Reviews for Only Human by susie

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Arc-an Angel (Chapter 21) - Sun 28 Jun 2020

Yes! Thank you! 

This chapter warmed my heart. It showed her strength but not in an obnoxious way. Very natural. Very Kagome. With room for her to still grow. The intimacy with her and Sesshomaru was also really nice. Felt truly genuine. And even the moment between the brothers was really appreciated. I don't know what's going to happen with this newest development but I'm excited! 

Koree (Chapter 20) - Sun 28 Jun 2020

Wow !! What a Amazing chap !! So much happened , I'm glad Sesshomaru is willing to wait for Kagome I feel like despite him wanting to sleep with her she needs him right now especially after the InuxSango thing & the realization that things are heading in a different direction for her love life

Storm (Chapter 20) - Sun 28 Jun 2020

I love this story!! You do an excellent job of portraying all of the characters! And I love your humor!! I'm just curious if sesshomaru will still be interested in Kagome once hes back to his true form. Cant wait for the next chapter!!

Waterunleashed (Chapter 20) - Fri 26 Jun 2020

I'm reading this on FF but, I just had to tell you again that I love this story.

Shereise (Chapter 20) - Fri 26 Jun 2020

Me: Sesskag=OTP

Inuyasha: says ILY to Sango


Me: yaaay sessxkag 4 lifeeee!

Me:Can't see inuyasha happy with anyone but Kagome.


I LOVE this story.


Allison (Chapter 20) - Thu 25 Jun 2020

I have to say I tend to agree with some of the other reviewers. The dynamic of Kagome and Sesshomaru is going through a little formulaic. I thought the last chapter they were starting to realize that. I thought Kagome was starting to move forward and realize it could be something more. Then the start of this chapter she went right back to stopping him from flirting so all of his attention is on her. She won't pursue the relationship or be intimate. I even cringed a little when she said that he had to be a good boy and wait for her. That statement just didn't sit well with me. At the beginning of the fic they were sexual in the cave. So it just feels weird the sudden hard no she is giving in the middle and further chapters.  

I have to say I really loved their dance. It was sweet and she admitted that she'd rather dance with him or do nothing at all. I liked that he left the princess for her which was pretty big and showed where his intentions are to me. Hopefully, they can stop being silly and let the wall down. 

The best part of this chapter the bridge scenes. You did a wonderful just with creating the suspense and tense. I felt like I was on the bridge with them and that it was going to collapse. Very good description and detail by far the best part of this chapter. Now it seems that Kagome, Sesshomaru, and Inuyasha will have to take the longer route alone. That could be very interesting. I can't wait till the next update. 

Mecca (Chapter 20) - Thu 25 Jun 2020

Holy hell, that bridge scene had my nerves on edge! For some reason, I thought for sure someone was gonna bite the dust! But the near death experience was good for all of them, it seems, even though darn Kagome had to go lose her mind just from seeing Inuyasha in danger and completely forgetting herself (and Sesshoumaru!). The bonfire dance was a sweet scene. There was a perfect opportunity for Kagome to go dancing with some rando, but I think I liked this outcome better. The fact that Sesshoumaru couldn't forget Kagome while he was I'm the company of a beautiful princess and had been offered to go possibly tryst with this princess at the palace but turned it down definitely said a lot about where his desires lay. Even I can't say I'd be as good a man as he when it comes to turning beautiful prospects down lol Kagome is really pushing her luck it seems. Hopefully what intrigue she has won't run out any time soon ;) Thank you for the update, can't wait to see the next arc! My heart is still thrumming from thinking about hanging from a shit bridge xD

Maeline CHAREF (Chapter 1) - Thu 25 Jun 2020

This was such a wonderful chapter, especially thé dance scene.


Niomi (Chapter 20) - Thu 25 Jun 2020

Always grateful for your updates! It was entertaining, definitely felt like a filler. Love the tender dance scene. I feel like Sess may be teetering on the edge of OOC. But I guess he is human after all. I share the sentiments of some others and how I've always felt. But nevertheless, you're a talented writer and I trust you. Curious to see how this goes.

A_Common_Stray (Chapter 20) - Thu 25 Jun 2020

So riveting! I'm greatly looking forward to your next update! I must say, you do an excellent job in accurately depicting various characters as well as their motivations. Well done!

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 20) - Thu 25 Jun 2020

okay...I read the first bit at the top of the chapter and then had to jump to the bottom because I honestly started to cringe. Working up the energy to go back and read the middle. I'm sorry that that might come across rude which really isn't my intent, it's just my physical reaction to how utterly embarrassing Kagome is still behaving.

I adore your writing but it's getting harder and harder to read this story with Kagome acting like a perpetually jealous, indecisive, love sick/low self esteem puppy. Sesshomaru's conversation with the woman earlier feels like a repeat of the situation he once found himself in with Sango and then the two women he rescued. I would rather Kagome let him just flirt in peace or do something...different as a reaction. It doesn't feel like she's growing or evolving as a person or a woman, actually quite the opposite. And their relationship with each other is feeling a bit pointless to me. At least in the romantic/sexual sense since that keeps getting denied. I mean, she let him make her cum back in the cave, way back in the beginning of the story. Now she's damn near a nun. I'm not understanding.

