
Something About You by MushaiyaRyu

A New Problem

DWL: Greetings. Read and Review. My thanks to you.

Disclaimer: If I owned Inuyasha, would I be sitting here writing fanfiction? Why is it called FANfiction? Because I am a FAN!!

Chapter One

-*Kagome's POV*-

"Inuyasha! There's three shards on its forehead!" I bellowed as I took aim. The thundering bear youkai took one look at my group before turning back to the tree line. Sango took up a position in front of me, with Kirara at my behind. Miroku stood ready, hand on his prayer beads. Our attention was averted to Inuyasha, who had unsheathed the Tetsusaiga.

"Hey! Relinquish the shards!" He demanded. The bear growled.

"Be silent half-breed. I'm in the middle of something. The young inu youkia hidden in the trees is Lord Sesshoumaru's ward. If I take her hostage, I will have power over his lordship! Come on out, you little brat. You can't escape me." It drawled out, saliva dripping from its enlarged fangs. Inuyasha flushed.

"Did you say Sesshoumaru?"

"Sure, I can't escape you. Thing is, I don't need to!" A female's voice, young and full, echoed through the forest. I looked around to find the source of the voice. Kirara moved from behind me and towards the bear, growling. The manipulated youkai chuckled maliciously.

"Arragont little inu. I will eat you. I will--" The remainder of his words were left unsaid as the bear crumbled to the ground as heaps of dismembered flesh. Behind him, directly intront of me, stood a young girl. Sango rushed to Miroku as Kirara pranced forward to sniff the girl's kimono. The neko was sent away with a wave of the girl's hand.

She seemed to be about twelve or thirteen. Her hair was waist length and silvery white, tipped with scarlet. From either blood or birth, I did not know. A large gash marred her lower side near her hip. Her emerald green eyes sparkled and glistened in pain and anger. The girl's cheekbones, wrists, ankles, and shoulders were adorned with ink black stripes. Upon her forehead was a black crescent moon.

"Who are you? How are you related to Sesshoumaru?" Inuyasha demanded. The young canine spared him a glance, a glance full of malice and hatred.

"You dare... to speak of... my lord like that?" She hissed, her voice plagued with poison and a promise of death. I gasped as the female youkai turned to me.

"Duck." She said simply before lashing out with a crimson whip of venom. I slammed to the floor, covering my head with both hands. I gingerly lifted my head to see the blank eyes of a lizard youkai's head. A head with no body.

I shrieked and backed away into Inuyasha's legs. The hanyou was furious.

"What the hell was that for, wench?" He bellowed, pointing a fully transformed Tetsusaiga at the young demoness. The girl glared scathingly at him. I could have sworn I felt Inuyasha tremble.

"My lord will hear of this... disrespectful treatment of his name... and ward... As for the miko and my actions. I, Kiashi, was mearly... putting... a dent in... Naraku's... plans." With that, the girl keeled over and fainted. No one moved a muscle. Rain poured down from the heavens. I swallowed and cautiously stood and walked towards the young demon.

"Thank you." I kneeled down and carefully manuvered her head into my lap. "Don't worry. I'll help you until Sesshoumaru-sama comes for you." I whispered and smiled softly. A new addition to the group would be helpful. Thank Kami-sama it's a female.

~*Sesshoumaru's POV*~

"Where is she, Jaken? Where is Kiashi?" I demanded, my jaw rigid with fury. Normally, I, Sesshoumaru, would never show emotions. But now, my ward was missing. My young, powerful, beautiful ward was gone.

"I... I don't know! Sesshoumaru-sama! W-When that bear attatcked, she was seperated from us! The bear went after her!" The toad quaked and keeled in a dead faint. I paled. The lesser had boosted his power by way of the Shikon Shards. Now, my Kiashi was out in the woods fighting with a youkai that had power to rival my half-breed brother. Indeed, I had trained the little Ookami myself, but the training was yet to be completed.

"Oh my dear Kiashi," I whispered. Rain began to fall, a little at first, then in blinding torrents. "My dear ward, daughter. Be safe..."

