The Archangel by undecidedly certain
A Prelude to Madness
DISCLAIMER; Ok, so I'm only going to say it once, so you don't have to waste your time reading it every time and I don't get carpo tunnel from writing it repeatedly! I do not own Inuyasha. Ok, now that that's done...
The Archangel
By; Undecidedly Certain
Summary; Sesshoumaru is the CIA's top anti-terrorism agent. When the terrorist known only as Naraku threatens New York with a virus capable of wiping out millions of lives, Sesshoumaru is put on the case to destroy the virus before it can be released, but when Kagome dragged into the whole mess will he be able to save her or will he lose the only woman he's ever loved.
AN: Yes, I know. I've started another one, but I couldn't help it. My muse kept hitting me in the back of the head with a frying pan, and who am I to argue with that? This is going to be more of an action thriller than The Final Bow, but hopefully it will turn out just as good. We shall see...
Chapter One
New York City; Upper East Side Manhattan
Friday June 17th , 7:35 pm Eastern Pacific Time
Sesshoumaru Takishima trudged through the lobby of his apartment building in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, a black leather Samsonite suitcase clutched in one hand and his black suit jacket thrown over the other. The swank marbled and gilded lobby was as posh and decadent as they come and it shone as brightly as the day it was built.
Perhaps he had been around such elegance for far too long, or perhaps he was just jaded, but the opulence and glamour of New York no longer impressed him. He was just glad to be home.
After three straight weeks of 'business meetings' in Moscow all he wanted was to sit on his own couch, eat at his own table, and sleep in his own bed.
Stepping through the ornate elevator doors he pressed the button for his floor, the 18th and settled himself against the back wall and closed his eyes. Soft music floated around him, an orchestrated version of some eighty's love song. Not something he would necessarily choose to listen to, but not entirely horrendous.
With a soft ping the doors slid open and Sesshoumaru headed down the hall toward his apartment at the end of the hall. It wasn't a pent house, nor was it huge, but it was big enough for his needs and had a wonderful view of central park from the balcony, a view that he paid dearly for if he might add.
As soon as he opened the door he was assaulted with the tantalizing aroma of simmering alfredo sauce and roasted garlic. He dropped his bags by the door and began pulling his tie off heading toward the kitchen.
A soft feminine voice was humming a familiar tune while stirring a large pot of sauce simmering on the stove. Her long black hair hung in soft waves down her back stopping in a gentle V at the waist band of her short navy skirt.
He nearly drooled at the sight of her long creamy legs exposed to his eyes, the gentle curves sloping down to her delicate ankles and bare feet as she stood on her toes reaching for the salt on the shelf above her head. Three weeks away was entirely too long.
She pulled open the oven, bending over to pull out the pan of bread with a potholder, the soft curve of her rear making his mouth go dry. God, how could one woman be so enticing, even after all this time. He desired her more today than he did the first time he met her.
She placed the bred on the stove top and turned around to head into the dining room when she saw him standing in the door way.
"Eep!" She yipped, startled by his silent appearance in the doorway. A slow smile spread across her face and she launched herself at him, throwing her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, burying his face in her soft hair deeply taking in her scent. She always smelled so good, like wild flowers.
"I missed you Sesshou." She whispered into his chest and he smiled placing a soft kiss against the side of her neck, reveling in the way her breath hitched at the small action.
"Hmmm." He said placing more kisses up the slender column of her neck creating a moist trail to the sensitive point just below her ear. Her breath became shallow and her hands dove feverishly into the soft hair at the nape of his neck.
"Did you miss me?" She asked breathlessly, her voice breaking as he raked his teeth gently across her earlobe.
"You know I did Kagome." He whispered huskily in her ear.
Kagome sighed happily and gently pushed away from him with a contented smile. "I made your favorite." She said with an almost child like giddiness. She was good to him, almost too good sometimes. That's why he felt so bad when he had to lie to her.
He reached out and pulled her roughly against him. "You are my favorite." He growled in her ear while his free hand reached up to gently cup her face. With out hesitation he brought his face down to hers and sealed her mouth with his own.
Kagome moaned into his mouth and he took the opportunity to delve into her, gently caressing her tongue with his own. He felt his senses come alive with the familiar taste of her mouth in his own, her own natural flavor tinted slightly with the strawberry wine she had been sipping on while cooking. The kiss was slow and full of passion, a kiss of home coming and reconnecting.
'Divine' was the only coherent word running through his mind.
They pulled apart reluctantly when they were out of air and he placed a soft kiss on her forehead before pulling her in for a bone crushing hug. She giggled into his white dress shirt and pulled away grabbing his hand and leading him to the dining room.
"Lets eat baby." She said pushing him down in his chair.
He pulled her down in his lap with a rakish grin. "My sentiments exactly."
"I meant the food." Kagome playfully poked him in the chest, her eyes widening with worry when he winced. "What's wrong?"
