Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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Addy (Chapter 38) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

:3 I love this!  I can't wait until you post again!

Yohko (Chapter 38) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

nice chapter!!! i hope the next one is a swimming chapter!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 38) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

With a telling glint in his wide, golden eyes, he added, “While I am here, I should check behind your ears.” <-- that is why i loves you, that had me cracking up :3

Anonymous (Chapter 37) - Thu 01 Apr 2010

this is an amazing story please write more

Samantha (Chapter 37) - Wed 31 Mar 2010

There are so many favorite parts to this chapter I don’t know where to begin.  I really loved how you portrayed the dragons.  They seem so childish in nature with their love of water and how they need to be coaxed out of the water.  I wonder if there are any dragons left in the future because there is no mention of them in the manga other then Sesshoumaru’s but of course they could just be at the western fortress since the Inu demons do keep them there and stowed away for their value.  Plus Inuyasha and his gang don’t really encounter to many higher class demons which I assume would receive such a prized gift from the west.  I loved the water scene how sweet he is to her in his own reserved way.  I can’t wait and hope there is a swimming chapter.  I must also admit I can’t wait until she meets up with the older future Sesshoumaru.  Though I must admit I love these chapters and I don’t want to spoil it by rushing to adult Sesshoumaru because they are building a relationship and memories together which I assume in the end will be the glue that binds them together later.  I am awed by your creativeness and writing abilities!  I also wanted to mention how much I love the Dragon caretaker he is such a fun and original character.  I really enjoy him he reminds me of the Harry Potter groundskeeper and his love of dangerous pets and how he cares for them.  Please update soon


Yours Truly Obsessed Reader


sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 37) - Wed 31 Mar 2010

i like this: “I can swim, and you can fly; so the only one who’s in any danger if Hisoka-sensei rocks the boat is Hisoka-sensei.”


ahahahahahaha :3

Yohko (Chapter 37) - Wed 31 Mar 2010

I do hope you include a swimming chapter.. It would be interesting... keep it up..hoping to hear from you again soon.

ceres (Chapter 37) - Wed 31 Mar 2010

So cute, I never tire of reading this!

Lauren (Chapter 37) - Wed 31 Mar 2010

How adorable is that?! ^o^ *squees* Another sweet chapter. Kagome does have some of Rin's more chidish tendacies. Super cute, worried Sesshomaru. I hope you include the swimming chapter (I hope they can get to it). It'd be hilarious to 'see' him spaz out like a cat in the water. At least his later actions are making more sense now. I definitely like your reasoning - having a cat raise Sesshomaru. It's wonderfully ironic.

Hope everything's fine n your side of the computer. Looking forward to another update.

Kawaii Girl

Eve (Chapter 37) - Wed 31 Mar 2010

Ah !!!!

Another wonderful chap for this fic!!!!


Thank YOU!!!


Love this Story!!!!!!


Kiri Kyohaku >^.^<

sakurachan_1 (Chapter 37) - Wed 31 Mar 2010

I been reading this fic for awhile and i really enjoy the story...

it is a really interesting idea of seshoumaru being the child and so forth...

hope you continue with the story soon...

keep up the good work!!!!

hola (Chapter 37) - Wed 31 Mar 2010
aw, this chapter was adorable! :o)

Pendragon (Chapter 37) - Tue 30 Mar 2010

Awwwww...that's so cute. I can already see Kagome swimming on her back i  circles around Sesshomaru, who's head is lightly bobbing up and down in the water. And he looks quite annoyed taking in her prowess. Hahahaha

taixi (Chapter 37) - Tue 30 Mar 2010

delightful as always.  i wonder what has happened to all the other beast-of-burden dragons in the future, is ah-un the only one left?

Debra Timson (Chapter 37) - Tue 30 Mar 2010

Haha I think that it would be funny if they fell into the water. :P

Beautifully Wicked (Chapter 37) - Tue 30 Mar 2010

Forthy, another fantastic chapter! It was soo wonderful, and adorable. I can't wait for Kagome too teach him how to swim.

88pieces (Chapter 37) - Tue 30 Mar 2010

so cute but kags cant stay there forever or she will get old and die before she gets her chance at him!!



i hope you write about when kags teaches sess how to swim i bet its going to be so cute

cant wait for the next one =]

Rowdys girl (Chapter 37) - Tue 30 Mar 2010

I wish that these were real people, that this story was real - I wish I could be a part of is just so lovely and sweet, and the characters are so very, forgive me, human.

GreyEcho (Chapter 37) - Tue 30 Mar 2010

I so want to read about the swim lesson now. XD

Addy (Chapter 37) - Tue 30 Mar 2010

:3 Such a cute update!  I hope you update again soon, and I look forward to it.  Spring break is sooo~ boring sometimes.

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