
Newfound love by priestess24

Part One

AN: I decided to redo this fanfic. It was poorly written because, for one, it was my first fanfic, and for another, it was done when I was much younger. And I decided that I should make if flow much better.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Inuyasha characters', only the story is mine... and some characters. The rest is owned and copyright by RumikoTakahashi.

WARNING: EVERYONE IS OOC, But I don't particularly care....

Part one

The dark, ominous rain condensed clouds rolled across the ever present heavens. Kagome was in the feudal era and had planned on staying for an undecided amount of time. Inuyasha looked extra gloomy today. She wondered why, but shrugged it off as she figured it was because they would not get to go shard-hunting. For some reason, Inuyasha decided to take a walk. He seemed to be moping, but now it didn't seem it was because of her previous assumption.

What is his problem?, thought Kagome to herself. Her curiosity got the best of her. Standing, she eased into a standing position and walked after Inuyasha in hopes that she could walk with him. As she attempted to follow him, she found her self alone. Why was he walking so fast? , When the thought passed she heard voices. It was Inuyasha and Kikyo. It had to be. No one else had those voices.

"Kikyo you know I love you, and only you" said what she assumed was Inuyasha's voice,

"Really then you could get the shikon jewel that girl wears around her neck" said Kikyo's voice with cruelty.

"yes I will and it shall be back to its rightful owner" replied Inuyasha,

"and kill the girl?" "yes".

Kagome unable to hear the rest started running she didn't care where, all she knew was her feet had to keep moving, her heart was beating wildly causing her chest to ache as she fell several times not being able to see through blurry pain filled eyes. As she turned around from her latest fall on a sharp rock, she saw the large ferocious bear demon that she had ever lay eyes on, it was about to attack, and she made no attempt to move. At this point I'm not scared of pain or death, I refuse to be, I will vow it to my self, also ... I'll never love, again , Kagome thought flatly. She just closed her eyes waiting for the strike but it never came when she opened her eyes she was shocked to see...


hmm....what is that strange smell ? Sesshoumaru thought, smells familiar.....smells good, Sesshoumaru was following the smell of sakura-blossoms and roses in a kind of trance. When he found the source he was disgusted, well maybe not. It's my brothers wench.... what's her name again,....... why is she not trying to fight back, a strange urgency went into helping this girl,...but why?, without thought he quickly killed the bear demon with one strike of his poison claw attack. As he turned around he found her looking up at him with those big shocked innocent eyes. He found himself mesmerized by her beauty, broken innocence, and mostly her smell.

I must find out why she was just sitting there, not defending herself when she could, or not even screaming just staring blankly at the opponent... and,why do I care ?, he turned around only to find that Rin had followed him with Jaken right behind her.

"Why did Master Sesshoumaru leave Rin with Jaken, Jaken not fun. Jaken, boring Rin, plus Rin missed yo-" , "Lord Sesshomauru has no time for a silly little girl" interrupted Jaken who then looks up at his master and says," I'm sorry Lord Sesshomauru she would not listen to m-" "Jaken..!" "yes master?" "shut up", said Sesshoumaru seeming annoyed. "Yes master." with that the Demon Lord Sesshomauru patted little Rins head and turned for the castle.


Ses.....Sesshomauru...he saved me... But.....why?, as she thought this she looked up at his blank, coldly stoic face, she saw one emotion cross his face, but just as quick as it came it left. Is it my imagination or did he look...............confused?, it was shocking to her, but it didn't last long for a little girl came running up to him, apparently he has a soft spot for the girl. Slowly Kagome stood ignoring the demon lord and child, she started walking into the wood but she regretted it terribly when she felt a horrible pain, she had forgotten how many times she fell but it was taking a toll on her, exhausted she let out a tired sigh.

She sat down trying to gather up as much strength as possible Sesshoumaru had already left. With another heaved sigh, she stood up...

I wonder if...

"...IF IF it always going to be if?" she asked herself thinking of the conversation between Kikyo and Inuyasha. Inuyasha... Kagome thought sadly, she looked into the Hot spring she found herself ending up at every time she was depressed, when she looked in all she saw was a blank expression with eyes that showed sadness, pain, and very near...

Hatred?....this can't be my reflection.......NO! just can't be.....why would I hate Inuyasha when I hate Kikyo, No I can't blame Kikyo I don't really hate her ,..I didn't see him. So maybe I imagined it...No, I wont delude myself..., Kagome thought sadly. It's the night before my 18th Birthday I didn't tell Inuyasha but...I never thought... Hating herself for remembering this, she took off the black and blue Kimono that Sango had given her for an early birthday present. She nearly cried at the thought of her dearest friend. Where do I go? , she thought not really knowing, My mom is not home... she went to America and I don't have any money... she took Sota with her... She sighed, its not like I know how to get home from here...

