
Of church bells and broken hearts by melony922

of church bells and broken hearts

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any other character belonging to Rumiko Takahashi...thanks for rubbing it in.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the presence of this company, to unite Inuyasha Tashio and Kikyo Higurashi in holy matrimony. On this occasion we begin by asking God's blessing on this marriage service. Let us pray."

Kagome bowed her head and took in the look of her light pink gown as the preacher started to speak the vows, vows that would forever distance her first love from her; Inuyasha. He had been her first love and best friend for as long as she could remember. He had even be the one she gave her virginity to, that was senior prom. How cliché right?

"Inuyasha, do you take Kikyo to be your wedded wife to live together in marriage. Do you promise to love, comfort, honor and keep her, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. And forsaking all others, be faithful only to her so long as you both shall live?"

"I do." said Inuyasha instantly.

Kagome's heart crumbled.

"Kikyo, do you take Inuyasha to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage. Do you promise to love, comfort, honor and keep him, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. And forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

"I do." said Kikyo; shy as a virgin...ha that was a funny thought.

Kagome faked a cough to stop herself from laughing out loud in the middle of the ceremony. Kikyo had not been a virgin since she was 16, and had been with more men than Kagome could even keep track of. Which says something seeing as how they had lived together since graduation; that was 5 years ago.

"Do you have the rings?" the preacher brought her back to the ceremony at hand.

Kikyo turned to her and Kagome opened the small velvet box.

"Will you please repeat after me?" he asked, Kikyo and Inuyasha nodded in response.

"With this Ring I thee wed, with my Body I thee worship, and with all my worldly Goods I thee endow." the preacher continued.

"With this Ring I thee wed, with my Body I thee worship, and with all my worldly Goods I thee endow." echoed Inuyasha and Kikyo as they exchanged rings.

"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; Amen."

"Amen" was echoed by the patrons in the large stain glass windowed church.

"If there is anyone here who does not see fit as to why this couple should forever be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace." he spoke again.

Kagome mentally laughed at that one, well only if it's a problem that the groom is a cheating bastard and the bride couldn't keep her legs crossed if it killed her.

"Very well, in the presence of those before us and with the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife." smiled the preacher.

"You may now kiss the bride."

After the two exchanged a rather graphic kiss, Kagome handed Kikyo her ridiculously large bouquet of roses and turned to link arms with the best man, Sesshoumaru.

As they walked down the isle behind the happy couple she watched him out of the corner of her eye, he was tall and handsome. Too bad he will always only see me as a friend, she mused, and defiantly too high up the social latter to ever be interested in someone like her.

As they all piled into the large limousine, courtesy of Inutashio and Izayoi, Kagome laughed and joked with Sango and Miroku. Occasionally poking fun at Inuyasha and how whipped he was.

She was so distracted in showing a good face that she never noticed the golden, heated gaze in her direction. The limo came to a stop in front of The Beverly Wilshire hotel, once again nothing but the best from the Tashio family.

As she was about to get out of the car a large clawed hand came into view, she felt her heart leap but as she looked up farther and noticed the magenta stripes on the wrist she knew this was not Inuyasha, but Sesshoumaru. She meekly took his hand and he helped her out of the car, only to be bombarded with a horde of cameras and people. As if sensing her unease of the cameras Sesshoumaru moved his arm from her hand to her waist and lead her into the hotel lobby. She ignored the numerous questions coming from the sea of people and the increase in flashing lights as they walked into the hotel.

She checked her coat into the coat lodge and made her way to the ballroom, her arm wrapped around Sesshoumaru's. He led her to his parents table and she took a seat next to Izayoi, who instantly perked at her arrival.

"Hello my dear, did you enjoy the ceremony?" asked Inutashio.

His question seemed simple but she knew the underlying question 'are you alright'. Yes it seemed everyone around her knew her heart had been shattered that day Inuyasha proposed to Kikyo, she should have been happy at seeing her best friend and her cousin getting engaged, and for that she felt guilty. She looked up to see Inutashio and Izayoi looking at her, concern plain on their faces, this was supposed to be their son's big day they should be celebrating not worrying about her. No she was going to be fine, and she new that. Tonight was time for a new Kagome, one that was not crushed by her best friend's happiness. With a new determination she turned to the concerned couple and spoke honestly for the first time, "I am fine, and yes I thought the ceremony was lovely."

Their concern instantly melted to shock as they realized she was speaking the truth. The rest of the evening had gone off without a hitch, the speeches were perfect and Kagome made everyone cry with her stories of childhood and a long lasting friend ship, she wished the couple all the happiness in the world, just as a good maid of honor should. She danced with all the single men in the room, all thanks to Inutashio's connections and Izayoi's match making itch. After the reception Kagome followed Sango and Kikyo up to her suit, nothing but the best for Mrs. Inuyasha Tashio.

