on my cellphone....but COULDNT leave reviews!!! OMG! I swear to the gods, I loved your story totally! The best thing... I think it's going to be a looong story! Poor Sesshomaru...he has has so many problems...and he's so sad! And the way you portray his insanity makes me shiver, huh, I wouldnt be able to get near him O_O


Also, is the culprit of his insanity still alive? Will we know who was it? Maybe it still wants revenge Oh no!


Well...I will be reading your last chapter later, while in my job, and then I'll send a review again! :D



1CarinoInu (Chapter 9) - Thu 28 Oct 2010

Another heart-wrenching update.  You just feel so bad for the loss that Sesshoumaru experiences and you put it in writing so well.  It's hard to read, because it comes across so well.  You also are able to bring across the little bits of happiness with his mate, his pups, including Rin.  *sniff* made me tear up.

I'm looking forward to finding out the mystery around what happened after Kagome left and why Sesshoumaru appears to blame her for his loss (please correct me if I am wrong).  It seems like there was a domino-effect from Kagome's departure from their lives.

Great update and look forward to the next one!

PINX (Chapter 9) - Thu 28 Oct 2010

Your story reminds me so much of 'Embrace the Silence'...same intensity, same heartache, same glimmer of hope.  I am thoroughly enjoying the read.  All is flowing smoothly plus grammar/spelling is'd be suprised at how easily a story can be branded as unreadable because of a lack of proper grammar/spelling.  You've not failed to amaze us readers, so please continue your to do your best!

megs (Chapter 9) - Thu 28 Oct 2010

Im with snowbird about Kagome's boss!! Im thinking he knows something and isn't saying yet.

Megs (Chapter 9) - Thu 28 Oct 2010

I love how you never disappont me!!! Yet another beautiful chapter. Keep up the awesome job! I can't wait to find out what all happened when Kagome left the feudal era!

tika_taki (Chapter 9) - Thu 28 Oct 2010

Hi! I always enjoy reading your fic "the Asylum". From the first chapters I learned that Kagome lived in Tokyo and was graduated from a Tokyo uni. So I come to a conclusion that the setting of this fic was in Japan and that Kagome, Sesshooumaru etc were Japanese -- because I've read some fics used names Kagome-Sess etc but they're American/Western, not Japanese. Thats why I was a bit surprised when I read this chapter, in the article Kagome read "Mysterious Man Found Hiding in the Mountains of Fuji" it was mentioned that Sesshoumaru was caucasian.. I think he should be a Japanese, no? well, of course its your fic so its up to you :)

snowbird (Chapter 9) - Wed 27 Oct 2010

Don't get disheartened.  This is one of my favorite stories and I'm always eager for any updates.

I just wonder how much Kagome's boss knows or suspects because he has to know that there is truth behind the stories and things that Sesshoumaru says or talks about.  He may be studying Kagome before confronting her for the truth.  Heck, he may even be a youkai in disguise.  Whatever you have planned, I'm sure it will be suspenseful. 

Relena (Chapter 9) - Wed 27 Oct 2010

Ohayou~!! I loved this story so much, and the whole idea of a vulnerable Sesshoumaru makes me so kawaii! :3 Hope you update.

beckyducky (Chapter 8) - Thu 21 Oct 2010



no seriously.  I'm so in love with this fic!!  The storyline is so incredibly compelling.  OH~!  Sesshoumaru reminds me of Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season 7, when he becomes crazy!!!  >__< i can't believe i forgot that!!  I dont think the timelines of your story are confusing at all!  I'm really interested in Kagome's wish and inuyasha's anger... this hasnt been developed as much as the interaction between sesshoumaru and kagome but i know it'll be important later. 

I know i'm repeating myself but Onishi is too suspicious.  Especially with that "it's in his nature" comment... hmm...


heehee great job!!

<3 beckyducky

beckyducky (Chapter 5) - Wed 20 Oct 2010

wow.... i cant believe onishi is hearing all of this as well as kagome....  You know, that guy really  is suspicious for me...  i just dont trust him...  Hmm... sorry for this worthless review but i'll review at the end of reading the rest.  The suspense is killing me especially since all the chapters are here.  :D

beckyducky (Chapter 4) - Wed 20 Oct 2010

and the plot continues...  i rather like how things are developing.  instead of the usual "she-waits-several-days-and-ponders" type chapter, you jump straight into the action with sesshoumaru which is AWESOME!

