
Addicted to a Perfect World by thehotty


thehotty: Alright people, I've been gone for a while, but I'm back. Christmas shopping takes money, and well, money means extra time at work.

Sesshoumaru: She's been pulling in at least 50 hours of work a week.

thehotty: yeah, for like almost two months.

Kagome: But she's back.

thehotty: Yuppers. And I got you a song fic duo story.

Sesshoumaru: Enjoy your Christmas Present from TH!

thehotty: So, Read on, Inu lovers, Read on. P.S. I don't own Simple Plan, nor either of these songs, though I wish I owned them a little bit.


I heard you're doing okay

But I want you to know

I'm a dick

I'm addicted to you

I can't pretend I don't care

When you don't think about me

Do you think I deserve this?


Kagome lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling. Nothing could go right for her. Her job was more then likely to go into the hole, her long time boyfriend had broken up with her just months before, and now even her friends were getting tired of her.

Even though it had been a few months since her boyfriend, technically ex-boyfriend, broke up with her, she still couldn't get over it. She stopped going out to the clubs and bars with her friends. She hardly ate anything, as it didn't seem appealing to her anymore.

As for work, ever since the break-up, she had been calling in sick more and more, and her boss was starting to get on her case about it. Even going so far as threatening to fire her if she didn't come in more often. Other then that, she seemed to forget to get projects in on time and really didn't pay attention to the meetings. Plus, he worked there. He was the second vise president of the company anyway. His father owned the place. And his half brother was the first vise president. She had to see him everyday at work, wither she liked it or not.

And her friends. They just gave up trying to get her back out on the scene. They were tired of trying to get her to eat food. To go to work. To just live again. They still talked to her, and got her to do little things, like go to a café with them, or to a movie, or even on a walk through the park, but that was the limit of what Kagome would do with them. A friend could only see another go through so much isolation before finally having to turn their backs on said friend. And it was getting to that point.

She didn't want it, but it was getting there. And she just didn't feel up to doing anything they tried to get her to do. She actually just wanted to stay at home, in a dark corner of her room and cry. She didn't want to go to work. She didn't want to go out with her friends. She actually didn't want her friends around. She just wanted to be left alone.

She looked over at the alarm clock on her dresser across the room and glared at it for scream it's alarm in her ears to wake her up for work. So she got out of bed and sighed, rubbing her face to get the rest of the sleep out of her eyes before walking across the room to turn the damn thing off. She had placed it across the room on purpose. If it wasn't there, she'd hit the button that turned it off and then roll over and go back to sleep. This way, she was forced to actually get up to turn it off. And she wouldn't be as tired as she was a few moments ago, so she wouldn't just crawl back into be and go to sleep.

She threw open her closet door and grabbed the first outfit she saw in there and took off to the bathroom to take a shower before getting ready for work.

Kagome sat behind her desk up on the second to last level of the building. The very last level, being the top most one, was dedicated to the three Tashio's. Inu-no, Sesshoumaru, and Inu Yasha.

He was up there, probably screwing some new chick.

Her insides bubbled at the thought of him doing some other woman. True, they never did anything like that, but it was different. They had both agreed to wait until they were mated before doing anything together. It was her idea, but he could have objected. After all, he had already had the pleasures of doing such sins before meeting her, who was she to say that he most likely wasn't doing that now?

She looked up at the elevator, watching as it descended from the floor above to the one she was on. She wondered slightly who was coming down form there. She hadn't seen anyone get on and go up.

The doors opened, and she watched as Inu Yasha stepped off the elevator with a woman clinging to his arm.

"Oh, darling, what are we doing here? I thought that Miroku was down on the floor below this?" the woman asked. Kagome knew this voice, she did, but she couldn't place it.

"He said he was talking to Sango. So he'd be here. Sango won't go to his office for some reason. Probably because he's a leach," Inu Yasha replied.

She moved out of her office and quickly went out to greet him.

"Mr. Tashio, may I help you?" Kagome asked, bowing, ignoring the girl on his arm.

He looked up at Kagome and nodded, "Miroku up here?" he asked, making it painfully clear he didn't want anything to do with her.