I saw that you mentioned not to take this chapter too seriously, so i'll sit patiently but if you would be so kind, please show us quick wit/firey Kagome from the beginning of the story again. I miss her and the many layers she brought to the overall concept.


And again, my apologies if this comes across rude. I truly don't mean it as such. I'm just passionate about the story/concept And just hope to see the plot/characters flourish.

Neelixonee (Chapter 20) - Wed 24 Jun 2020

What an amazing chapter.  I feel like Sesshoumaru is learning.  Papi-inu would be proud. 

Lauren (Chapter 19) - Wed 24 Jun 2020

This was sweeter than I thought it'd be. I was worried when you had him make the list that it would get cringey and cheesy, but it didn't. What a great turning point. It doesn't feel forced at all. But even though Kagome has changed her mind, the other shoe is still waiting to drop...

ladyhikikomori (Chapter 20) - Wed 24 Jun 2020

I have to agree with some of the other reviewers, the dynamic between Sesshomaru and Kagome has become kind of formulaic at this point. If there was one constructive criticism I have it would be that this whole Sesshomaru gets attention, wants to get action, Kagome is jealous and thwarts his chances just to deny him has been done repeatedly and at this point I don't see how it's pushing towards anything else. 

I feel bad for Kagome that it simply takes the bare minimum of human decency and she is falling head over heels for Sesshomaru. He constantly tears her down under the guise of making her "honest" but considering one minute he complains about her oblivious infatuation and romanticized projection onto Inuyasha just to turn around the next and criticize her for getting over him and labeling her as fickle because she is looking outside of Inu now it's grating. I feel like Kagome is weak and has no sense of self. She is too easily lead by the opinions of those around her. I also don't find what is so attractive about a dude who has basically told her repeatedly he thinks she's only good enough in his human form and that while he would prefer her he would settle for any human woman. Sure the, "I am Kagome" line was touching and I can appreciate him defending her honour with those men but beyond that he hasn't done anything that makes me root for them to be together. If anything I would prefer to see her come into her own because personally her interest in Sesshomaru seems very shallow to me, since he's been pretty emotionally brutal to her and has shown his sexual attraction to her to be just slightly above the average other offers. 

I also don't find any of the closeness between Sango and Kagome that I enjoyed from the canon. As another reviewer said Sango comes across as being super competitive with Kagome, rather than a sisterly or even friendly bond. The only character I like in this story is Miroku, he has flaws but they aren't constantly at the expense of others. I empathize a lot with Kagome but she feels too much like a puppet to be wholly liakable. 

Despite venting I want to clarify this isn't a flame! Despite the characters aggravating me at times I keep reading because your writing is well done, I am invested in the story. Heck I even cried at the last chapter for Kagome! I'm curious to see how this will all play out. I hope this doesn't discourage you; good writers are the ones who can invoke strong responses in their readers. 

Young Kagome (Chapter 20) - Wed 24 Jun 2020

Kagome was always irrational when it came to Inuyasha. She's always jealous when Sesshomaru is concerned, when is it going to be his turn to be jealous? They're just going in circles I'm as annoyed as the rest of them. Another setback! They can't get a break lol. I was expecting Myoga to pop up by now and address a possible solution to Sesshomarus humanity. Anyways please update soon! 

Mel (Chapter 20) - Wed 24 Jun 2020

Aaaahhhhhhhh!!!! The suspence in this chapter is insane! From wondering if our favorite demon lord would be picked to the bridge. It was great!

Anonymous (Chapter 20) - Wed 24 Jun 2020

love it!!! cant wait for the next chapter! Please please update soon! 

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 19) - Mon 22 Jun 2020

In layman's term, she bout to deliver some vagina xD Sorry, I couldn't resist.

But on a serious note, I hope Kagome can gain her confidence back. And not the superficial kind through makeup and looks. I hate the way Inuyasha sees/speaks to her. Also, even though Sesshomaru is very helpful as well, when he loses his temper he aims to tear her down. That's not healthy either and hopefully something he realizes fully and corrects. There are other ways to have honest conversation. I also didn't understand Sango wanting to try on some makeup, just feels like there's competition between her and Kagome. Not necessarily for Inuyasha but for femininity if that makes sense. Especially because I don't sense any unity between the two. All in all, with each chapter you show exactly why Kagome and Inuyasha didn't need to be a couple. And I'm excited to see where things go from here.

Neelixonee (Chapter 19) - Mon 22 Jun 2020

This was such a beautiful chapter.  All of it.

Young Kagome (Chapter 19) - Sun 21 Jun 2020

That was the cutest shit I ever read lol. Seriously how adorable!!! How long as it been since Rin has been lost? Seems like an awfully long time. But I have no doubt that she doesn't doubt Sesshomaru is coming for her no matter how long it takes. Anyways great job and please update soon!! 

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