One thing: i think when referring to Onishi, you should stick to either Onishi or Susumu in the narration portion.  In this chapter, you refer to him as both susumu and onishi during your non-dialogue content.  I'm being picky and rather petty, but since onishi was referred to as onishi for most of kagome's thoughts and dialogue, and in narration, switching to susumu kind of threw me for a second until i remembered that it was part of his name.  :D  In dialogue it's okay because there is clear direction as to who is saying what about whom.  but in narration, referring to a person by 1 given name/title is the best.... :D  wow that was such an unnecessary bunch of sentences for something so small...

and btw: i love your crazy sesshoumaru.  he reminds me of someone but i cant remember who.... argh!! maybe i'll remember as i continue reading.

beckyducky (Chapter 3) - Wed 20 Oct 2010

CRAZY SESSHOUMARU!!!!  <3  i get chills when i read this!! i actually get scared.  it's like 11:30 at night right now and i'm so scared of every single noise around me.... 

hmmm...onishi creeps me out.  he knows something but what?  Also, i finally understand the timeline, sort of.... So sesshou-baby's family was killed most likely by humans after Kagome defeated naraku??  (my guess)  Plus, is sesshoumaru talking about Inuyasha??  oh so many questions but i'm happy that there are more chapters... heehee

Oh!!  is Kagome the only one who can see sesshoumaru's demonic features or can everyone see it??  I doubt Sesshoumaru is wearing a concealment charm, so i'm guessing everyone can see him in his real state.  But if they can see him in his natural state, why are they not doing anything??  Plus, if sesshoumaru has attacked creepy onishi before, then why doesnt he put him in some sort of straight jacket or SOMETHING after sedation to minimize harm...? 


beckyducky (Chapter 2) - Wed 20 Oct 2010

OH~!  How thrilling!!  I like how you weave in naraku's defeat and kagome going home.  From the first chapter, i thought it might A/U or during 'kill-naraku' arc.  But i like the fact that it's in modern day and follows along with the death of naraku.  i'm so curious as to how sesshoumaru got there and why he doesnt just break out.  What happened to all the other demons?  Plus, i forgot to mention this in the last review, but who were the ones that killed sesshou-baby's family?  humans/demons/other/combo??  i'm sort of glad i'm reading this late because if not, then that would have been one heckuva cliffhanger...

<3 beckyducky

beckyducky (Chapter 1) - Wed 20 Oct 2010

Hi!!  okay~!  First to start off... i was a bit hesitant to review not for any reason but that you had sixty nine reviews and i thought it was funny to see that number...  -___-;; (i have a crass sense of humor)....  but then I kind of thought that was a stupid reason not to review... duh....  ugh anyway...


>__<  That was HEARTBREAKING!!!  You certainly pulled no punches when it came to writing about the torture poor sesshoumaru's family had to endure.  But actually, I thought it was a really clever mislead into finding out exactly who sesshou-baby's mate was.  I thought it was Kagome at first because I think I'm conditioned to believe Kagome is Sesshoumaru's mate in every single story...  >.<  OH~!! I have to read the rest of it now!!!  It was a great first chapter because it really hooks you!  Especially the last sentence.  I'm curious as to what role sesshoumaru's madness will have in this fic.  plus, will Kagome pull him out of it??  ohh~!  excited!!!  This is a wonderful way to get back into dokuga!!

<3 beckyducky

Madison (Chapter 8) - Mon 18 Oct 2010

Oh love!

I don't know why you said in the A/N that you felt unsure about the chapter I adore it! I still don't like Onishi, and I think there was another reason why he was upset that Kagome was alone with Sesshomaru. Maybe, MAYBE he cares a tiny bit about her safety, but the biggest reason I think is because he wants to know everything that happens with Sesshomaru, and since Kagome chased everyone away, nobody can tell him.

Frankly, when he said "his kind" or what not, he meant demons, not mentally ill people.

There is more to him then you let us know, but of course, as an awesome writer, it's all part of your evil plan, lmao. Im at least glad he still allows Kagome to be around... it's a start? And Sesshomaru's memory, I felt like crying. I mean it was so beautiful, and bittersweet at the same time! Like, he loved his mate, he did, and then you re-think to what happened to them and it's so cruel!

Just like Kagome, I would have loved to see him happy, and I just.. he seemed so normal in that instant he said he missed her.

As if, he remembered, and it wasn't the rage talking, but the love and sadness.

Terry Lynn (Chapter 8) - Sat 16 Oct 2010

That was a terribly cute flashback! Ooooh, my heart is clenching everytime I think about the factors that separate Kagome and Sesshomaru. How will Sesshomaru get passed his love which happened to be love at first sight?? Your fanfic totally mad my week.

Nilee1 (Chapter 8) - Sat 16 Oct 2010

This is such an intensely wonderful story. Thank you.

Sovereign State (Chapter 8) - Sat 16 Oct 2010

Wow! This is heart-wrenchingly great!

I have an unhealthy obsession with modern themed fics where Sesshoumaru is not at the top of his game.  Hm.  Perhaps I should se a shrink as well?  Anyhow, please keep up the awesome story writing and I look forward to another chapter.

Banana (Chapter 8) - Sat 16 Oct 2010

Like usual wonderful and believable. I thnk that with a story like this it's hard to do but you're managing it well. Thanks!

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