She glared at him slightly. "He went back down to his office almost an hour ago. Why don't you take your hussy and go down there," she answered coldly, more and more pissed off about his stand-offish ways.

He glared at her and turned around. "Come on Kikyou. We have to go see Miroku before he leaves. Have to tell him about the news."

They stepped onto the elevator again and Kagome sat down in her chair again and a tear released itself unbidden to roll down her cheek. Damn it! What did she do to deserve his coldness? His rude behavior? She didn't deserve this, did she?


I tried to make you happy but you left anyway


She thought back to their relationship. She couldn't think of a damn thing she did that would warrant his entire attitude toward her. She never did a damn thing but bend over backward for him. She even had gone so far as to do half his work for him at the office while still trying to do her own. But obviously that wasn't enough for the man that wanted everything.


I'm trying to forget that

I'm addicted to you

But I want it and I need it

I'm addicted to you

Now it's over

Can't forget what you said

And I never wanna do this again





Kagome watched her friends laugh around her. They were all happy that she was going out with them tonight. That she had finally decided to get over Inu Yasha. Sango had dressed her up and paraded her around to her friends like a trophy or something, reminding her completely of Inu Yasha.

She had had at least three drinks already. A mojito, a screw driver and a pucker on the rocks. Of course, Kagome didn't feel like going out and dancing like some of her friends have, and the few guys that had asked her to dance with them, she denied before even completing their question. In her eyes, the quicker you shoot them down, the faster they go down.

She forced a smile onto her face as Miroku sat down next to her.

"Having fun, me beautiful lily?" he asked, trying to sway her into his favor.

She shrugged. "It's kind of dull, don't you think?" she answered, looking around the room once more.

He shook his head. "Of course not! There are way to many beautiful ladies in this building tonight. I am not sure I will have a chance to leave them all satisfied," he teased, trying to gain a chuckle out of her.

Kagome shook her head. "You're going to get into too much trouble talking like that. Especially when Sango's standing right behind you."

Miroku jumped up and turned around to find that Kagome had pulled a fast one on him. "Oh, ha-ha Kagome. Don't do that again. She'd kill me. I'm going to find her though. Be back in a bit, ok?" he asked, not waiting for her reply.

Kagome watched him leave and once again scanned the room, thinking of how incredibly dull that clubs could be when you weren't up for hanging out in one. Upon this thought, she spotted a silver head weaving in and out of the crowd, headed in her direction.

She shook her head and got up, knowing it wasn't worth her effort to confront Inu Yasha in this environment. She had already had a few drinks and she didn't need to feel worse about herself. No matter how horrible he made her feel about everything else.

Without anyone seeing her, or at least to her knowledge, she slipped out of the club and instantly began walking to her apartment.


Since the day I met you

And after all we've been through

I'm still a dick

I'm addicted to you

I think you know that it's true

I'd run a thousand miles to get you

Do you think I deserve this?


Kagome walked down the street alone, wondering where she had gone wrong once again. Was it really her fault? Was it really necessary for Inu Yasha to be so cruel to her?

She stopped as she noticed that she was at the place where he and Inu Yasha had met. A little ramen shop. She looked up at the sign and wondered if he still went her.

Foot steps echoed from behind her. She turned around to see who it was, thinking one of her friends had seen her leave the club, following her to make sure that she would make it home safely.

She was surprised to find Inu Yasha's older brother, Sesshoumaru there instead. His golden gaze on her form.

"Hello, Sesshoumaru-sama. How are you tonight?" she asked, out of politeness.

He looked her over quickly. "I am fine. You look horrible though," he answered.

Kagome shrugged. "Yeah. I probably do. Don't feel to great either."

Sesshoumaru nodded. "Would you like to walk with me?" he asked, finally reaching her side.

She nodded and they walked down the street together in silence. Kagome stole a glance at the stoic demon who never spoke more then a few words to her at a time.

"So, what are you doing out here? I figured you'd have a girlfriend or something you'd be at home with." Kagome looked up at Sesshoumaru, waiting for an answer.

