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About Me
LIFE UPDATE: ...trying...trying...
Why hello there tragically lost being who unknowingly stumbled upon my weblike realm of entropy!
[much greetings and salutations]
I'm Itsumademo, the immortally powerful creature of all encompassing evil, dastardly randomosity, eye meltingly long winded babbling, and abnormal logicality and literality.
And i am currently 31 biological years.
![]() You may call me itsu or itsufer.
In some of my other virtual havens, i am known as:
The Itsufer
Soliloquy or Sol
The Mistress of Procrastination
The Dapper Lunatic
Feel perfectly free to refer to me as any of these thoroughly applicable monikers. >:3
Though, of course, my username as it is would be just fine too!
Down to some artistic-y talk stuff. *ahem*
I am a long time doodle drawer. Of course, I would never claim that i'm a great artist, in fact I don't think i'm good at all...but that's not the point. I put up some fanart here and there; all basic traditional pieces as i have absolutely no lineart or coloring skill whatsoever--please stop asking, it saddens me -__- And i am constantly hoping someone other than me happens to like them.
Unbeknownst to many who are familiar with my doodles, I do also love to write; mostly fantasy-romance-action-adventure-angst type blends. You know, something overly complicated and therefore time-consuming XP. A reason you may not know of any such works of mine is that I unfortunately have yet to finish any of the over 44 fanfic ideas I have for these two. The ones which are posted here so far, outside of my drabbles collection series, have not been updated in quite a while due to the fact they are both under major reconstruction. *nodnod*
[[ Plus, seriously, i am not called the deliciously horrid and disturbing Mistress of Procrastination for nothing. ]] ![]() If you hadn't picked up on this yet, i am sort of a major, heart wrenchingly devoted adorer of this pair.
And yes, i mean adore.
I simply have so much love for these two that i cannot help but define it as intense adoration.
![]() ![]() ![]() Now to the inevitable yet general and quick--yes, this is quick for me--historical referencing to the beginning of my desires.
My number one favorite fanfic and what got me gleefully tangled into the pairing is the incredibly wondrous story Tales from the House of the Moon or HotM, by the amazing Resmiranda. And then, the lesser known, but still thoroughly beloved, spark of curiosity which led me to such a story, was the beautiful doujin Raindrops, by one of my favorite sesskag artists, YoukaiYume.
These two lovely beings brought me into a world i not only cherish but feel cared for in. Perhaps, dare i say, respected and found interesting for the work i put my heart into...despite the poor quality or ability they portray. ^^;
After being on this site for years, I have to say I have found quite a few fanfics, doujins, and artists that I enjoy, and likewise love. However, like with many things, the first love will always have a special place in my heart. <3
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![]() SessKag is basically mah crack. > 3 <
...well, that and Kylux...but that's another story for another place of course...
![]() ![]() ((images ten years apart))
[[ oh, and do not worry, my darling dears, the itsu loves you ]]
Avatar image by me.
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User Status
68095 | |
16 years ago | |
3 months ago | |
2 years ago | |
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Itsumademo |
Wednesday, April 27th, 2022 You all forget about me?Tsk, tsk. Nah....i do tend to be relatively non-existent to the world. HOWEVER i am ALWAYS around. I lurk all the time, like it isn't even funny; ignore the 'last online,' it only changes if i log in, but i never log out. Plus, i am constantly trying to think of and work on things to get up for you all. Cause i lurvs ya n 3n ...still trying...trying.....t r y i n g........... i am slow. it is a curse.
also, why is it 2022? what is this.
--- Everything else aside, the rest of my writing efforts right now have still been put into working on my fics for my other otp/fandom ^^; ...If anyone is interested they are/will be posted on my ao3 (listed below; the L's in soIiIoquy are capital i's not lowercase L's) but the fics there are mostly for the pairing Kylux--Kylo Ren and General Armitage Hux from the new Star Wars Sequel Trilogy-- So yeah... :3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Status of stories Entwined and Rogue: Both stories, Entwined and Rogue, are on a temporary hiatus on fanfiction.net and here. I give mention and minor update/reasoning at the end of the last posted chapter for each on both sites, though here i have "TEMPORARY HIATUS (see chp. __ or my profile for details)" in each summary section, and then on my fanfic.net profile i have the same post as in the chapters at the beginning of my info. I think on the two often, and while i have many other WIPs since i first began those two i still hope to one day finish them both. Or at least one of them; and if i were to pick it would be Rogue. I feel bad saying that since Entwined is even now still so liked. But in all fairness to Rogue, i barely posted anything for it back then and what i did post has been almost entirely scrapped, and the story is also far more developed than Entwined. I don't know when i will get back to these two pieces, but i won't ever forget them or those who have enjoyed them. <3<3<3 I really so appreciate all the readers of my works, and i am more sorry than you could possibly imagine that my personal problems ruin my ability to be on time and consistent --___-- Immense uber cookie raining thanks and apologies to all that read or care about my stuff! *tight huggle* DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME! D: aaaaaaaaaaaaannddd....that is all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The myriad internet existences of me: > Neopets: Inuyasha_6_addict (screwed me over, removed my layout)
> Facebook: (Friends only-->if I know you, send me a message!) > DeviantART: Itsufer ('new' account)
> TheOtaku: Itsumademo > Fanfiction.net: Itsufer
> GaiaOnline: Itsufer > Tumblr: nonsensicalsoliloquy.tumblr.com
> Pillowfort: www.pillowfort.social/nonsensicalsoliloquy
> ArchiveofOurOwn/ao3: soIiIoquy (mostly kylux content; and the L's in soIiIoquy are capital i's not lowercase L's)
> LiveJournal: Itsufer (some content there)
> Adult-Fanfiction.org: Itsufer (behind on posting)
> Fictionpress: Itsumademo (little content there; not around anymore)
> MiniTokyo: ItsumademoFuri (content there; not around anymore) |
Forum Statistics | |
Forum Ranking | Pup![]() |
Total Posts | 62 |
Karma | 8 |
Itsumademo has 5 stories
Total number of images: 98

- Melancholic Whimsy
- Category: Fanart
- At Her Neck
- Category: Fanart

- Brush on the Cheek
- Category: Fanart

- By My Side
- Category: Fanart

- Yes, and?
- Category: Fanart

- Only Temporary
- Category: Fanart
- Lying Together
- Category: Fanart

- Accidentally on Purpose
- Category: Fanart
- moan for me
- Category: Fanart

- almost kiss
- Category: Fanart

- cheeky
- Category: Fanart

- always watching
- Category: Fanart
Favorite Fanart
Total number of favoured images: 346

- midnight bribe moonlight bride cover 3
- Author: elevenharbor
- Category: Fanart

- sesskag week 2023 submission - day 5
- Author: elevenharbor
- Category: Fanart
- Kagome Sammich
- Author: Vixeria Snow
- Category: Fanart

- SessKag - First Comes Marriage
- Author: Chiaztolite
- Category: Fanart

- first and last dance
- Author: elevenharbor
- Category: Fanart

- Sess In All His Glory
- Author: Vixeria Snow
- Category: Fanart
Name | Entry |