Slowly she got up and put her Kimono back on and started walking without having a clue as to where she was going.



Sesshomauru looking confused after killing the bear demon

flashback ends


Why was he so confused ? thought Kagome walking slowly before she lost her train of thought and decided that it wasn't worth pondering at that particular moment.

Kagome walked around for hours in a trance not paying attention to where she was going or how she was feeling, soon she found another body of water(a river). She sat by the water to wash her face, looking in, she saw not her face, as she usually did, but another's...Kikyo's face. She punched the water angrily, making the image shimmer. Why must I be the one hurt or in Pain?. why? ...she was in pain first... She thought for a moment, before continuing. She slowed down her pace as she entered foreign territory. Where am I?, thought Kagome, as she looked around her in confusion but not showing it on her face. "What's this?" She thought aloud. As she looked around at the trees and forest she realized she was lost, only forest was before her, behind her, on either side of her. I didn't realize I had wandered so far away from familiarity, she thought to herself, now paying attention to her surroundings, she went on continuing her stroll this is almost peaceful, the thought completely faded as she felt a demonic presence, quickly turning around she stared at the female...those gray eyes were full of hate glaring at her with a shadow covered face.

"What do you want?", Kagome asked calmly but in a harsh cold voice, angry that someone ruined her peaceful mood. Secretly she thought to herself, Why won't people leave me alone?.

Red hair covered the face of the demon. "Priestess! You Will DIE!" the demon growled hatefully through clenched teeth, anger and hate filled the demons eyes.

The angry Demon came rushing towards Kagome, with claws drawn getting ready to attack when the demon suddenly was pushed back crashing to a tree and Kagome realized that her priestess powers were protecting her, she stared blankly into the demons eyes calmly.

I won't die till I'm ready to and I'm not and I certainly WILL NOT! Die like this

Kagome thought as she went towards the demon.

"I'll Be Back, Priestess," the female demon growled loudly... angrily.

"Sure you will..." said Kagome sarcastically as she stopped walking amusement clearly etched on her face.

"Don't be sarcastic with Me Priestess!", and the demon left thinking she won't be so lucky next time!

Unknown to Kagome, she used a lot of energy fighting the demon, How much power had I been using? How far did I go? , She fell to the ground exhausted.



At Sesshomauru's castle Rin was back at home annoying Jaken. Then she turned to her master and said "Sesshomauru-sama can Rin go outside into the garden, please?" "Jaken take Rin out to the garden " "yes, Lord Sesshomauru", said jaken going immediately to do as he was told while also mumbling because he had to baby-sit a stupid filthy human, again!. Sesshomauru walked around the castle thinking, why should I care if she was hurt?, why wasn't she with my Idiot half brother? emphasizing the word 'half'. He sighed.

"Did I sigh?" no of course not, why would I sigh?,..could it be that I'm worried, "No the demon Lord of the Western Lands wouldn't be worried about a silly girl?", woman, he corrected himself, What am I saying I worry about Rin all the time..., after arguing with himself for a while he walked outside and a strange sent was in the air, a powerful and pure surge was in the air along with... hatred.

what's this hmm... someone's on my land, uninvited, I won't have it!, he thought, while calmly walking to see who exactly, he past by the garden to tell Jaken to watch Rin but decided not to bother them,

Rin has improved on her aim..., thought Sesshoumaru, with a smirk, after seeing Rin throw a stick at Jaken's head.

Soon he was met with a familiar sent, The girl... only, with a sent I hadn't noticed before....also a Demon is there

Upon reaching the source, he stopped nearby in the trees to watch. He saw the demon turn to leave, growling loudly, "Don't be sarcastic with me Priestess!"

So that's the strange smell, she's a Priestess. He watched curiously to see what the 'Priestess' would do next.

To his surprise, or rather, to his immense annoyance, she fainted.

I'll hate myself for this, he thought.

He paused for a moment, until finally, while cursing himself, he bent down and picked her gently up. With a put upon sigh, he carried her toward his castle.

Why do I help her? What is it about her that attracts me to her? Why would I care if she should die or not?

He contemplated this as he found himself inhaling her sweet smelling scent.

When he reached the castle, Rin was up waiting for him. "Who's the pretty lady? Can Rin play with the pretty lady?" she looked pleadingly into his eyes. "Rin the 'pretty lady' as you call her, has to rest" said Sesshomauru, Then he proceeded to carry Kagome into a guest room. It was the room that was two or so doors down from his. He didn't leave her side for most of the night, he sat beside her bed, still wondering...



Slowly, Kagome returned to the land of the living. She found herself feeling oddly comfortable and wondered how that could possibly be, when she suddenly remembered the previous day's events. Immediately she shot up in bed and blinked the sleep out of her eyes.


"Sess...houmaru?", she said doubtfully, a questioning look in her eyes but nothing showing on her face.