-*Kagome's POV*-

I gently brushed the girl's wounds with the white cloth I had brought back from Tokyo. The gash was deep and jagged, giving reason to believe that she and the bear youkai had been fighting for some time and that the wound had been reopened repeatedly.

"Are you sure it's safe, Kagome? I mean, this is Sesshoumaru's ward. What was her name? Kiashi." Sango inquired. I glanced at her, my eyes softening at the sight she beheld.

Sango was very close to me. Almost like a lover but not. She and I were like sisters but so very much closer.

"I'm not sure, to be honest with you. Remember, she did save my life." At my statement, Sango hung her head, ashamed.

"I'm sorry I left you, Kagome. If I hadn't, that youkai wouldn't have been able to touch you, even with a ten-foot pole." She whispered. I smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"It's alright, Sango. I forgive you." Sango smiled and looked over my shoulder. She gasped and pulled away.

"Kagome. She's waking up!" I swivled around to see the girl sitting up with a smirk on her face. The blanket that covered her naked chest fell away to reveal supple breasts and a firm abdomen, currently wrapped with bandages.

"I'm sorry. Was I interrupting something?" She inquired nonchalantly. I blushed as Sango giggled. The inu youkai's tail twisted around to cover her chest and twitched.

"No, you weren't. Sango and I were just... uh..." My words faltered as my blush deepened. The girl's eyes flashed humorously as her lips pulled up into an open smile, displaying her pearly white fangs, two inches long.

"Ah... So you two are Coveters." She murmured quietly. I was glad that Miroku and Inuyasha had gone off with Shippou to gather firewood. It would have been a nightmare if Mirouka attempted to seduce this demoness. What were coveters?

"Coveters?" Sango asked, beating me to it. The young girl giggled and ran a hand through her hair.

"Taijiya-sama. I thought you, of all people, would know what Coveters were! Coveters are those of the same sex that love each other, but do not feel the need for mating. They are technically mates but are marked in a different place. For the males, Covetans, or mating marks, are placed on the right forearm. For females, the Coventan is on the left wrist. I suppose you two haven't marked each other yet?" I was surprised that this little youkai knew so much but looked so young. Sango laughed and took up my left wrist.

"Not yet, as you can see." She held up my hand. The young one smirked. "Anyway. We haven't been formally introduced. I am Sango, a Taijiya, as you know."

"And I'm Kagome Higurashi. Nice to meet you." The inu youkai shook her head.

"My name, good ladies, is Kiashi Sakyoto. I am ward and adopted daughter to Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands. I am half Ookami, Half Ryuu, sired from Katsumo, God of Dragons and Maro, Goddess of the Wolf. However, I have not seen my parents since I was four. When I was five, I was cornered by a toad youkai when I was having difficulty transforming from my wolf form. Stupid toad was beating me with his Staff of Heads. I never really forgave him. Then, Sesshoumaru-sama appeared and punted the damn nuissance over the trees.

" 'Revert to humanoid form, Ookami.' He had said. I had whimpered, giving light to my predicament. He chuckled and picked me up. I thought he was going to snap my neck. All he did was stroke my fur and say kind words. Within minutes, I was in humanoid form. From that moment on, I swore loyalty to Lord Sesshoumaru."

"Wow. So, you're a goddess? At first I thought you were an inu youkai. I guess I was wrong!" I exclaimed. Kiashi giggled and shook her head. She said nothing more on the subject. Instead, she pulled Sango closer to her and burried her head in the Taijiya's hair.

"Hmm..." Sango looked mildly uncomfortable, but curious for the most part. Kiashi released her but the snagged me and nuzzled my neck. "You two do not smell like normal humans. Are you foreign? The Taijiya I can understand, for she must not smell like others by law, but you are different. Lavender and vanilla. How strange..." Kiashi released me and peered closely at my face.

"Are you sure you aren't demon?" She asked suspiciously. I laughed.

