
Child of Ashes by Yabou

Parts 1-5

Story Title: Child of Ashes

Section Title: Parts 1-5 of 100

Warnings: This story is a collection of inter-connected, themed pieces. The themes were taken from the iy_no_kakera live journal community. They will be posted here every time I collect five themes, but they are available on the iy_no_kakera community as they are written.

Universe: AU

Rating: R (NC-17 sections will be edited and placed on appropriate sites - SingleSpark/Media Miner - links will be available at that time)

Genre: Romance/Action/Adventure

Summary: [SessKago] The Continent wants Kagome dead, and she's not completely sure that her Guardian wants to keep her alive.

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[Part One - Theme One: Beginnings - "The Nothing Child"]

In the Year 3016

Mushin District - Tamoto Province of the Continent

"She should be destroyed," the sorceress sneered. "Do you see her stone? It does not choose a Color. She will die. Do not prolong her suffering. Surely she is in great pain."

"My baby," the newly made mother cried out. "My precious little Kagome. Don't do this to her. She's special. Can't you feel it?"

"White Priestess," a midwife leaned over her body, attempting to take the silent child out of her arms. "She has no sound. She has not cried. There must be something wrong. And, her Stone... it hasn't settled. This always happens when the child is not meant to live. I am sorry, but we cannot allow such pain."

"No!" she cried out, solid pink heat shooting out of her extended palm. Eyes flashing white, she shielded her newborn and vanished from the birthing room.

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10 Years Later

Iysashi Boundary Island - Outskirts of the Continent

"Kaede," Kagome called, rolling the milky white Stone on the table. "Why doesn't my Stone look like yours?"

The old woman smiled. "You're special, Kagome. You always have been. Don't you remember what I told you about your real Mama? She was a very important priestess for the Continent."

"Tell me the story," the young girl begged. "Tell me about the White Priestess."

"Ten years ago," Kaede relented, repeating the story that had passed through her mouth hundreds of times. "There was a special priestess in the service of the Continent who fell in love with a common mortal man. The House of Judgment was very upset. She married below her station, and they threatened to kick her out of the Temple and kill the man if she did not leave him. So, for the sake of her husband, she returned and delivered a beautiful daughter while in the Continent's care."

Kagome beamed as she recognized her role in the story. "That's me!"

"Yes," Kaede chuckled. "It is. Now, when the White Priestess gave birth to her daughter, the young child was unlike anything they had ever seen before. A Stone is usually one of the Seven Colors. Yours, however, is not. The Continent did not realize that your Stone has the ability to change its Color."

"And that's what makes me special?" The small girl wondered.

"Yes, that is what makes you very special, Kagome." With wise eyes, Kaede shifted her gaze to the brewing seas, her mind racing with the future that awaited her charge. "One day, they will return for the Nothing Child."

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Same Year

Taer Province – Youkai Territories

"We are close," the old youkai witch whispered, her ancient voice unable to speak any louder. "I can feel the power now. Soon. Soon the Shikon will awaken."

"Why did you call me, Yusari?" The young demon lord asked. "I have heard your prophecies many times."

The female known as Yusari smiled. "You are the Chosen, Sesshoumaru."

"Impossible," he argued, his mind reeling even though he maintained a calm façade.

Her withered hands rose to press against his stomach. "There are words here, yes?"

Unable to speak, Sesshoumaru nodded.

"Protector," she pressed into his abdomen. "The one persona She cannot carry. She will never protect her own body. This is your destiny, Sesshoumaru. Be the Guardian that is engraved into your soul."

'Guardian.' So often, Sesshoumaru had seen the word inscribed into his flesh, always wondering what meaning there could be. From his birth nearly two thousand years before, he had carried the secret in his skin. Lately, it burned and itched. The time was soon at hand. "I will find Her." He promised.

Yusari laughed. "Look all you like, young lord. She will find you when the time is right."

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10 Years Later - 3036

Iysashi Boundary Island - Outskirts of the Continent

"You must go. We have no choice." Kaede soothed, speaking to the now grown woman. "My eyes are failing, Kagome. I would only slow your escape."