"Thank god that's over." announced Kikyo as she walked in the room "My feet are killing me."

"Mine too," said Sango as she removed her offending shoes.

"I am going to take a dip in this very large bath tub and change, anyone want to join me?" asked Kikyo.

Kagome laughed and was reminded of their college days when they would skinny dip in the Tashio hot tub...locking the boys in a closet or somewhere deemed safe for a small amount of time.

"Me!" yelled Sango, obviously reminded of the same memory.

"Me too." she said as they all filed into the bath room and locked the door.

"Wow this thing is bigger than the hot tub." Said Sango in amazement.

The other two laughed as the girls helped each other out of the expensive gowns and got into the large bath; now full of bubbles.

"This is so much better than skinny dipping in a hot tub where you have no idea what goes on in the water when you're not around." smiled Kagome.

"Eww." laughed Sango and Kikyo in unison.

A few moments later the door to the suit opened and the girls knew their fun was over, one by one they piled out and dressed.

When they all came out in jeans and t-shirts Miroku looked at them like a child who didn't get his desert, "You did that without me?" he whined, and was rewarded with a smack on the back of his head.

Kagome laughed and joked with her friends as the hours past and the night slowly turned into early morning. Around 3am they all wished Kikyo and Inuyasha a safe trip as they left for their honey moon. It wasn't long after that Sango and Miroku retreated into on of the two suit's bedrooms.

Kagome walked out on to the balcony and over looked to city; it was odd to see it from so far up. She dug in her purse for her pack of cigarettes and sat on one of the lounge chairs. She hoped that Kikyo and Inuyasha would be happy together, she loved them both and they loved each other, so letting go was the best thing to do, she told herself.

"You know that's horribly bad for you." came a deep baritone voice.

She smiled "That's what everyone tells me, but I just can't find the motivation to quit."

Sesshoumaru sat in the chair beside her and took the small pack from her hands placing in on the table to his left; he then looked at the city lights, and at Kagome. She was a treasure; his brother was a fool for choosing that unfaithful gold digger over Kagome. He had watched her during the ceremony as she stopped herself from laughing and crying at the same time. But he was shocked and impressed by her courage at the table when she had told his parents she was alright. Yes she would be just fine, he would make sure of that; he always had.

Ever since he had met her he knew he would give her the world had she asked him. She was a sophomore in college and he was a junior. She had broken up with Inuyasha but the two remained close friends, something he never understood. It didn't take long for him to fall for her, they started spending more time together going to movies and meeting for coffee.

He had tried so many times to tell her how he felt but instead he would always shut her out, fearful she would forever see him as her first loves brother and nothing more. So he showered her with dinners and coffee and paid her bills when he knew things were tight for her, he just never told her it was him. He laughed at himself; he was scared of a slip of a human woman. Taking a deep breath he decided that today was the day, she was off to New York City next week for an interview, if he didn't try now he may never have another chance.

"You're too good for him you know?" he said breaking the silence. She looked over at him and smiled, a true smile, one that lit up her violet blue eyes.

"Besides I give it a month before they are sneaking around on each other" he joked. Kagome was shocked that he was not only joking with her but flirting, and was that a smile?

"Your overly generous, I give it a week" she joked back.

She shivered as a light breeze threw her hair around her; Sesshoumaru was beside her the next second blanket in hand. He wrapped the soft fabric around her and moved her to sit on the chase lounge next to them. He then took his seat at her feet.

"Thanks." she smiled at him as she crossed her legs and moved close enough to lay her head on his shoulder.

They sat in silence for what seemed like and eternity; it was Kagome who finally broke the silence. "I will never be good enough for anyone will I?" she asked him meekly.

He was quiet for a moment and she was sure he wasn't going to answer her. She was startled when he spoke.

"You will forever be too good for any male who comes in your life," he moved her face so she was looking up at him "even me."

And with that said he leaned down and gently brushed his lips against hers, soft and gently; the last thing he wanted was to scare her away. He held in a growl when he felt her small hands fist against his chest, still clinging to the warmth of her blanket against her small frame. She was on fire, she had never felt anything like this before, his lips were soft and warm and she felt alive in his arms. How could she have never known she felt so deeply for him? She pushed away gently and looked into his eyes; she had to know if this was a game for him, like all the other girls in his life. She would not be another notch on a Tashio's bed post.

"What are you doing?" she asked him quietly. He took in her appearance, she was blushing, her lips pouty and her eyes like two large abysses he could lose himself in; she was a goddess among women.

"What I should have done so many years ago." He replied.

She looked at him in confusion and he bent down and kissed her button nose, then drew her into his lap, wrapping the soft blanket around her. Once he was certain she could not escape him easily he began to talk to her. She was swirling with confusion; he knew she had many questions for him. However he only would answer a few tonight, there would be plenty of time for talking in the morning.