"Yes, I'm quite sure I'm not demon. In fact, I'm a miko. Lie down. I need to change your bandages." Instantly, the girl lay back and unwound her glossy white tail. I smiled when the softness rubbed against my hand. I gently peeled away the guaze to see that the wound looked worse than before I had bandaged them. The flesh was torn and the blood an oozing black. I was surprised that she had been able to talk so normally and not show pain.

"Kiashi!" Sango gasped when she saw the horrible sight. Kiashi grimaced and snarled when I began to wipe away the blood.

"That damn shit must have poisoned claws. DAMN! THAT HURTS!" She growled. Sango was horrified as the wound began to bleed black blood instead of red. I gasped and dabbed lightly. Kiashi snarled and growled, her eyes clenched tight against the tears. Sango lifted the girl's head and set it in her lap and tenderly stroked her hair.

Kiashi wrapped her clawed hand around a branch that was lying nearby. It was twelve feet long and five inches wide, and it snapped like a twig under the girl's powerful grip. Her claws dug into the ground creating small trenches as her fingers raked through the soil.

"Sango... Kagome... it hurts!" She cried. I tried my best to wipe away the blood as tenderly as possible while the girl wrapped her tail around her chest. Kiashi screamed as the blood turned a dark green. Inuyasha, Miroku, and Shippou burst into camp. Kiashi thrashed, spilling more blood onto the already wet floor.

"Kagome! What's going on?" Inuyasha demanded. I glared at him.

"Go get water! Someone get water!" I shouted. Miroku sped in the forest upon seeing the blood. Inuyasha stood, stone still. Sango stared at him, tears forming in her eyes.

"Go help him, Inuyasha!" She bellowed. Inuyasha shook his head defiantly.

"Hell no! There's a powerful demon aura coming here at high speeds." Almost as if to prove he spoke truth, a huge gust of wind answered another of Kiashi's screams. What she screamed was shocking.

"SESSHOUMARU-SAMA!!" She screamed. The gust of wind turned into the great Taiyoukai himself, his eyes red and hair rising all around behind him.

"Inuyasha. This is your fault." He snarled. Inuyasha scoffed.

"My fault! How is it MY fault?" Inuyasha demanded. Sesshoumaru growled.

"You knew she was mine. Therefore you should have kept her safe! I would have rewarded you! Instead, I find her poisoned with venom that can only be healed by the Tenseiga, which refuses to obey me!" I had never seen the Taiyoukai angry before, and my, I must say, it was impressive.

"You're talking shit, Sesshoumaru! I didn't do nothin'!" The hanyou retorted. Kiashi growled.

"Exactly, you pitiful shit! EXACTLY! You could have done something to prevent this! You impudent fool!" Sesshoumaru snarled. I gasped as Kiashi began to snarl and sit up. Her wound opened further, spilling more blood onto the already soaking floor.

Sesshoumaru instantly calmed and walked towards us. Sango wrapped her arm around Kiashi's shoulders and assisted her in sitting up. I carefully backed away as the demon lord kneeled down beside Kiashi. Sango gently manuvered the girl into the Taiyoukai's lap. She then did something I never thought she'd do.

Sango softly laid a hand on the demon's shoulder and walked to me. Sesshoumaru looked up at Sango and I. We gasped simaltaneously when the icy sheen that normally covered his eyes. There was gratitude, concern, loneliness, and worst of all, guilt. Guilt at not being able to protect her.

He looked down at the bloodied girl in his arms. His eyes softened considerably, reduced from cold amber stones to pools of endless molten gold.

"Kiashi. Can you move at all?" He whispered. Poor Shippou was so surprised; he keeled over in dead faint. I would have as well. His voice was so pained, so gentle. Inuyasha's eye twitched. Kiashi spat up blood. As it landed on the ground, a sizzling hole burned into the forest floor.

"No... don't think so..." She shuddered as Sesshoumaru carefully inserted a forefinger into the wound. I was about to protest when Sango took hold of my shoulder and shook her head. Sesshoumaru instantly withdrew his claw. the skin on his finger bubbled a noxious green, then returned to it's normal color.