Tears filled her gray gaze. "You can't do this! Why are you sending me away?"

"It is no longer safe for you here, child. You must go."

Clutching the small, opalescent Stone to her chest, she nodded, hesitantly. "Will you be safe here?"

The old woman's wrinkled face twisted with a smile. "All will be as it should."

It was her way of saying that she did not know the answer. Kagome attempted a happy gesture of her own, and she was thankful when Kaede did not comment on her failure. This was the way it had to be. This was the moment she had grown up knowing would come. It would be difficult to strike out on her own and find the man sworn to be her protector from birth, but it had to be done.

It was her destiny. The Nothing Child would save the world. The prophecies were never wrong.

"Call the Rogue." Kaede instructed. "She will help you to the borders. You should not be seen. The Continent is close, Kagome. Hold your noise."

This was to be the last time she ever saw her young charge. The moment could not be filled with thoughts of love; it was time for instruction and final tactic plans to be laid. Together, they had many years of joyful memories that could be reflected upon.

Now was not the time.

Kagome nodded in agreement and closed her eyes to summon the Second Soul of her Stone. Rogue. Next to the White, it was her least known Familiar. Warrior and Healer were common companions that she often called upon, but Rogue was a ruthless mercenary who did not think before she pulled her dagger. She would do anything to maintain her stealth.

And today, it was what Kagome needed.

Like a forgotten ghost, the whisps of power slipped around her form as she allowed the harsh ki to encase her, making her into something else entirely.

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Same Year

Taer Province – Youkai Territories

"You will take this." Yusari smiled, holding out a thin reed scroll. "I believe it would be a fine day to visit the sea."

The demon lord paused only moments away from exiting the premises. The old witch had a way about her that could cause even the strongest of creatures to shudder. When she offered a plan of action, it was best to follow. "Do you have suggestion as to where I would like to look out over the water?"

Withered hands pushed the heavy door aside as if it were made of air. Her weary form was a guise for the still raging power beneath. "Surely the noise would distract you," she commented and pointed toward the forest lined edge of the ocean. "A nice, quiet place would be best."

"A good suggestion," Sesshoumaru attempted to leave once more.

"One more thing, my lord," Yusari called. Her nearly black eyes sparkled as she pulled a thin gold chain and pendant from her neck. "It would be best to wear this. The Rogue does not often take the time to question her prey. This will give her cause."

He bent low enough for the sorceress to slip the precious metal over his head and examined the small stone at the end. It's milky, white depths gave it unexceptional appearance, but something hidden inside called out to his very soul. Sesshoumaru had seen Yusari staring into the babble many times, and the fact that he now held it in his own hands could only mean one thing.

It was time.

"Your stomach itches as of late, does it not?" She asked.

The youkai lord frowned. "It has done so since the day of her birth. This you know."

"Ah," Yusari grinned. "But not quite like this, has it? Perhaps a rash has formed? Tell me, has your skin begun to bleed, my lord?"

Sesshoumaru turned away from the door to face her - only to find the spot she occupied moments before empty. There was only one thing left to do.

The air outside was fresh. The day was clear, and Sesshoumaru wanted to stand by the sea.

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[Part Two - Theme Twenty: Encounter - "Captive"]

In the Year 3036

Itoy Boundary Island - Passageway into the Forbidden

There was a knife at his throat. His senses fanned backward and forward, searching for the identity of his captor. However, it was the mark hidden low on his belly that revealed her identity. It pulsed strongly - joyful at the thought of discovering its master.

"Why do you hesitate, Youkai Prince?" a husky female voice growled, digging the dull blade into his neck.

Sneering slightly, Sesshoumaru evenly retorted. "What damage would you hope to cause with such a dull weapon, Rogue?"

"Ah," her tone revealed the smallest hint of amusement. "Much can be done with it. You only need the will to force your hand. How did you come to know my name, demon?"

"The witch, Yusari, foretold your coming." He evenly replied.

"Yusari," Rogue savored the name. "And, tell me, youkai, why have you come?"