"I have felt a pull towards you since I first met you, I allowed myself to become your friend in hopes that I would be the one you came to for comfort and I would, one day, replace my foolish brother in your heart."

She was in awe, and speechless so she did the only thing she could think of to tell him she felt the same. Wrapping her arms around his neck she pulled him to her and she kissed him. Soon she was on her knees between his legs pushed flush against him. They held each other in an iron grip kissing the other as if they would disappear if they relented for even a second. She felt so alive with his arms wrapped so snuggly around her and was reluctant to break away, however even demons need to breath.

By the time they broke away from one another they were both gasping for air. Deciding the outside balcony was not the best place for her to be at the moment. He stood, lifting her to her feet and wrapped an arm around her shoulders leading her back in side. Kagome's head was spinning, she could not believe the emotions she was feeling at the moment nor the words Sesshoumaru had just spoken. As they walked inside Kagome began to from a plan, her previous fears of being a notch forgotten she took his hand in hers and led him to the room that was not currently occupied. Once inside she shut the door, when she turned around he was standing by the bed hands in his black slacks looking at her.

Kagome's heart started beating furiously as she was stared down, he was looking at her with a fire she had never seen before, his eyes danced with want and passion. In a moment he was in front of her and he lifted her chin with one clawed finger so she was looking up at him; then he kissed her. This kiss was far more demanding than the previous ones and she forgot all about the soft blanket still wrapped around her and let it fall to the ground as her arms wrapped around his neck bring in him close to her.

He growled as he felt her hands weave their way into his hair and wrapped his arms tighter around her bringing her small curved form into him deeper. It still was not enough. He moved one of his hands under the hem of her shirt and began to caress the silky skin underneath, she gasped at the feeling of his claws dragging lightly over her back.

Her head was reeling from the lack of air yet she couldn't bring her self to care one bit as she moved her hands to his chest and slowly began to unbutton the small buttons on the white silk shirt. She was rewarded with the rumbling sound of approval when she lifted her hands to his shoulders and slipped the shirt off his tall frame.

She finally pulled away for air and they looked at each other once again, both panting for air. He took her small hands in his and led her near the king sized bed. Soon his hands were once again tugging on the hem of her shirt only this time he removed the soft shirt completely. She hissed as the cool air came in contact with her heated skin but didn't mind a bit at the drastic change. She smiled as she kneeled on the bed so she was eye level with him and removed his white undershirt in the same fashion. Her curious eyes soon took in the masculine chest before her and her arms reached out the feel the strength that lay beneath his satin like skin. As she dragged her hands over his chest to his stomach she smiled as she felt his muscles twitch and move in reaction. It was nice to know she could affect him the way he was affecting her.

Moving her hands down lower she rested her hands on his belt removing the leather device from his pants and letting it fall to the floor. She soon made quick work of the silk slack pants as well as they fell to a pile at his feet.

Sesshoumaru could not believe her boldness and it wasn't until he was clad in only his boxers that he realized she was far more clothed than he. He gently pushed her on the bed; leaning over her as he dragged his clawed hand down her body until it rested on the edge of her jeans. Faster than she could blink he was standing before her, her jeans in hand. He smirked at her stunned reaction as he tossed them to the ground.

They both hissed at the feeling of skin on skin, Sesshoumaru slipped a hand behind her back as she arched into him and with a clawed hand unhooked her bra. She slid her hands over his chest mesmerized by the flawlessness of everything that was him. He was perfect from his deep golden eyes to his tight muscled body. She was so lost in his perfection that she didn't even remember how her bra ended up on the floor.

Kneeling beside her he lifted her small fame to strattle his own larger one. She reached up and pressed her mouth to his, tangling her hands in his shaggy silver hair. She moaned when as she felt his large hands slide sensuously up her thighs and came to rest on her lacy tong. He grinned at the small piece of material, his only obstacle between him and the woman he craved so much.

Grinding her hips against his growing his want, she smirked with a plan. Placing her small hands on his chest she pushed away from him, he began to growl with displeasure until he realized she wa pushing him to the bed. Filled with genuine curiosity he allowed her the small bit of control. He held in a chuckle as she pulled and struggled to remove his boxers, but they too ended up on the pile of forgotten clothes scattered about the room.

She smiled as she looked at the god before her; she had him right where she wanted him. Starting at his ear she kissed and nibbled his skin the entire length of his chiseled chest and heard him gasp as she kept going. She took his painfully hard erection in her hands and began to slowly stroke its length. She momentarily wondered if it would even fit with in her. Inuyasha was nothing in comparison to his elder brother.

He was so close to just taking the playful minx atop of him, her arousal was overwhelming and had nearly doubled the second she began to stoke him. His male pride knew the reasoning behind that, even though this was about him and her he knew she would compare some things to her first, and only, experience. He could care less, especially since the other was his foolish half brother, yes it was twisted to think about but he would show her on this night just how different the two Tashio brothers truly were.