He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. "I was at the club and saw you sitting by yourself. I was going to ask you to join me for a drink before you took off," he answered for her. "Why did you leave?"

Kagome's eyes widened. "Oh! That was you? I thought that was Inu Yasha. I didn't want to talk to him, so I left. I figured that way, he wouldn't have a chance to yell at me for calling his new girlfriend, Kikyou, a hussy."

Sesshoumaru chuckled. "You think so too? I admire your intuition."

Kagome's eyes widened even more. Did Sesshoumaru just laugh? And complement her? Where was the stoic, cold, uncaring demon she knew at work? The one Inu Yasha hated so much? The demon that would insult Inu Yasha just to piss him off? Kagome's mind went into a fritz. 'I think I've just entered the twilight zone,' she thought to herself.

Sesshoumaru looked down at her. "Are you alright? You seem to look like you've seen a ghost."

Kagome shook her head. "I'm fine. But are you ok? I mean, you actually laughed. I don't think I've ever seen you laugh. Or complement anyone before. I know, you're possessed, aren't you?" she asked, stopping to look up at his face, as if inspecting it for any sign of possession.

"I assure you, I am perfectly fine. No spirit could control my body," he stated.

Kagome laughed at that and nodded. "So, where are you headed?"

"I have no idea. I thought you knew where we were going."

She looked around at where they were at and smiled. "Well, my place is just around the corner, if you want to come up? We could have that drink you didn't get the chance to ask me for at the club."

Sesshoumaru nodded, wondering where she got all her energy from.


I tried to make you happy

I did all that I could

Just to keep you

But you left anyway


Kagome sat at her table, Sesshoumaru across from her sipping the tea she had given him. She shifted uncomfortably in her chair and stared into her own glass.

"Why did you and Inu Yasha break up?" he asked, finally breaking the silence that had hung between the two.

She looked up at him. "Oh, him. Uhm, I don't know. He just called me one day, said it wasn't working out for him and he was through with me. Said I had lied to him about something, though he wouldn't say what and that was that. I've thought of everything. I don't know what I lied to him about," she answered, shrugging her shoulders and looking back down into her tea cup.

He nodded and set his down. "He is a fool."

"Why do you say that?" she asked, looking up at him questioningly.

"He let a treasure like you slip through his fingers. I would have never made that mistake." He looked straight at her while saying this, startling Kagome.

"I'm nothing special. Just little old Kagome. Working under a bunch of people, paying my bills, trying to stay afloat in a hectic world. I'm not famous, like your family. I'm not rich. I have a decent credit score and three grand in the bank. My car's falling apart, my job's falling apart, my social life's falling apart and so is my love life. I'm no gem or treasure. Just a rusted piece of scrap metal thrown out in the over grown back yard," she said, shaking her head. "I don't know what Inu Yasha saw in me at first, but after he left me, I realized I was still the same piece of metal that I was before. Maybe a bit more scared and tarnished, but still the same one."

Sesshoumaru shook his head. "No. You're more then that. You're like the finest gold there is. Polished daily and put up on display. Nobody could afford you. There isn't even a price on you."

Kagome blushed and let her hair fall in front of her. "I don't know where you see spots of gold on me, but I think your eye-sight's faulty."

Sesshoumaru stood up and walked around the table to stand next to her. He grabbed her chin softly and turned her face up so he could see her better.

"Do not think of yourself that way. You are beautiful."

With those words, he swept down and captured her lips with his own.


I'm trying to forget that

I'm addicted to you

But I want it and I need it

I'm addicted to you

Now it's over

Can't forget what you said

And I never wanna do this again




Kagome found herself in a meeting surrounded by her friends that worked there and by all three Tashio's. Her boss, Mr. Onigumo, sat across from her, glaring at her. It was a meeting about how some of the employees had been slacking greatly recently. She knew of course that one of those employees was her, but didn't say anything. She just listened to was being said.

"And now onto other matters besides tardiness and calling in sick. Some of you haven't been getting all your work done while you are here. This business cannot fail because your life seems to be going down the tubes. If anything when that happens, you should throw yourself into the work. At least the facts won't let you down," Inu-no Tashio said.

