is that the end??? Please tell me there is more to it *sniffles* you made me cry so much and giggle like a loon.... THANK YOU!! I really hope you continue this story i would love to see what happens next with that little pack/pride you have going.
Hi, There!
It has been a long time and I just wanted to check if you will be updating this fic (Through the Mirror)? I am not even sure actually if you are anywhere anymore.
Well, do drop a line or something if you are. It's a pity that you did not finish.
Koree (Chapter 41) - Mon 10 Aug 2015
Amazingggggg :)
Tiffany (Chapter 41) - Sun 05 Apr 2015
I've just finished rereading two of your stories and I am so disappointed that you haven't finished them!!!
A little birdie told me that you never intended to finish this story at all and I am simply dying inside!!!! Please do finish it!!!
Chandra (Chapter 41) - Mon 16 Feb 2015
Please finish this story!! I love it and I have read through it many times. You are an amazing writer and I am dying to know how this ends! :)
marisel (Chapter 5) - Thu 18 Dec 2014
this is a really good story. but it leave you hanging with no'end. ahh the would be great to'rad the end. whishing
It's been 4 years, so I doubt you will, but someday, I hope, you update this wonderful fanfic again- and finish it. The only complaint I have is that I'm a little fuzzy on what it was Sesshomaru did for Sango. Anyways, all my support and love, and I hope you finish this someday.
Emily (Chapter 41) - Sun 05 Jan 2014
I just read through this story for at least the fifth time. I absolutly love it still. It's what first got me into the sess/kag pairing... So the question that comes to mind is- will you ever update this again?!
Okay, so I was reading this story yet again and I had a bit of a brain wave. What if Yuka turns out to be Sango's reincarnation and Freyr bonds to her when he goes to Kagome's time, thus having his chance at mating the one who was made for him without any or male interferance. Although I realize if that were to happen there would be complications like Yuka maybe not wanting to go to the past and be in Kagome's shoes as far as being seen as a reincarnation, or maybe the well won't let her pass through so Freyr would have to wait until he gets to her time to be with her permanently. Unless the well allows him through and he could see her when ever her wanted while still living in his rightful time.
Anyway, just thought I would get that off my chest and hope that I will eventually find out if my little brain wave comes true or not. Hope to see an update in near future. =)
Just stopped by to say that I still love this story and every time I read it I hope that come back and update it. It really is brilliant and I so want to know what happens next. Please please update. :-)
you need to update -nods-
Will this be completed?
Please please please come back and continue this! I have followed this story since it was on SS and I absolutely love it! So I'm begging you to please continue it!!
I apologize for not reviewing for other chapters but I literally sat transfixed for hours voraciously reading this story. I can't even begin to tell you how fantastic this story is. Even if you never finish it this story is a work of art. The sheer originality, the twists and turns, and level of writing are amazing. The best thing for me though is that this is the kind of story I will enjoy rereading many times. Thank you for all the time you put into it. It is truly appreciated.
Reader in Disguise (Chapter 41) - Sat 31 Dec 2011
Just a quick visit to tell you that the year is about to end, but we still miss you and hope you'll be back.
Ezriee (Chapter 1) - Wed 14 Dec 2011
So it had been a while since I re-read this story and started doing so on and as I was reading before I went into surgery last week. I went...WHOA NEW CHAPTERS and read up until the point that they told my I had to put away my PSP!!! (thank god for hospital wifi signals!) I have to say they are EXCELLENT! I love the twists that you came up with and I can't wait for Freyr to visit Kagome's home. I love the brothers so much and I'm glad that he's sorta making peace in his own way after taking out the hawks. Inuyasha...well, I have to say I'm impressed at how he has grown during his time alone. Now that he has grown a bit, that makes me wonder about the relationship between Sango and Miroku and if Freyr will actually get his chance. I like Miroku, but damnit, Freyr is a playful hottie!!
I really hope that you don't let anyone discourage you from writing. Keep going and know that there are people that thoroughly enjoy your writing!
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