Eliona Profile Page

About Me

Hello! So for starters *clears throat* I've been an Inuyasha fan for about 10 years now (and Im currently 22), hmm...Ive been reading fanfiction for about that long too I LOVE reading, Sesshomaru and Kagome being my favorite pair off (of course, lol) I am a complete and total hybrid of gamer and otaku, I love playing video games and watching anime <3 Anywho, Im trying to write a fanfiction myself for the first time, so don't be too harsh with me please :D

My favorite fanfiction of all time is not on this site, but I've read it at least 3 times because it really is JUST. THAT. AMAZING. Its called "Tales from the House of the Moon" here is the link for all you curious souls out there. I didn't write this, but I can only hope to be HALF as talented as this writer =)


So if you have any questions or if you want someone to talk to about potatoes, message me xD ta ta for now friends!


User Status

12 years ago
14 days ago
11 years ago


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts4

Forum Posts
07/31/2019 17:49:41Re:About a wandering kagome...Searching for a Fic...3820
07/08/2019 06:39:58About a wandering kagome...Searching for a Fic...3820
02/09/2019 05:04:37Re:Help! Fic RecommendationRecommendations34300
07/12/2018 04:05:47Re:Inuyasha makes sesshomaru an offerSearching for a Fic...3560




Eliona has 1 stories

After finally settling down and starting a new life in the Feudal era Kagome once again is tossed into a new dance with destiny, with history itself at stake can she save the world from the ultimate evil?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 15 Mar 2013  -  Updated: 22 May 2013
Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 8  -  Reviews: 15  -  Words: 9,613  -  Reads: 9,801

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 18

My sweet fantasies
[SessKag] Stationery
Kagome - Realism
come and take it..... if you dare
  • come and take it..... if you dare
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
If you want her, you have to go through me...
Once Upon a Spell *Colored*
Winds of Change
Kagome vs. Sesshomaru
  • Kagome vs. Sesshomaru
  • Author: Itoe
  • Category: Fanart
Kagome Mama and Shippo - Braiding : Colored
  • Kagome Mama and Shippo - Braiding : Colored
  • Author: Blackthorn
  • Category: Fanart
Miko may I kiss you
.:Commission-sesskag-New Lady:.
Pikabunny Colored
Kagome With the Rain (Take 3)
.:Love Strip:.
Three's a Crowd


Name Entry
Moonlight Silk

Created On: 11/17/2019 14:51:54

Thank you so much for posting a review for Life Lessons. I am glad that you liked it though to be honest it was the first story I ever wrote and it has numerous flaws. About the bread, point taken.


Created On: 02/10/2019 23:40:00

Thank you for your continued support. I hope to have the chapters up sooner now that I am on the mend.


Created On: 10/27/2018 17:53:58

I'm glad you were stunned. That makes it worth writing it. I hope you continue to follow this story. Thanks again for your review.
Feedback from Eliona: Yes of course! It’s my pleasure you are an amazing writer.

Stella Mira

Created On: 02/07/2015 13:31:27

Thank you for reading and reviewing another of my stories. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far and hope you'll keep on reading.


Moonlight Silk

Created On: 10/28/2013 08:54:57

Thanks for the review! But more babies...Maybe?

Luna C.

Created On: 08/26/2013 08:26:00

Thank you for your review.

Moonlight Silk

Created On: 08/19/2013 20:43:06

Thanks for the review and the support!

Moonlight Silk

Created On: 07/29/2013 21:43:19

I am really happy that you read all the chapters and you like what I have written so far. I will update as often as I can. And thanks for the great reviews!
Feedback from Eliona: My pleasure take your time! Quality over quantity my dear

Moonlight Silk

Created On: 07/29/2013 09:45:27

Thank you so much for the review on my fic Bent. And I really hope that you like the rest of it!

Moonlight Silk

Created On: 07/18/2013 16:59:03

Thank you so much for your kind review. I really tried my best to write a good story, and when I get praises like yours it makes the effort worthwhile.

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