Face Off! by nautical_paramour
Tapas Tango
The night Sesshomaru was supposed to come and take Kagome out for dinner came quicker than Kagome had hoped. She was really nervous about the whole situation. Was this a date – like, a date, date? And Kagome had done some research on the venue. There was a live band, and she would be able to do some dancing, that is, if Sesshomaru would dance with her.
She sighed as she pulled the yellow dress over her hips and slipped into some high heels. She really hoped that they would dance. She wouldn't mind teaching him a thing or two about dancing. She pinned her hair up in a classy half up do that would make any 40s pin-up proud, and stood in the main room of her apartment. She was really nervous while she was waiting for Sesshomaru to get there. Her stomach felt like it was going to crawl out her mouth at any moment.
So, needless to say, it was excellent timing that Sesshomaru knocked on her door. She opened the door to see a rather handsome Sesshomaru. He was dressed in a nice yellow dress shirt and good pants and shoes. She couldn't believe that he had dressed to match her – not even her prom date had done that.
"You look very nice tonight, Kagome." He said in a quiet voice. He seemed nervous. "Are you ready to go?" Sesshomaru inquired.
"Yes, I am ready." Kagome took his arm and they left her apartment for Tapas Tango. Their walk was once again silent, and occasionally both would look at each other and catch each other, and become embarrassed. Luckily enough for both bashful young adults, the restaurant appeared up ahead, giving them something non-threatening to talk about.
"Have you ever been here before?" Kagome asked hesitantly. She looked up at the demon next to her.
"Yes, I have. I love this restaurant, but I will admit I have never danced here before. I usually just come for the food which is exquisite." They walked through the door and were seated – Sesshomaru had gotten reservations. They helped themselves to some very strong Sangria, and Sesshomaru ordered their "little dishes."
Their meal of croquetas, lomito, calamari, tortilla Espanola, and paella was served quickly and Kagome had to admit that it was delicious. She had never tried the Spanish cuisine, but she found that she liked how it was prepared, and was grateful that she was able to try so many of the dishes. "So, you mentioned earlier dancing?" Kagome mustered conversationally.
"Yes. They will have a sextet here later, playing some classic tango. I thought you might enjoy some dancing?" Sesshomaru stated. Kagome was jealous of how debonair he could be without even trying.
"Yes, I would like that." They ate in a comfortable silence and Sesshomaru stood when he saw the quartet warming up. He took Kagome's hand and led her to the hard wood dance floor. HE enjoyed the way her shoes sounded on the floor.
They began their first song, which was light, but still held the passion of a tango. Kagome kept him at an arms length away from her, but she could not stop staring into his eyes. It was amazing that he knew this kind of dance, but she wouldn't complain. His footwork was impeccable, and that was something she appreciated in a dance partner.
The song changed and Sesshomaru smiled, when he heard the violin's introduction to Por Una Cabeza. "Ahh. Por Una Cabeza," he whispered into her ear at one of the turns.
"You know it?" she inquired.
"Do I!" he proclaimed and they continued with their dance. Kagome again couldn't stop staring into his beautiful eyes, and smiled. When the song picked up and the piano came in with fury Sesshomaru pulled her close, so that their bodies were touching and he whispered in her ear, "Losing by a head, there was all that madness; her mouth in a kiss," Sesshomaru spun and dipped her, leaving Kagome to gasp in surprise. He pulled her body back up to his, and pulled her leg up around his hip to once again whisper to her softly. "wipes out the sadness, it soothes the bitterness."
Kagome stamped her foot down and spun out, trying to put some distance between them, because he was doing things to her body no other partner had ever done. But is was to no avail, as Sesshomaru promptly pulled her back into his body, and continued to sing softly into her ear, "Losing by a head if she forgets me, no matter to lose my life a thousand times; what to live for?"
After she stopped trying to free herself from Sesshomaru, she loosened up to the music and began to swivel her hips in time with the music, and kicked her feet to match Sesshomaru's. This was wonderful, she thought. She couldn't decide if it was the sheer closeness of their bodies or the fruity intoxication from the Sangria, but Kagome felt as if she were floating in heaven. As the song wound down to a close, Sesshomaru pulled her close once more and dipped her, kissing her fully on the lips once more.
Quiet claps from the audience came to Kagome's ears and she blushed. She wasn't used to performing a dance like this in front of others. She held Sesshomaru's scalding gaze however, and was freed only when the little Spanish owner of the bodega came to request her as a partner.
Sesshomaru allowed it, and went to go sit back at their table, watching Kagome laugh and dance with the short little man. He paid while she was having fun and when the song was finished he went to collect her and walk her home.
Kagome delightedly took his arm and left the restaurant with a wild smile on her face. "Sesshomaru, I do not know if it was you or the Sangria but that was the most fun I have had dancing in public in years!" she gushed on and on about what a wonderful time she had that night and was surprised to find herself standing at her apartment door. She was still a little giddy from the alcohol, and did not want Sesshomaru to leave her yet. "Sesshomaru, would you like to come inside for a bit?" she inquired feeling bold.
A/N: Thank you for reading! For whatever reason this chapter was very difficult to write. But now that I have it done, I can begin on the next one!
By the way, the song that Sessshomaru and Kagome dance to is called "Por Una Cabeza," by Carlos Gardel, and it is a very famous and highly recognizable tango song. You should really listen to it, to understand their dance!
As always constructive criticism, reviews, ratings and messages are appreciated! Thanks!