"My poison possesses more strength. It overrode the effects. Kiashi..." I couldn't believe it. Lord Sesshoumaru, Taiyoukai of the Western Lands, was asking permission from a young girl. Then again, this young youkai was his adopted daughter. Go figure.

"Hai! Do it! JUST DO IT!" Sesshoumaru winced as tears flooded the Ookami's face. He bent down, and I could have sworn I saw his tongue flick across the crescent on her forehead. Then, the demon placed four of his fingers into the mangled flesh, and the poison flowed freely from his claws. The green liquid swamped over the girl's body and onto the floor, burning the ground.

"Ah... Ah... feels... much better. Arigatou." Kiashi sighed and smiled meekly. Sesshoumaru's lips lifted into a genuine smile. He looked absolutely gorgeous. Kiashi then looked at Sango and I. Sesshoumaru bent over as Kiashi began to whisper in his ear, eyes on us the whole time. The Tai nodded and looked up at us. Inuyasha growled.

"Don't look at my woman like that!" He shouted. Sesshoumaru paid him no mind. I, on the other hand was enraged. Inuyasha. You're so dead.

^~Sango's POV~^

I sometimes felt bad for Inuyasha, angering Kagome like that.



Even Miroku knew when to stop. Speaking of the monk...

"I GOT IT!! I GOT IT!! Here's the...water... Uh..." The houshi stopped in the clearing right behind Inuyasha, the bucket in his hand slopping water all down Inuyasha's backside.

"BOZOU!!!" Inuyasha roared. He jumped up, the subdueing spell now depleted. Out of no where, a whip of light struck the hanyou across the face.

"Be silent, hanyou. My young one is weak, and she does not need you giving her a headache!" Sesshoumaru hissed, retracting his long range weapon. The venom was still flowing from his fingertips, but less and less. Kiashi looked at peace.

"Feh." Inuyasha retorted and jumped into a tree to brood. I giggled and looked at Kagome, my "Coveted." She was wonderful. The futuristic girl was special. I looked where her eyeline was shot and watched the young Ookami. The poison had pooled in her wound and was slowly simmering. The acid that was on her chest was slowly being absorbed into the girl's body.

"When did your poison get so... so.... What's the word?" Kiashi mumbled, trailing a finger through the thick liquid. Sesshoumaru looked quite amused with her divided attention.

"I don't read minds, Kiashi." He replied, with what seemed to be a hint of humor in his normally icy voice. I giggled when the demoness glared playfully up at him. Sesshoumaru looked my way, towards Kiashi and I.

"AH! Your poison is soothing! That's the word... soothing." Sesshoumaru smirked softly as he ran his fingers through the girl's hair. Her breathing slowed and symbolized that she had fallen into a comfortable lapse of thought. The Taiyoukai bent over and brushed his fine lips across her forehead.

"What's with you, Sesshoumaru? You're acting wierd!" Inuyasha sneered. He was brave enough to come down from his tree. Wow. The youkai growled deep in his chest. I shivered and sidled closer to Kagome, who willingly accepted my embrace.

"If you possessed something worth cherishing, you, too, hanyou, would know what it felt like to care." Sesshoumaru growled. Inuyasha stepped back, right into Mirouku and his water pail. He stumbled backwards, past Mirouku and onto the forest floor. The bucket slipped from Mirouku's hand and landed on the hanyou's head, soaking him to the bone.

"Oops." Mirouku said without bothering to hide his amusement. There was a chuckle, deep and smooth, that did not belong to any of our group. I turned to Sesshoumaru, surprised that he had showed humor. As fast as it had come, the chuckle was gone replaced by a hard look of indifference.

"I require an audience with the Taijiya and the miko---" An insistant tug at his haori front bent him over.

"Sango and Kagome, Sesshoumaru-sama." Sesshoumaru sighed.

"I require an audience with Sango and Kagome. Alone."

"Uh oh..." Kagome muttered. Couldn't have said it better myself...

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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