He smiled at her sincerity. "It's nothing. I just slipped on the stairs and bruised a couple of ribs." Her soft mouth turned down into a gentle frown as she tenderly rubbed her hands over his chest.
"You should be more careful." She said in trepidation. If she only knew.
She stood and busied herself with filling their plates with the meal she had prepared and filling their glasses with the bottle of strawberry wine.
He watched he every movement with a sort of detached awe. Her movements were amazingly graceful considering that the woman was one of the clumsiest people he had ever run across in his life. He met her nearly a year earlier through his brother, who worked with her at the Bentley Hotel on 62nd street, she as a concierge and he as the head of security.
Sesshoumaru had gone in to find his brother with news of their fathers death only to be captivated with her sympathetic blue eyes and calming scent. He had not spent a day since with out thinking of her.
She finally agreed to move in with him three months ago. Unfortunately he had been so busy with work he had only been home a total of one of those months. She was pretty understanding though, and was always there to welcome him when he got home. It meant more to him than he cared to admit.
She deserved better, she deserved the truth, but he couldn't stand the thought of letting her go, so he gave her as much as he could for now.
One day, he told himself, one day he was going to get her out of this city and build her a house with a huge back yard and a white picket fence and they would fill it with children. He would even get her the dog she had been longing for and they would live happily ever after.
'One day.'
He watched her sit across from him at the table and smile before picking up her fork and idly swirling her food around her plate. She had a soft flush to her face, and even though she had probably spent the better part of the evening preparing his favorite dish neither one of them were interested in eating right now.
"Kagome." his deep voice was husky with want and belied his unspoken request. It was all she needed. With out another word both of them were up and moving.
Sesshoumaru scooped her up into his arms carrying here into the bedroom, tossing her onto the bed. She giggled and reached for him as he kicked off his shoes and climbed on top of her.
This woman was amazing, so trusting, so willing. With just the slightest touch of his hands she would melt for him, she was his unquenchable thirst.
He began placing hot, wet, open mouthed kisses along her collar bone and shoulders as he gently worked her out of her skirt, her soft whimpers sending him over the edge as his arousal throbbed in anticipation.
Her hands were not idle. She made quick work of his shirt, her slender fingers tracing the lines of his muscles, careful not to put too much pressure on his bruised ribs. When she gently nipped his chin and bared her throat for him in a sign of submission he nearly went mad.
He groaned a primitive form of her name as the urge to claim her fully made him see red. He had to clamp down on his instincts forcefully, he knew that was something he could not offer her yet. It was too risky.
Still, she never submitted so easily for him. He wondered vaguely what had gotten into her tonight. Perhaps she missed him as much as he missed her.
He began tugging at the buttons of her blouse as her hands worked almost frantically at his belt. He stilled her hands with a soft growl. Big blue eyes blinked up at him questioningly and he nuzzled her cheek affectionately before whispering in her ear. " Do not rush this. We have all night." He felt her nod and caught her mouth with his in a fervent kiss.
Finally he was able to rid her of her shirt and began his descent to the soft, creamy swell of her breasts which were barely covered by the sexy lace and ribbon of her bra. It was very unlike the ones she normally wore and he couldn't resist running his finger along the edge of the delicate material. He looked up into her face with an eyebrow raised in amusement.
"For me?" he asked, inwardly laughing at her when she scrunched up her nose.
"Of course for you. Who else would it be for?"
"It better be no one." He said baring his fangs slightly. "I do not like to share."
Kagome smiled. "I know you don't." She pushed her hips up off the bed grinding into him. His forehead dropped to her shoulder as his body quivered with the sensations running through him.
"What did I say about rushing?" He said nipping at her neck.
"Three weeks is a long time Sesshou." She whispered apologetically and felt him smile against her neck. "I need you."
"My little nymphomaniac." he chuckled against her skin, making a long swipe with his tongue down toward the valley between her breasts.
"Hey." she huffed half heartedly. "You made me this way. I was a virgin before I met you, remember?"
"How could I forget."
"You are impossible." She quipped, softly running her fingernails over the flexing muscles of his back. "But I think that's why I love you."
"You think so?" He mumbled from where his face was nuzzling her chest.
She opened her mouth to respond when she was silenced by his captured one of her sensitive nipples through the lacy material covering her. She moaned in appreciation, arching up into him more fully.
Sesshoumaru continued to ravish her with his mouth, fully convincing himself that he did not just hear that.
He paused in his ministrations, causing Kagome to whimper in protest. "What's wrong Sesshou?"
"Damn it." He growled, pushing himself off her to grab his phone out of his bag in the other room.
"Can't you ignore it?" She pleaded softly.
Sesshoumaru gazed down at the woman who had captured him so fully. She was breathtaking clad in only her lacy undergarments, her dark hair fanning out around he like a black sunburst against the white down comforter. What he wouldn't give right now to just be able to throw that phone off the balcony.