There was a question eating at her.

"why did...?" Kagome started, but he interrupted her before she could complete her query,

"My questions come first "

She raised an eyebrow in an expression that he found eerily reminiscent of his own.

"Fine Sesshomauru, ask away"

"It's Lord Sesshoumaru, show me the proper respect,"

He heard her sigh, and assumed she was acquiescing to his demand, but he was sorely mistaken.

"Respect is earned, Sesshoumaru"

He narrowed his eyes momentarily before deciding to let it slide, "Touché."

"First, what were you doing in my territory...alone?"

He watched as she contemplated her answer, while pretending that he hadn't been watching the way she bit her lip in thought.

"Because..." she paused, then as the first flicker of emotion passed her face, and a single tear slid slowly down her face, she finally continued, "can I skip that question...please?" she said without the slightest emotion in her voice.

"Conceded, why was the demon after you?"

"Because of the jewel of four souls" she stated incredulously.

As if he didn't know, thought Kagome.

"I see, I'll leave you to your rest"

"WAIT...." she yelled, without really knowing why.

"what?" he asked getting annoyed at her.

"What about my questions..."

She had almost forgotten, Nice save, she thought, no point in letting him find out that I instinctually called out for him to wait... how weird would that hav e been?

"Fine," he said standing there waiting.

Think fast

"why did you help me?"

He was quite taken aback by her question, so he did what any sane person would do, he left her room and went to his own.

He left? Kagome thought as she stared at the now vacant spot that Sesshoumaru had been standing in.


That's what I keep asking myself, Sesshoumaru thought before laying his head against his pillow.


Slowly, Kagome went back to sleep. Unfortunately, it was not a pleasant sleep.


"Inuyasha...?" said Kagome sadly while looking up at him. "Kagome,.." said Inuyasha while he stepped forward reaching out a hand.

"Inuyasha..."(Ano..this is getting repetitive...-.-") said Kagome walking towards him.

Once they were nearly three feet apart, she stopped.

As she remembered what she had seen the previous night, she glared at Inuyasha furiously.

"INUYASHA!!! STAY AWAY FROM ME........You jerk......... I saw everything between you and Kik......"

Inuyasha interrupted her with hurt eyes that almost drew her to him but she kept remembering her vow, and glaring him in the eyes she yelled, "I will NOT! be hurt AGAIN" after a pause Inuyasha stated sadly, "so I see that you actually think I would do that, you think I would just kill you like that, hmmm?", slowly while looking at him questioningly she said, "Inu...Yasha?"

well?, she thought growing impatient.

"Yes I would and you know it " he said deviously.

~~~~end dream sequence~~~~

She woke up gasping as if the dream took all the air from her and she couldn't get it back. after looking around hysterically, she had caught hold of something, or someone?

She didn't care but then whoever it was pulled her away,

Shocked she looked into his eyes only to look away and seek comfort by snuggling into him. By this action of trust alone, she had shocked herself.

why did I do this? Why am I so comfortable with him? This feel's right?

She allowed the feeling of peace and comfort to carry her into a dreamless sleep.


Where's that noise coming from?, thought Sesshomauru.

Upon reaching the source he saw that the Priestess was near tears, and for some unfathomable reason he ran to her side and sat down only to get up in shock again, after hearing his brothers name, "Inu...Yasha", the voice was filled in pain and doubt and the indescribable hope.

He was angry, why, he knew not, but he immediately knew why she was alone.

He sympathized, so that's why she's so distant

Then she woke and seemed hysterical, that scent it's...fear and...pain?

He didn't have time to wonder as to why she was in pain, as a strong scent seemed to rise from her. she's scared

He came back from his thoughts, only to be surprised by the fact that she had grabbed him. He pulled her away from him, in order to see her face. The first emotion that he saw on her face was shock, but that emotion left her face as quickly as it had appeared, and was replaced by contentment.

Finally, she returned her features to the unreadable expression that she had worn the last time he had seen her.

She snuggled into his chest. Slowly, as if it came naturally, he wrapped his arms around her, and the smallest of smiles reached his face as he tucked her back into bed and left the room.

He was careful to leave the door open, just in case she needed him.

Why is this happening to me? Why should I care?

With a sigh, he went to get his armor and weaponry, so that he may patrol his lands.

Oh well... I wonder what will happen next?


"Inuyasha.....?" said Miroku as he saw him enter the forest.

Sango looked up and said, "Where's Kagome? We all woke up this morning and she was gone......we assumed she was with..." she stopped speaking when she saw a shocked and confused Inuyasha. "What!...I leave for one second and you two can't even watch her until I get back "

This is bad, very bad...

Inuyasha frowned.

.I wonder where she was, when I was getting her birthday present

After a moment of contemplation, and discussion, the group went off to find Kagome.


AN: I hope that you enjoyed, I'll soon update.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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