Sesshoumaru stood up. "Indeed. Personal matters are left outside. Please leave them there. A healthy work environment does not include outside affairs."

Kagome looked up at him, wondering if that one night where he kissed her meant anything to him or not. She had tried to avoid him, but it wasn't necessary seeming as he wouldn't go near her and ignored her at all costs. She just couldn't stop thinking about what he had said about her.

But it all seemed like a fleeting dream on both sides. Maybe it was some sick, twisted joke he had decided to play on her. But that kiss left her wanting more. She wasn't exactly sure of what more she could have wanted, but she wanted it.

She watched as he sat down, looking at her briefly before looking away again. Maybe it was just a joke for him.

Well, in that case, she wanted nothing to do with him.


How long will I be waiting?

Until the end of time

I don't know why I'm still waiting

I can't make you mine


Kagome sat on her balcony, thinking of the day that Sesshoumaru sat at her table drinking tea with her. It had been two weeks.

He was making the same mistake that Inu Yasha was, if what he even said was true.

She had thought it all over. Maybe he had been drunk when he had told her those things. Maybe that's what loosened his tongue?

A knock sounded on her door and she sighed. Nobody was supposed to be at her house. All her friends were off at some bar getting drunk and they knew she didn't want to go. She stood up and went into the living room to answer the door.

Upon opening the door, she couldn't help but to stare.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Can I come in?" Inu Yasha asked.

She shook her head. "I'm sorry. I'm busy. I'm waiting for my brother to come over. I was going to help him with his homework," she lied. Anything to keep him from coming in.

Inu Yasha rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and I'm going to be president of the world tomorrow. I know when you're lying Kagome. Dog scenes, remember?"

Kagome huffed. "You still can't come in. Why are you here?" she asked.

"And why can't I come in? I just want to talk to you for a minute," he answered.

"Because I'm waiting for someone. Even if it's not my brother, I'm still waiting for someone," she answered. "Plus, you can talk to me just fine where you are now. What do you want?"

Inu Yasha rolled his eyes. "Listen, I'm getting mated. I told Miroku, and he told me I should invite you. I didn't want to do it through card, because you'd think I'm just throwing it in your face, when that's not what I'm doing."

Kagome huffed. "Yeah, it's good to know you've got such a wonderful fucking life while I'm stuck in a rut. What makes you think I want to go anyway?" she asked.

Just then, Inu Yasha began to growl, looking down the hallway. Kagome sighed and looked in the direction he was facing only to smile slightly. "Wow, didn't actually think you'd come back!" she called out to Sesshoumaru as he glared at Inu Yasha.

"Brother, what are you doing here?" he asked Inu Yasha.

"What's it to you? What the hell are you doing here?" Inu Yasha snarled back.

Kagome leaned up against her door. "He's the one I was waiting for. Now, if you'd please back off and leave," she said, moving off to the side to let Sesshoumaru into her apartment.

Sesshoumaru stepped into the apartment, swooping down to steal a kiss from Kagome, making sure that Inu Yasha saw before heading further into the apartment and into the kitchen.

Inu Yasha growled louder at the sight. "So you're fucking him now?" he accused.

Kagome shook her head. "No. He talked to me two weeks ago and this is the first time since then that I've gotten to see him outside work. Though I don't know why he kissed me. Anyway, I don't know if I'll go to your mating ceremony. I'll leave you a message if I decide to. Bye, Inu Yasha," she said, closing the door behind her and on Inu Yasha's face.


I'm trying to forget that

I'm addicted to you

But I want it and I need it

I'm addicted to you


Kagome stared at Sesshoumaru, who was making himself a sandwich in her own kitchen.

"Did you mean any of those things you said to me that night?" she asked.

He glanced back at her before looking back at what he was doing. "Of course. This Sesshoumaru does not lie."

Kagome rolled her eyes and leaned back against her table. "It doesn't matter if you lie or not, Sesshoumaru. If you meant all of it, then why did you ignore me for so long? I mean, you didn't even try to slip me an apology note for not being able to see me sooner at work. And at the meeting last week, you wouldn't look at me. Why? Why do you want to fuck with my head so badly? Did Inu Yasha put you up to this?" she asked.