"You know I can not." He said penitently, sweeping her body one last time with his eyes before heading toward the incessant beeping. "Don't move." He ordered with a sexy smile before he disappeared out the door.
"Yes." He snarled pulling the phone to his ear.
"Whoa, easy there big guy." A young male voice sounded in his ear. "I didn't interrupt anything important did I?"
"I have been away for three weeks Shippo, what do you think?" he snapped irately. He was in no mood for the young mans banter.
"Wow, then your really not going to be happy with me."
Sesshoumaru put a hand over his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose in anticipation of the tension that was sure to come. "What do you want?"
"We need you up" Shippo said urgently.
"Did you not hear me when I said that I have just returned from a three week stay in Moscow?"
"I know I know, I'm sorry. You know we wouldn't call you unless it was an emergency."
"What is it?"
"It's a code red. I can't say anything else until you get here though."
Sesshoumaru sighed and slumped against the front door of the apartment. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes."
"Ok, and tell Kagome I said hi and sorry to drag you away like this. You should be able to go home tonight if its any consolation."
"Not really." Sesshoumaru said gruffly before slamming the phone shut and clipping it to his belt. He took a deep breath trying to calm his raging blood. A code red couldn't be ignored no matter how badly he wanted to call the little runt back and tell him where they could shove it.
When he reentered the bedroom Kagome was sitting with her knees drawn up to her chest, her chin resting on top.
"You're leaving again aren't you?" She whispered dejectedly.
He nodded and silently picked up his shirt. He couldn't stand the look of hurt in her eyes. "Shippo sends his regards."
Kagome nodded, but said nothing. Shippo was one of the few people he worked with that she had met. She watched with baleful eyes as he put his shoes on and finished buttoning his shirt.
He placed a lingering kiss on her lips. "I'll be home tonight." He said, resting his forehead against hers in a reassuring manner.
"Ok." She managed a small smile. "I just miss you."
He placed another kiss on her lips, then headed out the door. This had better be important or someone was going to pay dearly for pulling him away from her tonight.
New York City; Financial District
Friday, June 17th , 8:57 pm Eastern Pacific Time
From the outside the building didn't seem to have much to offer. Tadiama Investors was a small four story building of plain stature. Sesshoumaru walked up the cement stairs of the building, swiping his security card to get through the door.
Inside was just as plain as the outside. A simple reception desk sat across from the front door, a few blas� leather couches sat in the lobby and a plain brushed steel elevator led up stairs. The wood paneled walls were dark and out of style.
Behind the reception desk a bulky night guard sat watching the security monitors stationed out of sight behind the high counter. He nodded smartly at Sesshoumaru as he entered and murmured a tidy "Evening Mr. Takishima."
Sesshoumaru didn't bother to answer. He wanted this over as quickly as possible so he could return to Kagome. If she felt half as frustrated as he did she might have pulled her hair out by the time he got home. Or even worse, decided to finish with out him.
Striding over to the elevator with quick movements he pushed the button, stepping inside once the doors opened. When they closed behind him he moved quickly to the hidden panel at the back of the elevator. A six by six inch square in the dark paneling flipped open revealing a highly sensitive DNA scanner.
Sesshoumaru placed his hand to the scanner in a practiced motion, not even flinching at the sting as the customary low grade current ran through him. The back wall of the elevator slid open soundlessly, leading to another elevator once he had passed the DNA scan.
The door slid shut behind him and dropped quickly going nearly 100 feet below ground floor. The door opened once more and Sesshoumaru found himself standing in the lobby for CIA's largest anti-terrorism division in the world.
He quickly made his way through security, passing both DNA and retina scans. Once in, the operative scanned the room with highly irritated gold eyes that narrowed sharply when they landed on the young redheaded intelligence agent waiting for him.
"This had better be good Shippo." He warned dangerously, making the younger man gulp nervously.
Shippo nodded and motioned for Sesshoumaru to follow him into a debriefing room to the right. Once in side he found several of his fellow agents, all looking troubled, their features drawn taught in trepidation.
Shippo took a set next to Miroku Houshi, who's usually carefree face was twisted into an angry grimace and surprisingly enough was keeping his hands to himself despite the fact that Agent Tayjia was sitting right next to him. Agent Koga Wolfe was sitting across from him with his face in his hands and Agent Ayami Palmer was staring so hard at the table in front of her that he would not have been surprised if it burst into flames.
"What's going on?" He demanded as Senior Agent Kaede Knight strode into the room from the opposite door.
"It's Naraku." She said gravely. "He's threatening the city if we do not hand over the Shikon no Tama."
"And just what is he threatening the city with."
"A virus capable of taking out half the city with in two days of its release. He's calling it The Archangel."
AN: Woo-hoo! It was getting pretty good there for a while huh? So what do you think? I have most of the plot for this story already written, so updates will be fairly quick I hope. I do have The Final Bow that I am still working on , plus a few originals that I am working on getting ready to send in to some publishers, but I will do my best. Just be sure to show your love and review!