Sesshoumaru growled low in his throat, tired of her insipid questioning. "I am to be your Guardian."

Her breath escaped in a sharp gasp. Grabbing his shoulder, Rogue leapfrogged over his head to his front and placed her hand over his abdomen, eyes widening in surprise when the kanji cut into his skin shone through the cloth barrier in response.

Blinking rapidly, she felt strength of the Rogue slip away, leaving her alone on the Cliffside with the strange creature who claimed to be her protector. Jerking back her hand, she took two steps away from him and clutched her still tingling fingers to her chest.

Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed at the sudden change in her ki. "What have you done?"

"She's gone," the young woman's shaking voice replied right before her body gave out, collapsing into an unorganized heap on the ground.

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[Part 3 - Theme Twenty-One: Ornamental Hairpin - "Catalyst"]

In the Year 3036

Itoy Boundary Island - Passageway into the Forbidden

The bauble in her hair caught his eye as she stared deep into the heart of the fire. It glinted mysteriously in the light of the quarter moon, hinting at something more complex with a multicolored swirl. A certain brightness shone from within when her nervous hands fidgeted with the tip of the single chopstick. It was almost as if the gem recognized her and wished to assure her of its notice.

"What is in your hair?" Sesshoumaru questioned. It was the first phrase he had uttered since she awakened nearly three hours before.

She was confused by his appearance. Kaede had assured her that no one knew of her journey to Itoy. She was to pass into the Forbidden Territories unnoticed, like a thief in the night. However, this youkai mentioned the old sorceress, Yusari, and the Rogue had paused. Yusari was a dear friend of the Rogue.

No lie had been sensed in his words or actions, so it was to be assumed that he spoke the truth. But, the Rogue was simplistic. She did not enjoy dealing with more complicated problems, and she had abandoned Kagome in light of the fact that something more difficult was on the rise.

"Don't you want to know my name?" Kagome wondered.

The demon prince's eyes slid from the ornate hairpin to examine her facial expression before he spoke again. "I assumed that you would tell me your name at some point. However, I do not believe you would discuss the trinket, and I would like to know what it is."

Kagome had to smile at his no-nonsense answer. He seemed to be quite the warrior - practical in every way. The utilitarian method in which he had set up the camp echoed her beliefs. There was only enough firewood to last the night. Her supplies had been hung from a branch high enough to discourage any animals that might hope to gain access, and the clear night caused him to forego any kind of shelter.

"The jewel within my hairpin is my Stone," she answered. As an afterthought, she added. "And, my name is Kagome."

He gave her a brief nod in response. "Stone. Your human ki holder?"

"Ah," Kagome tilted her head to one side, contemplating his definition of her Stone. "Something like that. For most people, their Stone is the source of their power, but mine is different. Mine is like a... switch. It allows me to bend my power whichever way I like, but the ki I have is contained within my body."

"The Rogue," Sesshoumaru remembered. "She is a manifestation of your power."

"Yes," Kagome agreed.

A brief silence fell over the pair, and the gray-eyed woman had almost returned her attention to the fire when the demonic prince spoke again. "I am known as Sesshoumaru."

A genuine smile spread across Kagome's face. "How do you know about Yusari?"

"Yusari resides within my father's house," he replied.

"You," Kagome's mouth dropped open in surprise. "You're who she meant."

Sesshoumaru quirked a finely sculpted brow in response.

"Yusari," Kagome shook her head and returned her attention to the fire. "She said she was looking for the Guardian. I never realized that she found you."

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[Part 4 - Theme Thirty-Nine: Wandering - "Aimless"]

In the Year 3036

Damassaca - Land of the Forbidden

"Where are we going?" Kagome wondered aloud.

Sesshoumaru remained silent.

In the eight days they had been traveling together, she had managed to collect only a rather small anthology of what she deemed 'Sesshoumaru's Responses'. Most of the time, he didn't even bother to answer her, but there seemed to be days when he was more talkative. Kagome had yet to figure out why that was.

However, the exuberant female was nothing if not patient.

Rephrasing her question, Kagome tried an alterative route that wouldn't require a worded answer. "Do you have a place in mind? We've been heading east since we made it through the gates."