Sesshoumaru turned around to face her. "That half-breed isn't nearly that smart. Do not give him any such credit for any scheme your mind may make up as to my motives. What I have said is the truth. I find you deliciously beautiful. And the reason I have been avoiding you is so that I do not take you without your consent."

Kagome looked at him confused. "What are you talking about? Taking me without my consent? What?" she asked.

He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "After that first kiss, I didn't think I would be able to control myself when it came to your integrity and innocence. I may have taken you to bed even if you did not want it. I would do no such thing to you. But I believe now that I can control that urge. I would not want to harm you."

Kagome stared up at him in wonderment. Someone that could speak such truths to her was a rare find indeed. Without another word, she reached up and captured his lips with her own, letting him devour her wholly. As they separated to catch their breath, Kagome looked up at him.

"I don't think you'd have to control yourself around me,"


Now it's over

Can't forget what you said

And I never wanna do this again



Kagome sat next to Sesshoumaru at Inu Yasha's mating ceremony. Nobody knew about her and Sesshoumaru except for her demon friends, but they weren't going to say anything out of pure fear.

She had to go to Inu Yasha's mating ceremony. Sesshoumaru insisted and all her friends told her if she didn't go, she'd never get over the loser. Sango had went so far as to go out and buy her a dress without Kagome knowing. Of course, Sesshoumaru had done the same thing as a gift, so Kagome had told Sango that's she'd wear hers another occasion.

Inu Yasha was a bit miffed at Kagome and Sesshoumaru, but nobody knew why. In fact, nobody really cared anymore. They figured it was because Miroku made him ask Kagome and Sesshoumaru had to come as the older brother.

Kagome rolled her eyes as Inu Yasha recited his mating vows. She leaned her head on Sesshoumaru's shoulder and pretended to start snoring softly enough so only he could hear. He smirked and pushed her gently enough to get her to straighten before people started looking.

Kagome crossed her arms and sunk into her chair, mumbling about stupid half-breed ceremonies and not wanting to be at them. Sesshoumaru sighed and lowered his head so he could whisper in her ear.

"If you sit up properly and behave like a lady, I will reward you later tonight at your apartment. Does that sound like a deal?" he asked.

Kagome quickly sat up in her chair and plastered a huge, fake smile on her face with her hands crossed in her lap.

As the ceremony came to an end, Kagome looked over at Sesshoumaru. "Ok, mister. You have to uphold your part of the deal."



I'm addicted to you


I'm addicted to you


I'm addicted to you


I'm addicted to you



Kagome smiled at the lump under her covers. He was such a child when he slept. He always ended up pulling the covers over his head when the sun started to come up and bitch after he woke up about the sun still shining in her bedroom window.

She stretched and yawned, trying to figure out what had woken her up.

A loud knock came from the front door and Kagome sighed. 'It must be the landlord trying to get my rent a bit early. He really falls behind on his bills, even for how much our rent is,' she thought while crawling out of bed and grabbing her robe.

The knock came again as she entered the living room.

"Gosh! I'm coming Larry! Hold your horses, would you?" she yelled as she reached the door and swung the door open to find Sango, Miroku and Shippo standing in front of her.

"Hey Kagome! Decided to come hang out! The rest of the gang will be here soon," Sango said, while pushing her way into the house, followed by the guys.

Shippo looked around and slightly shook. "Or we can come back another time. I mean, we don't need to hang out with you this morning."

"Stop wussing out on us and get in here Shippo. You need to help me with the system," Miroku yelled at the demon as he pulled out a PS3.

Sango sighed when she actually looked at her friend. "You're not even dressed. Come on. I'll find you something to wear," Sango said, walking into Kagome's room.

Sango screamed and ran back out. "KAGOME! THERE'S A NAKED GUY IN YOUR ROOM!"

Kagome sighed and scuffed her foot on the ground, trying not to look at her friends. "Yeah, that's Sesshoumaru," she answered. "You probably woke him up too. Great. Just what I need right now."

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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