He was brought out of his musing as he felt her slowly take him into her mouth. His eyes widened as she began to slowly suck and stroke him with her mouth and hand. This woman was never going to want another after he was done with her, he would see to that.

He was beginning to lose control as she picked up her madding slow pace, and with a growl she was on her back, the lacy thong a distant memory. She was smirking at him, he mused, as he took in the image her tight toned body. By the gods he wanted nothing more that to show her body homage in every way, but he would do that another night. He could not take much more of this, no. He needed her now.

She gasped as he slowly pushed his long finger inside her, he nearly groaned with her at the feel of how wet she was for him. He started a slow and steady pace and he felt himself stiffen further as she arched her back letting out a breathless moan as he inserted another finger. She was nearly ready for him, so he picked up the pace. Within moments her walls were tightening around his fingers as she reached her climax. The one of many he would make her experience tonight.

She was coming down from the most amazing high when she felt him position himself at her entrance. She grasped his arms as he slowly pushed forward. He was huge and for the second time that night she worried about his length fitting within her small body. When he was fully sheathed in her he paused for a moment, looking at her face to make sure she was not in any pain. He knew he was large, even for a demon. He was filled with relief and a heat he could not describe when he looked in her deep blue eyes.

Not able to take it any longer Kagome trusted forward urging him to continue. He immediately understood and began a slow and steady pace. As the moments passed their thrusts became quicker and their breathing heavier. Sesshoumaru began to feel his beast thrash in its mental prison begging to be released. He was so lost in the euphoria that was Kagome that he was no longer able to keep him a bay. He knew his beast would never hurt Kagome, he saw her as their mate, and so there would be no harm in letting him join in the fun.

Kagome knew the moment Sesshoumaru's beast had taken over, his eyes were now blood red and his thrusts became harder and rougher, just what she liked. She knew she was close she could feel the on set of her climax and held back not wanting it to end.

Sesshoumaru knew she was holding back and smirked as he bent down to whisper in her ear, "Do not hold back Kagome, let go."

She arched her back, barring her neck to him as her climax hit. Sesshoumaru was lost in her tight clenching walls and knew he was near his end as well but at the moment all he knew was the soft pale neck before him. He shuttered as he felt the on coming of his climax, beast still in control. Kagome moaned as he began to kiss and nibble on her neck, his fangs lightly dragging along her moon lit skin coming to rest at her pulse. She closed her eyes as she felt him fill her with his seed and whimpered as the two fangs that were caressing her began to sink into her soft flesh. Blood began to slowly flow into his mouth and with it his beast receded. When Sesshoumaru was finally back in control he realized what had happened. He slowly removed his fangs from her neck and sealed the wound with is healing saliva. When he looked down at her he was greeted with her wide eyes, and for the first time in his life he was scared.

She reached a small hand to her neck and looked at him in shock, a mating mark, she knew all to well what that was. Kikyo had told her all about inu mating rituals and marking, just to make Kagome jealous no doubt. She looked into Sesshoumaru's eyes expecting to see regret or disgust or his beast's actions, instead she saw fear.

'What could he possibly be scared of?' she thought.

"Why?" she asked quietly.

"Kagome...I..." he started, not sure how to explain himself. Now she understood, it was a mistake and he was scared she thought it was how he felt. She shook her head.

"Its alright, I knew I would end up another notch on your bed post Sesshoumaru." she said as she tried to push him off.

"You little fool." he chuckled as he bent down to kiss her again "You are far more to me that a notch."

"But it was a mistake Sessh, I am not good enough to be the wif...mate of someone like you." She whispered.

"But you are, and that's what makes you so perfect." He replied as he nuzzled her neck. "You are mine now Kagome, my mate."

He began to purr, the rumbling noise sent a shiver through her and she wondered how she thought she could be mad at him when they were still connected in a very intimate way.

"Is this truly what you want?" She asked.

"If not, it would not have been done. I have wanted no other since we first met, and will have no other in the future. He kissed her forehead and he moved off her, both trembling at the friction caused by the action. He laid on his back and moved her to rest on his chest.

"If it is not what you want, however, there is a way to reverse the mark." He said.

She smiled as she kissed his chin, "No that would make me a real fool, I want no one but you."

He beamed with male pride; he had finally gotten his treasure.

"I love you, my Kagome."

"I love you, my Sesshoumaru." she giggled back, perhaps happy ending did exist. That is until one thought came to mind, "Inuyasha is going to shit a brick when he finds out." She laughed. Sesshoumaru chuckled with her, yes things would be very interesting when the twit returned, and he couldn't wait.

She leaned up to look at him with a sly grin on her face, "At least now I have motivation to quit smoking!"

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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