The fact that human woman noticed their progress appeared to be a point in her favor because she was graced with a brief nod. Kagome smiled. She had learned that she had a better chance of receiving a response if she proved herself to be knowledgeable in some area of their journey.

Sesshoumaru did not approve of uselessness or useless creatures. That was the first thing she had been subjected to. On their first night out, the demon prince had been almost agitated by her incessant questioning and demanded that she remain silent for the whole of their trip if she insisted upon being a burden.

Kagome held her tongue for nearly three days before she was filled to bursting. Since then, she chose her words carefully. After all, she had yet to understand the reasoning behind his appearance, but it was better to travel with a companion - even a particularly quiet one - than to be alone.

The sound of a flock of birds in the distance caused her eyes to scan the distant tree line. They erupted out of the branches with haste, filling the sky with a living, black cloud. Without thought, Kagome summoned a small amount of the magic that filled her body and allowed it search out an evil aura. Somewhere in the forest, a darkness echoed back.

"It is the Forbidden. There will be many creatures of malicious intent lurking in this place," Sesshoumaru unexpectedly spoke, and Kagome shifted her attention to his face. "You will not seek it out."

"What if it comes to us?" she questioned.

Without turning his head, Sesshoumaru slid his gaze to hers. "It will be dealt with."

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[Part Five - Theme Fifty-Seven: Aura - "In the Distance"]

In the Year 3036

Damassaca - Land of the Forbidden

Sheltered from the light rain by a rather large outcropping of granite in the mountain's face, Sesshoumaru examined the situation at hand. Kagome stood, knee-deep in the winding creek bed, several meters away focused on her own task. It would prove to be more than a little helpful that she refused to speak with him at the moment.

Not that the fact caused him any irritation.

The air seemed emptier without her incessant prattling, but it was merely an unwanted adjust that would be resolved. Hearing a triumphant call, Sesshoumaru was drawn to the way her entire body jerked away from the water with a large fish in her clutches. He assumed she had attempted something similar in the past because she was steadily building quite a feast.

Tuning her out, Sesshoumaru forced his senses to seek out the aura trailing behind their own. It had become quite the nuisance over the past few days, darting around their path and teasing him by staying just out of view.

Kagome appeared to be ignorant of the creature - other than a brief glance toward the woods when it originally emerged.

"Sesshoumaru," aforementioned female sat off to his right and carefully began the task of cleaning the fish. "I'm sorry about what I said in the youkai village."

They had had an argument of sorts several hours ago, and she had been mulling over her reaction ever since. Happening across a youkai settlement, the human woman assumed Sesshoumaru would want to restock their supplies, but it was not so. The demon prince turned away from the group of buildings without so much as a word to her and, instead, walked around the village.

It was then that Kagome snapped. Accusing him of ignoring her needs, she attempted to visit the establishment only to be swept away on a cloud of youki. Somewhere along the flight, she had sworn not to talk to him ever again.

He knew it wouldn't last.

Kagome sighed, wondering if she would ever receive more than one or two words from the quiet demon. He hadn't spoken more than a few words since that very first day on the Cliffside. "I just wanted to get a few things. There don't appear to be many villages here."

The quiet sincerity in her tone forced the youkai to speak. "It reeked of mortal blood," Sesshoumaru revealed. "It was apparent that they dined on human flesh."

"Oh," Kagome had the decency to feel even worse. "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to listening to someone without a reason."

"If you are given a cause, you will not object to my direction?" he asked.

Nodding, Kagome skewered a few of the fish and held them over the fire. "Would you like a fish?"

Sesshoumaru examined the scaled beasts and lifted one from the top of the pile.

Kagome watched as his talons made quick work of the inedible pieces. Ignoring the fact that he probably wouldn't contribute to the conversation, she began to speak of her past - of her life in the boundary islands and even before that.

In the distance, the demon prince felt the aura shift, dancing around their position as if to incite anger in his soul. It would have to be dealt with, eventually. It would not do to give away their location to those who need not know.

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INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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